thirty four.

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The day had arrived a lot quicker than I imagined it would. After deciding that it was time to announce, Joe and I had quickly chosen to do it only a few weeks later. Now, at 25 weeks pregnant, my heartburn is still prominent, and refuses to go anywhere. Everyone was beyond excited when we had asked them to come for a BBQ today, loving that now as a married couple, we wanted to host family gatherings that included both sides of the family. Sure, they had met each other and got along well, but they hadn't really spent much time together aside from the wedding.

"Alright," Joe sighs, walking into the kitchen from the backyard. "The bounce house for the kids is all setup, the guys just left. The pools are ready, grill is ready. Now, the only thing to do is have people show up, have a party, and announce our little girl."

I smile, laughing lightly. "I still can't believe you got a bounce house for the kids. We have a pool."

He grins, shrugging. "Yeah, but what if they wanna play outside of the pool? I also got some little games set out in the yard for them too. I almost bought swing set, you're lucky I didn't."

I roll my eyes. "Knowing you, I would've complained, and you would've used our daughter as an excuse because she's going to want to play on it when she gets a little older."

He chuckles, kissing my head. "Yes, though thinking about it, I decided it wasn't a good idea because then everyone would be suspicious when they got here."

I nod. "That is very true."

The doorbell rings, catching both of our attention quickly.

"I wonder who's here already," he says.

"I need to go put on my big sweatshirt," I gasp, making my way up the stairs quickly and throwing it on, only to hear a few voices when I return. My parents.

"Whoa! A bounce house!" Aria exclaims.

"A bounce house?!" Autumn's voice soon responds, her body flying past me and to the back door to look with her sister.

"I guess I'm chopped liver compared to a bounce house, huh?"

"Addie!" They both yell, running over and hugging me.

I'm careful to hide my stomach the best I can, grateful it's not big enough that either of them will say anything about how I'm fatter.

"Hey, babes."

They let go, going back to the back door and staring at the bounce house in awe.

"Hi sweetie," my mom says, giving me a smile.

"Hey Mom," I grin, hugging her followed by my dad. "How was the flight?"

"Not bad, the girls were both calm and took naps which helped," my father answers.

I grin, nodding. "Good."

Soon, Joe's family starts flooding through the doors, starting with Kevin and Danielle and the girls, leading all of us to head into the backyard so they can begin playing and running around. Next came Denise, Paul Kevin Sr., and Frankie, who always tend to travel together it seems, and lastly came Nick and Priyanka. Hope, Victoria and Stella had said they were going to try and make it, and I hope they do. But considering it's already been a while since everyone else arrived, I'm starting to lose the idea that they will.

"Look who I found," Joe says, walking outside from inside the house followed by none other than my three best friends.

"I was starting to think you guys weren't coming," I tell them, relieved as I stand and walk over, hugging each of them tightly.

"Yeah, sorry we're late. We had to go to the store and get these two bathing suits," Stella says, gesturing to the others.

I roll my eyes. "Of course, you guys forgot to pack them."

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now