thirty six.

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I can't decide if pregnancy is going by quickly or slowly. The past few weeks have been full of what Dani's called nesting. I've been in her room more and more putting things away, organizing, doing the laundry, and ultimately preparing for her to arrive. Joe's been helping, though he's also been trying to allow me to have the time to myself to focus on preparing for her. I think he thinks it'll help me mentally prepare for becoming a mother. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. More than I was before, if anyone would believe that's possible. About becoming a mother, what it takes, what is expected, and how everyone's going to react when I'm not the hands-on excited mother that everyone is expecting me to be. Also, how disappointed everyone will be when learning of my doubts and lack of excitement about becoming a mother. Regardless of Joe's constant hope and encouragement. Hope and Victoria have been texting in the group chat about coming out when it becomes closer to my due date, hoping to be here for her arrival but not wanting to step on any toes by assuming they can stay with Joe and I. Stella offered for them to stay with her, but they didn't want to be too far away from me either. Finally, they settled on renting a house near Joe and me, only ten minutes away to be exact. They said they'd stay for a week, but something tells me they'll stay longer. Stella stated that she'd probably stay with them a few of the nights, just to spend time and be nearby in case I were to need them.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Joe asks, letting out a sigh.

"Joe, I'm fine. I'll be here, putting away more things, as if she needs more, and maybe watch some Modern Family. That's the furthest I'll go. "

He chuckles, walking over and giving me a kiss. "Okay, I'll be back in a couple of hours. I'm just going to go workout and then I'll be back."

"Yeah, until you and Nick start writing a song or watching a game," I tell him, narrowing my eyes.

He grins. "Not today. You're too close to term, I don't even really feel right about going at all."

"I'll be fine. Go hang out with Nick for a bit."

He smiles, nodding. "Okay, okay. I'm going. I love you."

"I love you too."

One more kiss and he's on his way, jogging down the stairs before I hear the door to the house slam shut.

I laugh lightly at his concern, pulling the basket of clean laundry over to me in the middle of the floor and beginning to fold it and place some on hangers.

After an hour or so, I find myself heading down to the kitchen, grabbing the leftover breakfast burrito Joe had made me this morning and heating it in the microwave before beginning to eat, sipping on orange juice along with it.

"Ow," the word slips from my lips as my hand reaches down to my stomach, my brows furrowing as I look down at my belly. "What the hell was that for?"

I sigh after a moment, eating the rest of the burrito and cleaning my plate and cup, placing them on the drying rack next to the sink. I then make my way back upstairs, ready to fold and put away more clothes, organize the diaper changing table, and then relax and watch Modern Family.

As I arrive closer to the nursery, my phone begins to ring, leading me to somehow make it onto the floor in time to answer the FaceTime call.

"Hey," I sigh, trying to catch my breath.

"Hey," Hope laughs. "How ya feeling?"

"Tired, achy, and ready for her to get the hell out."

Another laugh. "Every mom I've ever known has always said pregnancy sucks but once you're not pregnant anymore, you miss it."

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now