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"Alright, Jess, you sure you're good?" Joe asks, putting a thumbs up to the nanny sitting on the couch as I sit on the chair near the front door, Willa on a stool in front of me as I fix her hair, one of her shoes popping off.

"Uh-oh," she says. "Uh-oh, mommy."

"Yeah, uh oh," I tell her, finishing her hair and reaching for the shoe, letting out a sigh as I sit back up and put it on her. "Okay, baby, let's go."

"Okay," Joe sighs. "The guys that are coming to build the thing in the backyard should be here any time. Just let 'em do what they gotta do. We'll be back in a couple hours."

She nods. "Sounds good!"

I grin at her. "Farmers market and groceries. That is our mission."

She laughs lightly as we head out of the house with Willa holding my hand.

"Say bye!" I tell her.

"Bye!" she says, waving with her free hand.

"Bye sweet girl!" she calls after us.

Actually having a home in Miami makes it feel weird to walk outside and feel the difference in the weather. Though I love the outfits of the day, Joe in his jeans and blue and green floral button down, Willa in her pink shirt with dress overalls, and me with the spaghetti strap ankle-length black dress. I climb into the car, letting Joe buckle Willa into her car seat.

Making it to the farmers market not long later, Joe and gets Willa out of the car while I round to their side, smiling widely at her as she reaches up.


"Hi," I tell her, grinning. "Mommy cannot carry you right now, my love. Mommy can hold your hand though."

She takes my hand, smiling and bouncing around for a second while Joe gets settled before we head over to the market across the street.

"Mommy, look!" she says, pointing to one of the setups.

"I see, baby," I grin, nodding.

"Mama, berries?" she asks after a few moments, pointing at the mix of berries at a stand.

"Those are berries, yeah," I nod. "Do you want berries to eat this week?" I ask.

Joe stops a few steps ahead of us, watching and grinning as he does so.

"Daddy, berries!"

"Berries, yeah!" he grins. "Mama asked you if you want berries this week, can you give mama an answer?"

She stares at him, picking at her upper lip.

"Hey, hey," I tell her, gently removing her hand from her mouth. "Do you want berries to eat this week?"

"Yes!" she answers, hopping once.

"Okay!" I laugh lightly at the enthusiasm. "Berries it is!"

"Berries it is!" Joe grins, walking up and ordering multiple things of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and more fruit that they have available, knowing that the both of us will completely devour them. "Okay, moving on."

By the time we're done, our grocery store list is now minimal, finding a lot of amazing things at the farmer's market.

"You're happy," Joe grins as he drives.

I nod. "I like that we know the stories behind all of the stuff we just bought. And I love that it'll be better for us too. Being fresh and all."

He nods. "We should do this more often. I know a few farmers markets both in LA and New York that I think we should go to."

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now