What Their Love Languages Are

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A/N: My ADHD has been kicking me in the shins and hitting me on the head with the sharpest part of the shovel. 

Word count: 1386

👽Mina Ashido👽

Mina's love language is a combination of physical touch and quality time. Activities such as cuddling on a rainy day, or cooking something together are guaranteed to make sure she feels loved. It's why whenever she's upset, she will request a hug from you, her favorite individual.

💚Tsuyu Asui💚

Quality time together is her absolute favorite way of both showing love and feeling loved. She is well-aware how busy you both can be with your career choices as pro-heroes, and how draining it can be. So whenever you both are free, she will always take you to a new bakery or take you for a walk around the park.

💕Ochaco Uraraka💕

Receiving gifts is one good way to make sure Ochaco knows she's appreciated. It doesn't have to be expensive, either. She just enjoys receiving something you put thought into, regardless if it's a diamond necklace or homemade baked goods. Plus, she enjoys paying it forward and giving you gifts when she can.

🎶Kyoka Jirou🎶

Acts of service, such as tuning one of her many guitars or cleaning the apartment, help her the most to feel loved. Although compliments and kisses on the cheek are also appreciated, coming home from a stressful mission or a tiring concert to see the apartment clean, dinner on the table, and you tuning her guitars, is something she will always love you for.

👠Momo Yaoyorozu👠

It might seem shallow, but her love language is both acts of service and receiving of gifts. You don't know how much it's appreciated when you show up with a plate of her favorite dish, or when you get her a small, yet meaningful gift. She will swear up and down that every time you do either of those small, yet kind acts, she falls even deeper in love with you.

👍Itsuka Kendo👍

It's a combination of acts of service, words of affirmation, and physical affection. It's nice to receive gifts, too, but she is someone who enjoys spending time by cuddling or cooking for someone else, as opposed to shopping for gifts. Whenever you're stressed, she also will not hesitate to put in the effort to make you feel better, so it's a win-win situation.

🔧Mei Hatsume🔧

Since it's very common for Mei to lock herself somewhere, sketching up blue-prints for potential inventions or tuning up some things around the house, sometimes you don't see her for hours on end, despite being aware that she's in the same apartment as you. It's also very common for Mei to neglect her needs, such as food, water, and socialization, so she absolutely adores when you come in with a meal ready and sit down with her for a few moments.

🎇Nejire Hado🎇

After a long day of saving many lives and filling out reports, the feeling of you embracing her in a hug can easily get her energy back. Of course, compliments and acts of service are also appreciated, but if she had to pick, then physical affection is her primary love language. 

♠Saiko Intelli♠

Acts of service all the way. She is one of those people who will not hesitate to work themselves into burn-out, and will neglect basic needs other than bathroom-breaks until the goal is accomplished. It's truly appreciated when you help clean the apartment, or prepare her a snack or two and get her cups of tea. She also doesn't hesitate in helping you out, either.

😂Ms. Joke😂

What most people might not expect of Emi is that she can be quite insecure. And while it's primarily related to her quirk or qualities, it can get to her sometimes. So, as for her love language: words of affirmation. This is especially true if she's had a rough day or is having a hard time coming up for jokes for her hobby as a stand-up comedian.

⚪Toru Hagakure⚪

With Toru's position as a full-time pro-hero and lack of energy after a long day of stress, it makes sense that the apartment can easily be dirtied or have a lack of decent food. And since nobody enjoys having a dirty home or no food in the fridge, you often take it upon yourself to clean and shop for groceries. And every time you do, she wraps you in a hug and presses kisses all over your gorgeous face.

🐰Mirko 🐰

Physical touch is the way to go for Mirko. A simple hug or kiss from you is enough to calm her down when she's feeling an intense emotion. It's even better when she returns from a long day, tired and covered in sweat, to a hug and small kiss from you. She also enjoys being patted on the head, too. 

❄Fuyumi Todoroki❄

With her busy schedule of taking care of Natsuo and Shoto, visiting her mother, and worrying for your safety, she feels loved and appreciated by a combination of acts of service and words of affirmation. She grew up in a home where it wasn't really common to show emotion, and even when it was showed, it was disappointment or anger. She enjoys having you, her favorite individual, taking care of her and reassuring her when she needs it.

👑Inko Midoriya👑

Life is often busy or cluttered for Inko, as her worries of you and Izuku dying plague her mind daily. So, after a long day of cleaning, cooking, and doing anything else she could do around the apartment, it's expected that she's going to feel burnt out and ready to fall asleep. As a result, this ends up in you, someone she cares for immensely, to either help (when you're not on missions or too injured) or simply give her positive affirmations. 

💋Mt. Lady💋

Receiving and giving of small gifts, along with receiving compliments are enough to make sure that Yu understands how loved she is. She often has days where she worries about your safety, and it will drown out her other thoughts, so it's nice to hear you give her an ounce of reassurance, or have a few small charms lying around.

🔪Himiko Toga🔪

It's a combination of all of them, actually. After all, she adores seeing you joyful and relaxed when you're with her. But if she had to pick, then the primary way she likes to be receiving affection from you is quality time. You don't get to do it particularly often, as your opposing choices in life prevent it, but when you do, even as something as simple as cuddling and chatting about your life, is the ideal date for her any day.


It's a tie between physical affection and words of affirmation. One might assume that it might be receiving of gifts, as her taste in clothing is sometimes costly, but they actually couldn't be more incorrect. Instead of travelling to the mall and walking around, buying things she will end up hating within the week, she instead prefers cuddling up to you and hearing positive affirmations being thrown her way.

💬Camie Utsushimi💬

As your careers are pro-heroes, it's rare that you and Camie get to spend quality time together, so when you do, it's even better. You will do anything and everything either of you could want, such as shopping for nice outfits or going to your favorite cafes all over Tokyo. Plus, Camie always gets cute pictures of you, so it's a win for her especially.

🍀Ibara Shiozaki🍀

Quality time all the way. Of course, it's not to where it's obsessive, but it's appreciated when you put precious time away just to spend time with her. You both don't have to be doing anything, either. You both could just be staring at the ceiling of your living room, saying nothing and drowning in your own thoughts—she'd still be satisfied.


To be honest, it depends on the mood she's in. Some days, she wants you to be physically affectionate. Other days, you helping her with certain tasks—doing the laundry or cooking—will make her only confirm that she wants to marry you. It helps that your trait of being adaptable is attractive, too. 

A/N: What is/are your love language(s)? Mine are words of affirmation and physical touch.

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