Hoshina Utau

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We all walked towards the oark where the concert was being held. When we finally arrived, I saw teens all lined up waiting to go inside and stalls of food and ganes linibg the walkway.

"Is this like a holiday performance?" I asked Amu.

"Oh right, your not fron here, yeah we do this on special holidays. This is just a rehearsal for Mothers day though. The real thing is in 2 weeks. People can come in and watch and reserve their tickets for the actual concert." I nodded.

"Tamaki would have loved to do this kind of thing...." I looked at all the stands of food, games, and toys.

I saw Amu talking with Ran with a concerned face then run off with an excuse, "I have to go bathroom!" I looked at her and told the others I would go along so she didn't wander around.

I slowly followed Amu and thought, "I hang around the twins way too much if I'm this good at spying..." I saw her make a sharp turn and I followed her and saw a boy around my age on the ground and he seemed in pain. "Amu, whats going on here?" She jumped and looked at me.

She bowed, "I'm sorry but I'm taking him home to take care of him. If the others ask tell them I had to take care if some things at home, please?"

I sighed, "I want an explanation tonight" she nodded and picked up the boy and walked off. I walked out if the bushes and walked and saw Kukai. He was starring at a girl on stage. I looked at the girl and saw a poster on the side, "Hoshina Utau"

I smirked, "Kukai has a girlfriend~"

I teased him as he blushed. "I-it's n-not lik-ke th-a-at I s-swear!"

I laughed quietly, "alright" I took a video if the rehearsal with my phone and sent it to Tamaki.

He immediately texted back, "so much fun!!! I wish I could come...."

I smiled, and texted back, "if you do, give me a heads up Tama-chan" after that I suspected he was thinking about my suggestion and I put my phone back in my pocket. After Tadase introduced me and Utau we both started talking about who was cuter between Tadase and Kukai. She insisted Kukai was cooler which made him cuter, and my argument was that Tadase was more younger which gave him more charm. In the end we decided that the cutest was none if them since we put the argument to a draw. I walked home on my own as Coco played with Rolos tail. I smiled, "Coco, behave yourself..." I got home 15 minutes before dinner. I ate at the rehearsal/carnival so I was excused. I went up to Amu's room and she wasn't in her room. Mom told me she went out to buy some eggs and milk. I saw on Amu's bed was that boy from earlier. I saw next to him was a cat shugo chara. Next to Amu's bed was a violin. Coco and Rolo went up to the cat chara and made him wake up. The cat then woke up and quickly befriended Coco and saying his name was Yoru.

I smiled, "Yoru, right?"

He nodded, "can I play on that?" I pointed to the violin.

Yoru shook his head, "thats the violin Ikuto got from his father, it's very important to him."

I nodded, "so his name is Ikuto" I whispered. I moved his hair away from his face and felt his forehead, he had a pretty high fever. I got up and got a change of clothes. I went to the bathroom to change and came back with a small bag of ice. I put it on his forehead above a cold towel. His face relaxed and his breathing evened out.

He opened his eyes, "A-amu?"

I shook my head, "No, my name is Hinamori ___, I'm Amu's older sister." He blinked a few times and sat up. I helped him up and put the icepack and towel in an empty bowl.

"Why are you here? I've never met you before..."

I smiled, "I'm rarely home. I go to school on the otherside of Tokyo. I go to Ouran High School. I only come home for Holidays."

He nodded slowly. "how old are you?"

I smiled, "im 16, what about you?"

"17" was his short response.

Rolo and Coco played with his hair, "sorry about them.... they don't talk much either so don't waste your breath" I picked up Coco and Rolo and put them next to his hand. He pet Cocos head making him purr.

I smiled, "your the fastest person hes warmed up to other than me"

He smiled, "I like cats...." I nodded, "your name is Ikuto right?"

He nodded and I smiled, "you hungry?" He nodded slowly.

I reached into my bag and brought out a box, "it was for Amu since she loves to eat sweets... But I guess you can have it since I don't know when she's going to be back..." I brought a small box with some chocolates.

He nodded, "thanks..." He ate the chocolate happily, I guess? Couldn't tell because of his stoic face. I smiled when the door suddenly opened...

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