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The moment replays in my mind constantly, even three months later. I wasn't ready for it. I didn't expect it and honestly Joe didn't expect the words to fly from his mouth either. I had known that from the moment they did. His eyes filled themselves with panic as soon as the words left his mouth.

"Marry Me."

The words had left the tip of his tongue as if he had practiced a million times. But I knew that he had no intention of asking me the way that he did. It was unplanned, we were both unprepared. But somehow, someway, my answer flew from my lips without a second thought. And he definitely wasn't expecting it.


His eyes widened with shock; he hadn't expected my answer. He had expected for me to say no, to have some excuse as to why it wasn't the time and believe me there were plenty of reasons I should've said no in that moment. We had only been back together three months after our breakup. We had a multitude of things we needed to work through, and we were not at all ready for marriage. As a unit or individually.

"Yes?" he said, sitting up further and staring at me for a moment, looking into my eyes and around my face to see a single sign of doubt. But he found none. "You'll marry me?"

A smile, one I thought was soft but was probably terrifying had reached my lips. "Yes, I'll marry you." I had told him, disbelief in my own tone, not believing the conversation as it happened.

"You're sure?" he asked, worried.

"Joseph Adam," I started, sitting straighter and facing him fully. "I've told you before but let me refresh your memory."

He sat, waiting for me to continue.

"You make me the best me that I can be. I've never been prouder of the person I am than I am when I'm with you. Being with you has always been the one thing in my life that I've been sure of. When my world was falling apart, you were my constant. Even when we weren't together, I knew that you were the one that would be able to make me be me again. To pull me out of it. You were the only one. I'm still figuring out myself and what I'm passionate about. I'm still learning myself. But you are the one thing I've never had to question. So, am I sure? I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I want nothing more than to marry you." I told him, making that famous smile appear on his lips. The smile I longed to see.

Reaching forward, Joe pulled me into him, pressing his lips to mine in the gentle way I had become accustomed to.

"I don't have a ring." He mentioned after pulling out of our kiss, making me laugh.

"I don't need a ring to accept a proposal."

"I know... but I had hoped to have one."

I laughed at him, knowing he was being fully honest with his statement.

Of course, this conversation had led to many others. Along with many other decisions that as a twenty-five-year-old woman I never thought I'd have to make. And no, they didn't have to do with the wedding. Wedding preparations have yet to start, there were more important things to focus on. The first being something we had started only two weeks after becoming engaged.

"So, what brings you two in?"

"We've had a complicated past," Joe had stated to the older woman seated across from us. "We want to talk about the things that once tore us apart. This way they don't come back around in the long run. We've recently become engaged and want the best for our future."

"What type of things?" the woman had asked, looking to me to speak.

"Um, well, Back in March we broke up. It wasn't a pretty break up, in fact, it brought some of our worst qualities out."

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now