thirty two.

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How in the hell we've already arrived at the last night of the tour is completely beyond me. However, I suspect the reasoning behind that may have something to do with my lack of focus on the tour and the rise of focus on simply staying upright for the past few weeks. Up until yesterday, my symptoms had only grown worse, my morning sickness would've been debilitating if it weren't for trying to keep the secret. Did that consist of constantly disappearing for moments at a time to double over in pain from nausea or throwing up as discreetly as possible without drawing any attention? Sure. But we've made it to the second trimester as I'm fourteen weeks today, and what they say about morning sickness fading off seems to be true as I haven't vomited in 48 hours.

"Okay, so we've decided to still keep the secret, correct?" Joe asks, grinning as he exits the bathroom and looks over at me.

I nod. "Yes, I think we deserve the right to relish in the secret a bit longer."

He smiles wide, nodding. "I agree. Still no nausea?"

I shake my head. "Nope. I feel good."

"That," he pauses, leaning over and kissing me. "Is what I like to hear."

"Me too, I'm so over not feeling well. Even more so not being able to show that I'm not feeling well. It's been a huge pain in the ass. It'll be a lot easier now that the morning sickness is hopefully gone," I reply.

He chuckles, nodding. "I know. Awful timing though since tour is over after tonight and we won't be around everyone every day for you to have to hide it."

I roll my eyes, nodding. "This is true."

"All right," he sighs. "We better head over to the arena. I'm sure Dani and the girls are there by now. The guys are probably waiting for me."

I nod and we soon make our way over to the venue, entering to be instantly greeted by two excited little girls.

"Aunt Addie!" Valentina exclaims, running up and letting me pick her up for a hug while Alena does the same to Joe.

"Hey guys," Joe grins.

"You excited for the show tonight?" I ask them, making them nod excitedly before running away to go play.

"Well, that didn't last long," Joe chuckles.

"Well, they've kinda been in their own world since we got here," Dani says, grinning as she walks over and hugs me. "I hear you've been feeling better recently."

I nod, sighing. "Thank God. I was getting so annoyed with always being sick."

She laughs lightly, pulling me away from Joe as he walks over to Nick and Kevin, a grin on his lips.

"So, how have things been?" Dani asks once we're alone.

"What do you mean?" I ask nervously.

Did she figure it out? Please tell me she did not figure it out.

"Just y'know, married life. You guys have been married a year, I just wanted to check-in. Especially with you being sick so much I wanted to make sure there hadn't been any conflict or anything."

I shake my head. "No, none at all. Joe's been amazing through me being sick all the time. He's been understanding and helpful. No issues."

She smiles and nods. "Good. I mean, I wouldn't suspect him feeling angry about it, the man adores you. But, you never know sometimes. People can surprise you."

I nod. "True. But I consider myself lucky. Joe's never shown any type of anger or annoyance towards me being sick. He's been absolutely amazing."

"Well, I'm glad. Any plans for when you guys get home?"

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang