forty three.

116 4 0

"She asleep?" I ask as Joe walks back into the kitchen, immediately beginning to clean up from dinner while I sit at the counter, a few different pieces of paper spread around in front of me.

"Out like a light," he sighs. "How's the party planning going?"

"Well, now that we finally figured out a plan we can do the rest. I can't believe it took us so long to figure out what to do for her theme."

He chuckles. "I mean, to be fair, we didn't show her a lot of TV to begin with."

"Yeah, that's true. But at least it's one of the cutest birthday themes ever. I just don't see a lot of ideas online. I don't think it's very common."

"Probably not for a baby turning one," he smiles.

"Leave it to our baby to be obsessed with Monsters Inc."

He places the last dish in the dishwasher, closing it and grabbing a bottle of water for himself before coming and sitting a couple of stools over from me.

"Well, Sully's her favorite," he starts. "So why don't we look at a few Sully cake ideas and pick one. We can start there and then we'll work our way through decorations and guests."

"Well, I don't want it to be a huge party, you know that. Just close friends and family."

He nods. "Okay, let's pick out a cake then we'll do the guest list and then we'll do decorations and finish off with invitations."

I nod, pulling out my phone and looking up cake ideas. "This one is really cute."

He grins. "It's simple too. I'm sure the bakery we love would have no problem making that for us."

"Do you want to call them tomorrow or should I?"

"I'll call," he shrugs. "Put it on my list."

I grab the piece of paper with a line down the middle, the paper which splits the responsibilities of the party for us.

"Okay," he sighs, grabbing a new piece of paper. "Guest list."

"Well, obviously your parents, Frankie, nick, Pri, Kevin, Dani, and the girls. Then there's my parents and my sisters. Hope, Victoria, and Stella. Of course they'll bring their boyfriends. We should invite Greg, Jack, JinJoo, Spencer, who else?"

"Mikey," he sighs. "Maybe Dina, Brian and Siena?"

"I wouldn't feel right inviting them and not the rest of Dani's family."

"Okay, I can add them too then."

"Anyone else?" I ask, biting my lip. "I don't want to forget anyone."

"Honestly, those are the only people she really knows. I feel like it's the perfect list," he shrugs.

I nod. "Okay, well then the guest list is done. I feel like the decorations are going to be the hardest part. I don't want it super girly but I don't want it to be wrong."

He chuckles, sliding the guest list to the side and taking out his phone. "I know, I mean I think we can make it pretty neutral actually. Use the colors from the movie. Blue, green, and purple."

"Yeah, but I wanna add in some pink in there too."

"Noted, we'll add pink."

"Balloon arch, for sure. I think she'd love it. Maybe some cardboard cutouts of Mike, Sully and Boo?"

He nods, making notes as I look online for some inspiration.

"Maybe the bakery can make some cute cookies for the party too. Oh, are we going to need two cakes? Is she doing a smash cake?"

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum