forty five.

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"Okay, most everything is already set up," I tell myself, rushing around the kitchen trying to set up the food as I know people are going to start showing up soon.


I hear Joe's voice but I can't bring myself to focus on it, looking at the labels on different foods and deciding to rewrite a few as they're definitely not written neatly enough.


He tries again, my brain still not allowing me to focus in on him.

A whine along with little hands grabbing onto my leg snaps me back into present moment, looking down immediately to Willa reaching up for me.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, picking her up.

"I think she's getting tired," he sighs. "Did you wanna nurse her before this nap instead of the second today since people will be here later?"

I nod. "Yeah, that's a good idea. What else do we need to get done before anyone shows up?"

"Nothing," he says, giving me a look.


"I'm serious, don't worry about it. Go nurse her, spend a moment breathing and when you get back down here we'll figure it out. I'm sure it's not much with how you've been speeding around all morning."

"Okay," I sigh, going up to her nursery and sitting in the glider, realizing it's the first time I've sat today. "Here baby." I unsnap my nursing tank as she pulls at the fabric, whining. "Here."

She latches quickly, nursing as I lay my head back, taking in the moment of mostly silence, aside from her small noises she always tends to make.

I just need everything to be perfect for her first birthday party. Her actual birthday was perfect, her party needs to be perfect too. I was just happy no one was offended when we asked to be alone on her actual birthday. I will say, however, I'm nervous to talk to Dani. We haven't really had a conversation since Christmas when she noticed Joe and I having problems. I mean, she'll see we're fine now and she may say something but I'm still a little nervous. I feel like maybe I want to tell her the truth about what was going on, if it comes up. I'm not sure that's a good idea though. I don't want Joe to think I'm dwelling on it. I'm not, it was just a really hard time for me, for him, for our relationship. We're so much better now but it leaves me to wonder what would've happened if I had never had that moment with Willa on Christmas.

Noticing her sleeping, I lay her in crib, snap my nursing tank again and make my way downstairs, pulling her up on my phone as I walk back into the kitchen.

"Okay, what's left?" I ask, standing next to Joe.

He chuckles. "Well, the food is set out, all the stuff outside is set up, the decorations inside are done and the only thing that's left is putting out the sign you had made. The one that points to different directions and tells everyone where stuff is."

"Well, that's like a thirty second job," I sigh, grabbing it from the garage and putting it into the living room before walking back in and sighing. "That's it?"

He nods. "The party is all set up, my love."

"I have no doubt people will start showing up soon."

"Especially my fa-"

The doorbell cuts him off, making him give me a look as he heads to the front door. Seconds later, I hear Nick and Priyanka's voices along with his parents and Frankie... and another girl?

Swiftly making my way up the stairs, I change into my outfit for the day, jeans and a "mama" monsters inc shirt. I look over to Joe's outfit, noticing he still hasn't changed into his "dada" shirt that he had picked out. Bringing it downstairs with me, I smile and greet his parents first, followed by Nick and Priyanka before turning to Joe.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now