Comfort From Author

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Hey friends! Mental health right now is rough. Anxiety about what's going on is on the rise and mental health issues are getting worse. I just wanted to make sure you had a support system, because life at home can be terrifying when you're stuck with family. I know that well. I just want to do this every so often so I can help someone, if I don't then maybe I'll help someone else. I'm really nervous about posting this chapter because it might be annoying, but I'll try my best. 

I've mentioned on other books on how I have mental health issues, and it might not be the same for what you might be going through, I still want to help in anyway that I can.

As you can tell, this is going to be a different chapter than normal. If you don't want to read this for any reason, you have the option not to. 

Any Mental Health Issue : When I say mental health issue, I want to be as inclusive as possible. That means any form of PTSD, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADHD, ADD and anything else that goes on in your mind. 

Things will get better, I know it sounds cliche but it really does. If you feel like nobody will care, there are over 7 billion people on the planet. One of them will and do care. It could be a total stranger from the internet for all you know. You will find someone who will treat you how you deserve, and if you don't, treat yourself like that.

It's not your fault you struggle with the mental problems. Any issue you have that is going on in your head is not your fault.

It's not selfish, cowardly, pathetic, or pointless to seek help. Whatever you think that's negative about yourself is the problem saying it, not you. It's not an illusion or a phase. Emotions are completely natural for anyone, even if that means you go back and forth between them. Just because you can't focus doesn't mean you can't succeed. 

Sure the world will continue to spin on it's axis, but for people who care, the world will stop for them. It may be scary seeking help of any kind, but I promise you it will make your life so much better. Therapy can be for everyone, but it's your choice whether to accept it.

LGBTQA+ : Who cares about if you're LGBT anymore? Homophobia and transphobia are terrible things. You're still human, you were born the same way as everyone else. Just because you think, act, or are changing in any kind of way doesn't mean you weren't born the same way as everyone else.

I'm atheist so this might be a bit biased, but if God hates LGBTQA+, then why does it exist in the first place? Just because someone wrote something in the bible doesn't mean it's common sense. For all we know someone could have made up God as a joke. 

Look, I'm not saying to disrespect people who believe in God, I'm just saying take it with a grain of salt. If you haven't come out to anyone about being LGBT, come out when you're ready. Nobody is going to do it but you. Don't come out if you believe anyone you know is homophobic or transphobic. Wait until you move out of the house or area, and if they attack you for it once you've moved out, report them for harassment. Sounds a little extreme but it can save your life. If you have come out and in a terrible situation, talk to someone about it and allow them to help you in anyway possible. It will get better, I promise.

Feeling Like An Outcast : You might be bullied for this fact, I've been bullied for my appearance so I understand. But school is not forever, it may feel like it, but it's not. If it gets worse, simply convert to other schooling options if you have the option to. If you don't, write stories and your thoughts. Sounds stupid but this fact has actually saved my life.

Who cares about being popular? Think about it, if you do become popular and tell people, they're going to think you were a mean person because of the media. So stick in there as well as you can. TELL A TEACHER, even if it's an email or note, tell them. Make good memories for these years so you will have the ability to laugh at those times, laughter is the best medicine after all :).

Passed On People You Care About : I have experienced this, I lost my dog and grandmother in 2018, then lost my uncle in 2019. I know what it feels like, and it sucks to say that grief never goes away. Sure you might accept the fact and move on, but the pain never goes away. 

But let me tell you something, cry all you want. Cry at lunch, cry at a friends house, cry anywhere you need to. If people judge you for it, screw them. They don't deserve the breath or your empathy. The memories you made with that person are priceless. If you never got to say goodbye properly, do what I do. I write letters to those I've lost. They might not read them, but it will make you feel better. If you don't feel like it, always make sure you always keep a memento that reminds you of them. Just because you got someone else doesn't mean you're replacing them. 

That's all I can really think about, sorry if this seemed annoying or unnecessary, I just think some people needed this. The world isn't hell but it sure ain't heaven, and that's okay. DM me if you're comfortable with telling me your problems. In a way it would be helping me as well.

Things might not be fine and dandy right now, or ever. But as a society, we have each other's backs ❤❤❤❤. Next chapter will be up soon.

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