fifty four.

118 5 2

After spending some time on the road again for the remainder four shows of the year, I have to admit I am happy to once again be in our home, regardless of it being in New Jersey rather than LA.

I guess that's it then, we've officially decided to sell this property and find a larger place in New York. We don't want to be too far away but being in New Jersey rather than just close enough to arrive for the gatherings is a bit too much for us, I think. Ultimately, that's why I decided to say yes after talking with him about it over the past week. It's clear that we need to be a bit further, especially after the confrontation with his mother with Willa meeting Santa. I still regret no part of what I said, especially with Joe reassuring me that I was in the right to say whatever I needed. It just proved to me again that I wasn't wrong in my opinion, feelings, or what I ended up saying.


I turn my head, seeing Willa on the camera, her eyes open as she lays in her crib, looking around.

Sighing, I gently get out of bed, not wanting to wake Joe up after the late night he had, driven us home from the airport while Willa and I had fallen asleep in the car. Entering Willa's room, I grin down at her, and she stands, letting me pick her up and put her on my hip before turning on the small lamp and going over to her changing table, changing her diaper before grabbing an outfit for the day and making my way downstairs, setting her down to play in the living room.

"Alexa, play Toddler Time."

"Playing Toddler Time."

The music starts and I make sure she's playing before making my way to the kitchen and starting the stove before scrambling two eggs, preparing some fruit, and making a couple of pancakes, shoving one into my mouth between tasks while ripping apart the other for her.

Once hers is done, I cook Joe and I a couple of eggs as well, plating them with some fruit just like Willa, Joe enters the kitchen groggy and surprised, stopping in his tracks at the sight of me.

"Good morning," I grin.

"Hi," he says, his voice raspy from sleep.

"I made eggs. Nothing else though."

He chuckles. "Perfect, babe."

"Willa! Eat?"

She runs in, smiling up at Joe and reaching up, having him lift her, give her a hug and kiss, and then place her in her highchair before sitting at the table with me, the three of us eating together though she doesn't eat her eggs.

I should have known, she only likes Joe's eggs.

Joe offers to clean up while Willa runs back into the living room, giving me second to take a deep breath.

"What do we need to do today?" Joe asks.

"Honestly, not much. Just laundry from the week we were gone."

He nods. "That shouldn't be too hard."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go start it now, what do we want to do?"

He shrugs. "Family day?"

"Family day," I smile, nodding once.


"Are you sure you want to go?" Joe asks, coming around the corner as I do Willa's hair.

"Yes, I want to see mostly everyone. I'm not going to prevent our daughter from seeing her aunts and uncles and cousins."

He chuckles, nodding. "I just wanted to make sure."

"So cute!" I tell Willa, letting her look in the mirror and giggle before putting her down, her first task being to run to her daddy and raise her arms.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now