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Two days later, Joe and I stand in the kitchen of my apartment, his suitcase for a two-week vacation with his brothers in his car downstairs... with said brothers.

"Okay," I sigh, grinning up at him. "Have fun. Be good."

He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close in one sleek movement, waiting for me to lay a hand on his check before continuing.

"I'm gonna miss you like crazy," he says.

I grin. "I'm gonna miss you too... but we've done this before. And you need to."

He nods. "I gotta try."

"Exactly. We'll talk. Facetime when you can. Although you'll be hours and hours ahead of me."

He chuckles. "We'll make it work; we always do."

I nod. "I know. You better go, you're gonna miss your flight."

He nods, pulling me in tighter and kissing my head. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I tell him, looking up and giving him a kiss. "Go."

He grins, nodding and leaving the apartment, leaving me to look around the apartment. "Ew."

It's a mess if I'm honest. I've been so busy focusing on Joe and the wedding to even spend a moment thinking about the apartment I've neglected. It happens with life, I know, but not to me. It's bothersome... and somehow all of a sudden, it's messing with my brain.

Frantically running around the apartment, I quickly yet thoroughly clean everything, only stopping when my phone rights, Joe's ringtone blaring through the speakers.

Furrowing my brows, I grab my phone answering the Facetime call.

"Hey," he grins, tiredly.

"Hey, you guys are there already? It's only been like, an hour."

He raises his brows. "No, babe, it's been," he pauses, glancing over to the clock. "3 hours. I mean, we're not there yet, we're on the plane. But we're going to sleep so I figured I'd go ahead and call you to say goodnight."

"It's been three hours already?" I ask, glancing around at the now spotless apartment.

He nods. "What have you been doing?"

"Cleaning," I admit, grinning slightly.

He chuckles. "Well, I guess that'll do it, huh?"

I laugh lightly, nodding. "Yeah."

"I forgot to tell you before, Dani had mentioned something about you going to stay with her and the girls while we're gone. That way you both have someone to chill with and the girls get to see you cause they've been asking for ya."

"Oh, okay. Yeah, that sounds good. I'll have to look at flights."

"Use my account. My card is on there so just use that," he says.

I give him a look. He knows that I hate when he buys everything for me. "I think I can handle a one-way ticket to New Jersey, babe."

"I know you can. But I want to buy it for you. So, use my card."

I sigh. "Fine. But I'm buying the one to come home."

He chuckles, nodding. "Deal."

"Okay, go to bed. I know you're tired," I tell him.

"I love you, Addison." He says thoughtfully after a moment of staring.

"I love you too, Joe," I respond, grinning at him. "Goodnight."

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now