forty eight.

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"Babe, she'll be fine, she's with family," Joe says. "And they only live thirty minutes away."

"I know, I know," I sigh before leaning down and kissing her nose one more time, making her scrunch up her face and giggle. "Mama loves you, baby, I'll see you later today okay?"

Willa simply giggles again, allowing me to kiss her forehead and pry myself away from her, closing the car door.

"We've got her, I promise," Nick assures me, hugging me. "Plus, Dani, Kev, and the girls are already at our place. She'll have a blast."

"Okay, well-" I start.

"We trust you," Joe cuts me off, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into him. "No matter how much it seems like she doesn't."

Nick chuckles. "I get it, it's your first time being away from her."

"Thank you," I tell him, letting him climb in the car and drive away with Willa. I stick out my bottom lip, turning to Joe.

He chuckles, rubbing my arms. "She's okay."

"I know she is," I sigh. "But what about me?"

He laughs again, pulling me in for a hug and kissing my head. "I know this is hard for you, but I really appreciate you meeting these nannies. They've already done major background checks and everything. We only called a few that we thought would fit."

"I still can't believe you found a few so quickly."

He chuckles, shrugging. "The team found them, really. I just gave the request for help."

I nod and we make our way back into the house, it now feeling unusually empty and quiet.

"Okay, so, the first nanny should be here in a few minutes. Do you have your list of interrogation questions ready to go?" he asks.

I give him a look, making him chuckles. "Why do you have to word it like that?"

"Because I know you and I know this is hard for you and the only way you're going to get through it is by scaring the living shit out of whoever walks through that door wanting to take care of Willa and whoever is up for the challenge is the one that you're most comfortable with."

I sigh, shrugging. "That's not fair."

He raises his eyebrows.

"But, yes, I have my questions ready."

He nods knowingly, chuckling yet again.

Soon enough, the first candidate arrives, Joe politely greeting her before bringing her into the house and into the kitchen where he offers a glass of water, which she denies.

"This is my wife, Addison," Joe grins.

"It's so nice to meet you," she smiles, shaking my hand. "I'm Claire."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Claire," I grin.

"Should we sit?" Joe offers, gesturing to the table and sitting down next to me. "So, Claire, not to be rude but we're kind of on a time crunch here so I'm gonna get straight to the point, that cool?"

She nods. "Perfect."

"Awesome," he nods. "What made you pursue a career in being a nanny?"

"Well," she starts. "I became a nanny because I love kids. I mean, I didn't grow up with younger siblings, just cousins and they were so much fun to help take care of when the family was together. It was just something I knew I wanted to do since I was young."

Joe nods. "Gotcha, gotcha. What um, qualifications do you have?"

"I have a degree in Childhood Development as well as about three years of experience after obtaining my degree."

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