5.1 Let's start from scratch

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September 1, 2015.

“I know, do you want another carton of milk.”

“No, I can’t drink it.” Xia Zhixu fastened the laces of his sneakers, grabbed his schoolbag and hung it on his shoulder, “Parents, I’m leaving.”

Mother Xia put down the milk and trot to Xia Zhixu. Her son was only fifteen years old, so he smoked a stick early, a head taller than her. She pinned Xia Zhixu’s school badge on the table to his left chest, “Look at you, I almost forgot this. I just lost it on the first day of school.”

Father Xia put down the newspaper, “Do you want me to send you?”

Xia Zhixu smiled and hugged Mom Xia, stretched her neck and shouted at the father in the restaurant, “No, I’ll take the bus. Let’s go!”

The weather in September is hard to describe. The summer heat has just faded, but the hearty autumn day has not yet fully entered. It is mixed between the two seasons, just like his age.

There are no boundaries and ambiguous.

From home, just across a road is the bus stop. The summer uniforms of Jingjian Middle School are very simple, white short-sleeved shirt and black trousers. This point makes Xia Zhixu very satisfied. He originally thought it would be the color of the polo shirt and shorts, but he was a little surprised when he received the uniform. , But it also fits the style of this school.

Going lazily to the bus stop, a few office workers stood beside the stop sign, looking very anxious. Xia Zhixu sat on the bench, looking at the direction of the bus coming in the distance, waiting for his No. 729 bus.

The number of people at the bus stop gradually increased. There were a few girls wearing other school uniforms. The dark blue school uniform skirt was very long and covered the knees. There are also some younger pupils, holding their unfinished breakfast in their hands, talking milky and milky.

Xia Zhixu stretched out two long legs and glanced at the watch on his wrist boredly.


It’s too early, it should not be late.

Lifted his head again.

A new figure appeared in his sight, just like himself, wearing the uniform of Jingjian Middle School.

His back looks so thin, just like the small sapling he planted in his grandma’s yard last year, standing upright, always feeling uncomfortable, as if the wind would fall over.

Very strange. This person is clearly standing here, standing at this noisy and humane bus stop, but invisibly, there seems to be a thin barrier separating him from everything outside, alienated and quiet.

Just like going to an amusement park when was a child, the performers on the side of the road blow out a huge bubble that can completely cover people in it, and the sun shimmers with colored lights.

Xia Zhixu tilted her head, out of curiosity about the students at the same school, she wanted to see this person’s face.

Going to school at this time should also be a freshman.

“729 is here.”

Hearing someone talking, Xia Zhixu reacted, and quickly got up from the bench. The bus that had just stopped before was already full of people. He had to wait in the back and finally got on the bus.

–student card.

Xia Zhixu put the card into the side of his schoolbag and was squeezed into the middle of the carriage by the crowd. The entire bus is like a huge can of sardines, with people sticking to people, immobile. He turned his head and looked around, and saw the same white shirt as himself among the dense crowd.

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