fifty five.

117 4 0

"Shit, shit, shit," Joe's whisper catches my attention, making me rub my eyes and roll onto my back, looking up at him with my head on his lap.

I give him a confused look as he places his phone to his ear.

"Hello? ... What? ... Okay, okay. Do you need me to come? ... Okay, yeah, I'll come now. ... No, man, it's fine. You need me, I'm on my way. ... Alright, bye."

Joe hangs up the phone, looking down at me with slightly panicked eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, now fully away.

"Nick needs me to meet him at the hospital. He's freaking out. Their surrogate just gave birth to their daughter."

My eyes widen, Joe resting a hand on my back as I sit up. "Wait, what? They weren't due until April."

Joe nods. "I know, that's why he's freaking out. He said Pri's struggling and he's trying to stay strong for her but he's freaking out on the inside and when I asked him if he wanted me to come at first he said no and then changed his mind. I don't know. Are you going to be okay if I go, my love?"

I nod. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine. What time is it?"

"It's only nine," he tells me, standing. "You passed out in the first ten minutes of the movie."

"Dammit," I groan.

He chuckles. "You should go back to sleep, my love, you're growing us a little human."

I nod, sighing. "Yeah, I should. I still can't believe I'm already fourteen weeks. I didn't even realize I was pregnant that whole time."

He grins. "At least you're not really a drinker."

I nod. "True. But anyway, go help Nick. Stay as long as he needs you. Willa and I will be fine for a day."

He nods, patting his pockets to ensure he has everything before walking over and kissing me once, twice, a longer one for the third.

"Joe," I laugh lightly.

"I hate leaving you," he says.

"Nick needs you."

"I know, I gotta go," he kisses my temple, rushing out of the house.



I inhale deeply, the sound startling me awake.


I blink, rubbing my eyes and getting up from the bed, walking from my room to Willa's opening the door and grinning at her. "Good morning, baby."

After changing her diaper and putting her in the outfit of the day, I take her downstairs, giving her some dry cereal, fruit, and milk for breakfast. Once she's done, she runs into the living room to play while I stay behind and clean up.

I can't help but wonder how things are going at the hospital. I want to call Joe and ask but I don't want to pry, and I know he's helping Nick get through right now. I need to leave him be and let him do what he needs to do for his brothers. I could take Willa outside today. It's actually really nice out and she could use some outside time. That's a plus about being back in LA, the weather's nicer than New Jersey in mid-January. She'd enjoy being outside for a while, and there's no time limit since we have no plans.

"Willa, you wanna go outside, baby?" I ask, peering in at her as I put the broom away.

"Yeah," she says softly, nodding.

"Okay, let's get your jacket," I tell her, grabbing it from the front closet and sliding it on her before putting on her shoes and taking her into the backyard, Jessica coming outside only a few minutes later.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now