forty six.

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"And she's down," I sigh, plopping on the couch next to Joe, taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl in his hands. "What are we watching?"

He chuckles. "Not sure yet but we do need to finish talking first."

I nod. "Oh yeah, tour."

He nods. "Less than a month away."

I huff out a breath. "Well, we officially decided against me staying home with her while you tour. She's too attached to you and would cause an uproar if she didn't see you at all for months."

He chuckles again. "Yes, as would I."

"Great, so now we need to come up with a plan for traveling with a toddler."

"To be fair, she still acts like a baby right now."

I shake my head. "Not for long, I feel it coming."

He laughs. "Okay, okay. So, traveling with a toddler."

"Well, most of it's going to be on me, because you'll be working. Which isn't a problem, I won't have anything else to do but I think I wanna keep her on schedule as much as possible. Then again, I do think she'd like to watch you from backstage here and there too."

"So, do we change her schedule now so she can stay up later?"

I sigh. "Maybe? I don't know. Right now she goes to bed between 7:30 and 8. If we change her schedule for her to stay up for shows, she'd be up until ten or eleven. Unless she doesn't stay up for the whole thing, which is more likely I suppose."

He nods. "I mean I think maybe push her bedtime back an hour? Have her go to bed around nine. She sees the first half of the show," he shrugs.

"Yeah, but I'll be backstage with her too. So, if she falls asleep what? Do we keep a pack and play in the dressing room? Do I just go to the bus?"

He sighs, pressing his lips together. "Good point."

"I'm nervous," I admit after a moment.

He licks his lips again. "Me too."

"I thought about asking Dani for advice but... the girls were already older when you guys went on tour last time. Willa's only one. She says two words, mama and dada. That's it."

He nods. "We're the first to have a toddler on the road with us."

"Well, we just have to have a plan. I think we don't change her schedule, keep her on her current one but we here and there adjust slightly to allow her to see you on stage, backstage of course."

He nods again. "Okay, I can get that."

"Okay, and then we'll keep a pack and play in the dressing room so that I have the option to keep her in there or go onto the bus."

"Okay, so that figures out what to do during the shows. Now the rest of the day. We can only bring so many things when we travel."

"Right, so I'm more thinking we bring her favorite few when we leave, as she grows out of them, we'll get some more newer toys. As for clothes, we'll only be out of town for a little while before we come back, and we can switch out clothes then since she'll probably be growing out of her current size."

"Yeah, I don't think we need to stress about that."

"I think the hardest part is going to be keeping her busy during the day." I sigh. "But we'll get through it. We'll get into a routine."

"Can we talk about something else, too?" He asks.

I nod, looking over while putting more popcorn in my mouth.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ