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He smiles. "We're getting the band back together."

I smile widely towards him. "You're getting the band back together."

"On another note," he says immediately afterwards, grinning.

My brows raise in question.

"Wedding plan. Give me updates. Go."

"Well, if I'm being honest, basically everything is planned. We have flowers, venue, vendors, decorations, all of that. We have to come up with the seating chart once we send out the RSVPs, but we've already begun designing those and they'll be able to be sent out when we've settled on a date. Which reminds me, how soon is this Jonas Brothers thing taking off because... that's going to determine a lot."

Joe sighs, "I was actually going to mention that. We want a winter wedding. However, if we wait till next winter, the Jonas Brothers are going to be announced again, we're going to be promoting, and all of it. So, we won't have time for a honeymoon, we won't have time to find a house, we won't have time for any of the things that we've been looking forward to doing. So-"

"So, you were thinking of getting married this winter, not next winter."

He raises his eyebrows. "You think I'm crazy?"

I shake my head. "No. I want the honeymoon. I want the house hunting, the moving in, the settling it. I want us to be able to get used to be married for at least a short while before this huge part of our lives is started."

He nods. "That is, if anyone ends up excited about the Jonas Brothers reunion in the first place."

"The Jonas Brothers fans will show up, Joe."

He gives me a look.

"They will. I have confidence in that, and I never even knew the band existed until after we met."

"Okay, so, now we have to figure out if it'll be possible to move the wedding up so soon with everything you and the girls have worked on with the wedding planner."

"I'll message the wedding planner and see if she can get us in in the morning."

"Is she gonna have time to meet with us tomorrow?"

"She'll make time. It's us."

He chuckles, rolling his eyes.


"We have to be there at 7am, work for you?"

"You know it does," he nods.

"You shouldn't probably just stay here tonight since it'll be so early," I tell him, sliding slickly to his side and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I thought we agreed none of that until we live together?"

"Yeah, but I missed you and we have a meeting with her so early in the morning. There's no point in you going home, sleeping alone and then making your way back over here to pick me up and go to the wedding planner. It would just be easier."

"You can stop trying to convince me, I'm in." He says.

I squeal at the queasy feeling as he lifts and spins me, dropping me back onto the floor a moment later.

The next morning, waking bright and early, the two of us get ready, simply, moving around each other as if it's a normal custom, as if we've been doing it forever. Reminding me how excited I am to be with the man I slept next to last night, for the rest of my life.

We get into the car, drive to the office, and enter, being her first meeting of the day.

"I'm going to need you to not kill us," I start after greetings have been exchanged.

"Oh no," she says, giving me a look.

"We need to move the wedding up, majorly."

"How majorly?" she asks.

"Late January..." I tell her after a nervous look.

Her eyes widen. "Oh my. Okay, we can work it out. You guys are still set on everything right? We just need to get our vendors, venue, and all to agree to moving up the date?"

The both of us nod.

"May I ask the reason?" she asks after a moment of typing.

"Something in my career is making next winter a little unpredictable. We don't know where we're going to be, what's going to be happening or anything. So, that being said, we want time for the honeymoon, house hunting, and all."

She nods at him in response. "Well, if you ask me, that's a pretty good reason."

The both of us laugh, although it's only to be polite.

"Alright, so do we have a date specifically, so I can make these calls today and try to figure it out?"

"I was thinking around January 21st. It's far enough away for notice, but not too far that it's too close to the end of winter. Plus giving us time to do the things that we want to before his big career thing happens."

She nods. "Okay, Will you settle for something around there if the venue doesn't have that date open specifically."

We nod.

"Okay," she nods, writing it down. "I don't think I need anything else from you guys so I will make these calls today and get back to you this evening with all I come up with. Sound good?" She asks, looking between us.

I nod. "Absolutely. "Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice and helping us out."

"Of course! I will do everything I can to figure this out."

We nod, thanking her again and leaving the office, going back to the apartment, greeting Porky, taking him on his walk, and then settling on the couch to watch our show.

Later in the evening, my phone rings.

"It's the wedding planner!" Joe yells grabbing my phone and holding it out behind him as he stirs the food on the stove with his other hand.

I jog out of the bedroom, grabbing the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi Addison, how are you?"

"Good! How are you? I'm sure tired."

"I have to admit I am, but I have great news. I was able to get everything switched to January 21st. Venue, vendors, and all. We have a wedding!"

I squeal in excitement, unable to contain it. "Yay! You are the best! Thank you so so much!"

"Of course! However, we still have a bit of work to do and now it's coming up fast! Can we schedule a meeting for the day after tomorrow?"

"Absolutely, how's 9?"

"Perfect, I will see you then."

"Awesome, thank you again!"

"You're welcome, have a good night!"

We hang up and I turn to Joe, the smile on my face giving the news... along with the squeal he so obviously heard."

"We have a wedding?" He asks.

"We have a wedding!!" I squeal again, hugging him.

He chuckles. "I never considered you one to squeal."

I laugh, pushing him gently. "Shut up."

He laughs, kissing me before going back to the food as I go back to the couch with Porky.

We have a wedding date. We have a wedding. Holy shit. I'm getting married.


first, I want to thank all of you for your patience, your support, and your love. It means the world to me and I'm so grateful. 

Here's the first chapter of me being back and I assure you I plan to continue writing chapters in the next week as I have a bit of free time. 

please comment and vote and let me know your thoughts on the chapter! 

all my love,


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