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Waking up to the feeling of lips on the back of my neck, a small grin appears on my lips, and I roll myself over, facing the man that annoys the hell out of me.

"Merry Christmas," he smiles.

"Merry Christmas," I reply, smiling as he leans down and kisses me gently. "How long have you been watching me sleep?"

"Not long," he admits, shrugging. "I woke up twenty minutes ago and ordered breakfast then used the bathroom and came back to bed."

I grin. "Breakfast you say?"

He nods. "Yeah, it should be up in a few minutes."


"I can't believe we're together for Christmas," he says, chuckling as he climbs out of bed.

"Me either, I didn't think it was gonna work out for a minute," I sigh, getting up as well and moving to the bathroom.

"I know I've been gone a lot with Nick and Kev recently with all the music-making but babe, if it's too much you can always tell me."

"No," I shake my head. "You've been busy making music and I've been busy with the wedding and all. Even if you were home, we wouldn't have been able to spend a lot of time together."

"I guess you're right," he sighs from outside of the bathroom.

I grab his gift from the small compartment in the bathroom and walk out, grinning as he is holding his for me as well. "I thought we said no presents."

"You didn't listen either," he chuckles, gesturing to the box in my hand.

I roll my eyes and we exchange boxes, both opening them, his to reveal the watch I had spent my savings on... but he doesn't need to know that. And my gift being... the most beautiful necklace I've ever owned. "Joe..."

"This is dope, babe," he grins, putting the watch on immediately before smiling at me. "You like it?"

"It's gorgeous," I tell him, looking at him lovingly.

He smiles wider, holding out his hands, offering to put it on for me.

"Actually," I tell him, closing the box. "I'm gonna shower first. That way I don't have to put it on, take it off, and put it back on."

He chuckles, nodding. "Okay. But you like it."

"I love it," I tell him, leaning forward and kissing him.

He nods. "Okay."

"I'm gonna-"

Knocks on the hotel room door cause me to stop talking, indicating that breakfast has arrived.

"Never mind, food is here," I say as he gives me a questioning look.

He chuckles, going to grab the food and bringing it to the small table where we sit and eat together.

"Okay, now I shower."

He nods, allowing me to take a quick shower before hopping in himself. When he's done, I curl my hair, actually having it curled this time, and put on light makeup, which I've also been working on.

Once we're both ready, we head out of the hotel and to the car Joe rented this trip. We head to Kevin's home where the rest of Jonas's wait for us. The girls had already opened some presents, however, finish once they were there, being excited about the few gifts Joe and I had gotten them as well. We then eat a Christmas lunch, accommodating for Joe and our plans to visit my family as well.

"So, are you getting excited about the wedding?" Dani's mother asks as she sits in the living room, grinning.

I nod. "Yeah, I am. I'm nervous too, more because I want everything to go perfectly. But I'm just ready to be married to Joe."

She smiles. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you two already live together? I mean, it's just a piece of paper that's changing things. And a title. Right?"

"Actually, no. We lived together a while ago and then broke up. It was too soon, but this time we decided to wait until we were married to move in together. However, we have already looked at homes and such. I'm pretty sure we've decided on one here and one in California. We just need to put the offers in."

She nods. "Oh! Okay! That's right I think Denise did say something about how you guys had broken up at some point."

I nod. "Yeah, we went through a super rough patch but we're doing so much better now. We've worked through a lot and have a lot better communication and just a better relationship overall."

She nods. "Well, that is one of the most important aspects of a relationship. I think that's great."

I smile. "Thank you."

After a while longer, Joe and I leave the house after giving everyone hugs and kisses, making our way to my parents' home to spend the evening with them.

First arriving, we greet the girls with enthusiasm, excited to see them, as always, but I find myself shocked at how much they've seemed to grow over just the past month. Something I had never noticed before.

"Hello, hello!" My mother says in a sing-song tone, hugging the both of us. "We're so glad you guys could make it."

"So are we," Joe smiles.

"Dinner is just about ready, so we can get ready to eat and then we will open presents!" my mom says, smiling widely before heading back to the kitchen.

"I'll set those in the living room," My father says after kissing my cheek, taking the presents for my family from Joe's hands and placing them in the living room under the tree.

Sitting down to the dinner table and waiting patiently, Joe and I listen to Autumn rave about the presents she got from our grandparents, who were here earlier in the day, and I can't help but wonder what they're like. I've never met them, obviously, and they're coming to the wedding, according to my mother, but... I just wonder.

"Here we are," my mother says, setting down the last serving bowl on the table and sitting in her chair.

We all begin to eat before she looks over at me.

"So, wedding planning? Is everything just about done?" she asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I just had my last dress fitting, and everything is pretty much in order."

She smiles widely, letting out a tiny squeal. "I can't believe it's coming up so fast! I'm so excited."

"So are we," I grin. "It's crazy how quickly it's all come about."

She nods. "It's seemed to creep up."

"May I ask..." my father starts. "Have you two started considering a family yet?"

Joe coughs, licking his lips and shaking his head softly. "We haven't really talked about it."

"No, we haven't, but I mean, life is about to get really crazy. I think throwing a baby on top of that may be a bit much."

Joe nods. "Yeah, I think that's kind of why we haven't talked about it."

"It's not on the brain," my father says, smiling.

We both nod.

After dinner and a bit more conversation, we apologize but excuse ourselves, needing to meet Nick and Kevin before heading to the airport together. The band was going to work on some music this week, starting first thing tomorrow, so it was critical we don't miss the flight.

Once on the plane, the four of them relax in their seats, tired from the days' events and already feeling the exhaustion radiating from the ton of work they have over the next week... at least the boys. Addison finds herself excited for the week ahead. Joe mentioned her coming and hearing some of the new music while she planned on trying to write, something she had found herself starting to love in the last few weeks. Mostly it was personal. Journaling and such. But she's begun to think about expanding that and trying to write something else as well, although she hadn't told anyone else of this idea yet. She wanted to try her hand at it first, see if it was something she'd think about continuing. But until then, she closes her eyes as the plane takes off, lying her head on Joe's shoulder and drifting into a comfortable sleep along with the boys. 

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now