forty one.

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Eight months. I have been a mother for almost eight whole months and it's the most surreal feeling in the world. Especially after finally gaining my much-needed connection with Willa at Christmas. Which was the perfect time, as well. Joe and I rang in the new year for the first time as parents, switching it up and staying home instead of going out. Once Willa fell asleep, we made it a date night at home, in Jersey. Joe cooked dinner, we laughed, talked, and then watched a movie before passing out before the ball dropped at midnight. I had never understood why parents almost never made it to midnight until this past year. But honestly, I had no problem with the way we rang in the new year, and I wouldn't have done it any differently if I even could go back.

Since Joe and I made up on Christmas, things have been exactly what I could hope for. Joe's been going back to work more, but with my new outlook on being a mom in general, it doesn't seem to bother me as much as it used to. The boys are recording a few new songs to release for the fans even though the next album isn't quite ready yet, since they've been held back a couple times... not that Willa and I have anything to do with that or anything.

The fans are itching for new music, and I can't say I blame them, if I had an artist or band that I supported the way the fans support the boys, I would be dying for some new music. They haven't released anything in over a year, so, even the boys are dying to release something. Which is why days like today are longer than others.

Joe had been in the studio with his brothers last night and got home just in time to put Willa down for bed and left this morning before she woke up. Needless to say, she misses her daddy and is giving me a bit more trouble because of it.

"Willa, please," I beg, bouncing her gently as she refuses to go down for her second and last nap of the day, regardless of being exhausted.

Her cries fill the house as I continue to bounce her gently, swaying back and forth and shushing her softly. It's been almost an hour of crying.

"Honey, I know you're missing your daddy but he's working right now," I tell her, letting out a frustrated sigh. "There's nothing I can do about it."

Almost as if she understood my sentence and catches a second wind, she belts out louder, now becoming more distraught than before, making me take in a breath, closing my eyes as I continue to bounce her, focusing on keeping myself calm at the same time.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I hear a voice. "What's going on in here?"

I turn on my heel, opening my eyes to meet Joe's, allowing me to let out a deep breath, my face relaxing in relief.

He grins, gently taking her from me. "Hi princess," he says, bouncing her slightly and rubbing her back although it isn't necessary as she instantly relaxes into him.

I let out another breath, exiting to the hallway and down the stairs, sitting on the couch and closing my eyes, using the quiet to calm my frustration.

"You okay?" Joe asks after a moment, making me open my eyes to see him plopping onto the couch in front of me, his hand finding my knee.

I nod. "Yeah, I just, keeping myself calm when she's screaming for almost an hour is rough."

He nods. "Has she been like that all day?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah, for the most part. She's just wanted you all day. I gave her one of your tee shirts earlier and it helped for a little while but she's just wanted you," I tell him, shrugging.

He grins. "Do you need a little bit?" He asks. "I can keep her for a little while after she wakes up. Go out for a little bit, or just, go upstairs and lock yourself in our room for a bit. I'll spend some time with her, and you can come back when you're ready."

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