twenty two.

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Two months of whirlwind planning shows, and press has been filling Joe's time. Along with already working on new music as the boys can't seem to do, which isn't a bad thing. He tries to make it home at a decent time on the nights I don't go out with him, but it isn't always possible and a lot of the time, I'm asleep by the time he arrives. It doesn't stop him from wrapping me in his arms and sleeping as close as possible, though, thank goodness.

Thankfully, the time has done some good for me. I've been able to throw myself into writing a bit more and have now decided on a genre to focus on for a book to work on. Young adult romance has been the genre to capture my attention the most, so the plan to write that has become more and more alluring. Joe's completely supportive, encouraging me to stay home some nights to write instead of coming with him, no matter how badly I can see he wants me there.

Stella's been really busy with school since our last girls night, but I'm proud of her for doing so well in her studies. She's currently on the dean's list and I couldn't be prouder.

Currently, however, I find myself staring at the blank Word document in front of me on my old laptop Stella had given me a while ago. I'm due for a new one, I know this, but I'm not asking Joe for the money for one and I don't have it myself so this will do. It's more than capable of doing what it needs to do. It's just a bit temperamental. The silence is all too loud for me to not notice the door slam shut downstairs. A grin immediately spreads across my lips as I hop up from the desk and jog down the stairs.

"How'd the tour announcement do?" I ask, entering the kitchen after hearing the fridge shut.

"Hello to you too," he grins.

"Hi," I smile, kissing him quickly. "How'd the tour announcement do?"

"Great. The fans seem excited, the press is already going crazy about it, and everything is looking up."

"Good," I give him a solid nod, taking a potato chip off his plate and throwing it into my mouth.

"What about you? What were you up to?" he asks, taking a bite of the sandwich I didn't realize he was making.

"I was attempting to write... but I'm having no luck getting anything out of here," I point to my head. "Onto the paper."

He grins. "You have too much going on up there."

"I'm trying to clear my mind and just focus on letting the ideas flow onto the paper, but I can't. I have too many ideas to choose from."

He chuckles. "I know the feeling. It'll come, just give it time. You'll know which idea to start with when it comes to you."

"I don't want to give it time," I whine, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"You don't have a choice," he says playfully.

I roll my eyes. "You gonna be out late?"

He sighs. "We've got tour rehearsals tonight, so probably. You tagging or staying home?"

I poke my lips out to one side. I could go. I haven't been out with him the past few nights... but I really feel like I'm on the brink of something great with my writing. My teeth find my bottom lip and I tug it to the side for a second.

"Would you kill me if I stayed home instead?"

He chuckles.

"I feel like I'm so close," I tell him, throwing my head back.

"Stay home and write," he says, sliding his hands from my shoulders to my wrists before gently holding both of my hands. "It's nice to see you so into something. It's taken you a while to find it."

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