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Later in the evening, I find myself sitting at the counter with a cup of tea while Dani puts the girls to bed, staring at the wall and beginning to think of all the things that need to be taken care of for the wedding.

"What's on your mind?" Dani's voice breaks my stare, making me blink a few times and look over as she starts filling a pot with water for tea.

"Oh, I was just thinking about wedding planning. All I still have to do," I tell her, grinning.

She nods. "Well, we could always go over a few things while you're here... if you'd like of course."

"Yeah, I um, I was actually wondering if you'd mind if Stella, Hope, and Victoria came to stay for a few days. I'd really like all of you to be a part of the wedding planning. I was hoping to get some done while Joe's gone since he's not super interested in being a part of the planning. He said he'd rather it be everything I'd ever hope for and he's not too picky on anything."

She grins, turning to me. "Of course! I'd love to get to know them."

I smile wide. "Thank you, Dani. I really appreciate it. You have no idea."

"I'm so excited to have you joining the family, honestly. I can't wait to meet your people and get to know the people that you come from and are comfortable with."

"Well, I'm comfortable with you too..." I tell her.

She nods. "I know that. But I mean your people. It's different. You're comfortable with us in a different way."

I nod, thinking of these words. I mean, she's right. I am different around Hope and Tori and Stella. It's a different side of me than the me that's around the Jonas's. I mean, I feel like I'm really myself with Dani and Kevin... to an extent. But the girls? They're... the girls. They were my rock for a long time. They were what got me through life before Joe came along. Before my life changed. They're so important to me. I don't think I'll ever be able to express it.

"You okay?" Dani asks, tilting her head slightly.

I snap back in again, grinning. "Yeah, I just, I had never thought of how separate my life is from the old one. I'm kinda curious if it makes them feel a certain way."

"They're happy for you, Addison. I doubt they're upset or anything about the life you've created and are creating with Joe."

"No, I know." I gulp. "I just, I never realized how different things are now. I never paid attention to it. I mean, we talk but not nearly as much as we used to and... I feel bad."

Dani stands, watching me.

"I just... I have this new life and... I need to invite them. How soon can they come?"

"Whenever they're available," she tells me softly, grinning and pouring the now boiling water into two mugs.

I text the girls in the group chat, asking them to come to New Jersey in order to visit and help plan. They agree, of course.

"They said yes," I grin to her.

"Good, how about you go ahead and look up plane tickets and we'll go half and half for them."

"Really?" I ask, surprised. "Dani, it's okay, I can-"

"I know you can. But I want to help," she tells me. "Let me help."

I nod. "Okay."

We look for the tickets, finding some that makes it possible for them to arrive around the same time the next day. We then purchase them; I send them the details and tell them I can't wait to see them.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now