forty two.

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The happiest squeal and a finger in my eye force my eyes to open, and my brows instantly furrowed.

"Willa, you weren't supposed to hurt mommy," Joe chuckles.

I look over to him, grinning at me cheekily.

"Is she hungry?"

"No," he chuckles. "Well, yes, but not for your boob."

I sit up, now noticing a simple platter of breakfast food at the end of the bed, French toast, eggs, potatoes, fruit, and juice, along with a bouquet of flowers nearby.

"Happy first Mother's Day," he smiles.

I let out a breath in awe, looking over at him as my eyes soften at the gesture. "Thank you."

He simply grins, looking down at Willa who sits with toy, banging it against the bed.

I grin, laying my head in her lap for her to giggle at me. "Hi my little nugget."

She squeals, reaching down and trying to eat my face, droll covering my cheek now.

"Thank you so much, my dear, that was incredible."

Joe laughs as I sit up, allowing Willa to start crawling across the bed and grab food off the tray before beginning to naw on it.

"I think that's her way of telling us we should probably eat," I tell Joe.

He laughs, nodding. "Yeah, I think you're right."

We eat the food Joe had prepared, laughing, and talking about how the last almost ten months have been with Willa and how much I have personally changed. I went from being someone who didn't want a kid because she was so scared to someone who now cannot imagine my life without her in it.

"Okay, so Willa may have got you something."

"Willa did, huh?" I ask, pushing my plate away as we both finish eating.

He hums, pulling out a small box and holding it out for me to take.

I keep eye contact with him, gently taking the box before looking down at it and slowly opening it to reveal the most beautiful diamond necklace with Willa's name, making me let out yet another breath in awe.

"Joe," I say, shaking my head, speechless.

He grins, gently taking it from me and putting it on me. "Don't," he sighs. "You never let me get you anything, so don't think of it as a gift from me. Think of it as your first gift from her."

I sigh. "It's beautiful."

He grins, kissing me. "I'm glad you like it."

"Okay, now, we should probably get back to our regularly scheduled day."

"Yeah," Joe hums, shaking his head. "Or not."

"What do you mean, or not?"

"Because Mother's Day does not end with this little breakfast date we just had," he grins. "There's a lot more where this came from."

"What does that even mean?"

He smirks. "I'm taking Willa downstairs, you go shower, do your hair and your makeup. We are going to do something today."

"Wait, hair and makeup? Why?"

He chuckles, grabbing Willa. "Say bye mommy," he says, waving to try and get her to do so. "Bye mommy. Go get ready mommy."

She giggles in his arms as he leaves the room.

Of course he would plan something. I don't know why I thought he wouldn't make today extra special. I want to make his first Father's Day special, why wouldn't he want to do the same for me? I guess I better do as he tells me before I look a fool for whatever he's got planned for today.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon