fifty three.

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"Alright, my love, where do you want to start?" Joe asks, setting down the last bin holding all of our Holiday decorations in the center of the living room.

I grin, looking at the multiple bins. "I think we should separate them into rooms. Like this one," I point to the labeled bin off to my right. "Has all the outside decorations in it."

"So, I'll put it near the front door," he says, grabbing that one along with another one while I set aside those that have the tree decorations in them.

Once all the bins are organized, I take a deep breath, letting it out.

"This makes me happy she's napping," I sigh, making him chuckle. "That's why I figured we'd start."

"Well, let's go ahead and do the outside stuff first. We'll come back in, and we can start some of the simple decorations, and then tonight when she goes down we'll set up the tree and make sure it looks right so that tomorrow we can decorate it when we get home."

He nods. "Do we wanna do anything special tomorrow night?"

"Well, I think we agreed on Thanksgiving evening being the night we decorate for the holidays as a family, which we're going to do. Do we want to do like a movie night or something?"

"That's what I was thinking," he shrugs. "I was thinking maybe just a short one. Like tomorrow night maybe Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving or something."

I nod. "Yeah, that works. It's not too long and it should keep her attention."

He grins, nodding in return. "Okay, so let's head outside then."

Bundling up a little, the both of us walk out into the front yard, my phone propped up on the porch with Willa's monitor on the screen so we can see and hear if she wakes up while we put up the decorations.

Unfortunately, however, as Joe works on putting up the lights... struggling I may add, I'm only able to set up our set of reindeer and one inflatable which happens to be one of two Mickey and Minnie snowmen when Willa begins on the monitor.


Joe chuckles, letting his arms fall with the lights still in his hands.

"So much for getting more done," I sigh.

"I think I'm gonna call Kev to help with these," he admits, pressing his lips together.

"Good idea. You do that and I'm going to go get the princess."

He smiles, giving me a quick kiss before I run into the house and to Willa's room.

"Hi baby," I smile at her, making her grin widely in return, letting me lift her out of her crib and place her firmly on my hip.


"You want a snack?" I ask, laughing lightly.

"Yeah," she says, giggling.

"Okay," I tell her, changing her diaper before entering the kitchen and opening the pantry. "Goldfish or fruit strip?" I ask, grabbing the boxes for both and letting her reach out to grab the fruit strip box. "Fruit strip it is," I nod, taking it out and putting the box away before unwrapping it and handing it to her.

As she starts munching away on her snack, I take her to the living room, moving the few totes of Christmas decorations to the side with my leg before plopping down onto the couch with her on my lap.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her.

She stares at me, chewing the food in her mouth.

"Play?" I ask.

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