twenty five.

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This is my least favorite part of the day. The part where Joe goes to work for a bit, and I have to sit here waiting like a lost puppy. Being able to have at least a couple of hours together each day has really helped me feel more connected to him again. The only problem now is that I crave even more time with him. I'm needy, I suppose. Thankfully, however, I'm able to be close enough that I can actually watch the boys during their meet and greet, which is always fun. I love watching them interact with their fans, and hearing the stories that come along with it is amazing.

Fan after fan, I watch as they thank them for their music, flirt shamelessly, and make the most of their few moments with their favorite band, finishing off the time with a picture smiling widely at the camera.

"It's cool to watch, right?" Dani asks from beside me, grinning.

I nod. "Yeah, I love to hear all of their stories. It's interesting to hear how their music affected so many lives."

Dani nods. "I know. It's so special."

"Girl, stop."

Dani and I turn, looking over to the new two girls walking in to meet the boys.

"Hi, how are you guys?" Kevin starts, smiling.

The girls greet them before one of them licks her lips and looks over at Joe. "I just want you to know that I feel really bad for you that you fell for such a gold digger. Like, obviously she's just with you for the money. You deserve so much better than someone who's gonna use you like that."

Joe licks his lips, taking a second to compose himself. "I appreciate the concern," he grins. "But I am very well aware of my wife and her intentions with our relationship."

"Well, I don't think you do, because if you did I don't think you'd be with her. Or I mean, at least you didn't strike me as the one to be okay with being used like that. I mean, she came up out of the blue, she's not a celebrity or anything. No one knows her and that just makes it obvious that-" she turns, flipping her hair and catching sight of me, pursing her lips. "Oh, speak of the gold digger herself."

Dani grabs my arm gently, supportively.

"Hi Addison!" she yells. "How does it feel to be getting everything you want without actually working for anything you gold-digging bitch! You're such-"

I stand alongside Dani, taking Greg's silent direction as he very quickly rushes over, gesturing for us to walk out of sight as he rushes out to the guys and fans.

"I'm going to have to ask you to exit this way please," I hear Greg ask.

"Absolutely not! I paid for th-"

"You paid for this and have used your time to instead insult the band and one of their wives. You are being extremely disrespectful and I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"No!" she yells. "I paid for-"

Seconds later, the boys walk into the area, Joe continuing to walk further than the rest, exiting this area as well and finding a more private area for himself.

Kevin quickly walks after him while Nick walks towards me.

"Are you okay?" Nick asks.

I nod. "Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm more worried about Joe," I tell him, rushing off in the direction Joe went.

Walking for some time, I finally come across Kevin and Joe talking softly in one of the dimly lit hallways.

"Hey," Kevin says, his face relaxing at the sight of me.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now