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{credit to pictures go to their original owners}
I glared at him, "I don't care what your excuse is, I don't want to hear it! You can't expect me to forgive you after knowing that you kissed my little sister!" I pushed him out of my room and out on the terrace, "I hope I never see you aga-" He suddenly pulled me into a kiss. I struggled and pushed him away, "Stop it! They were right! You are NOTHING but a despicable thieving cat! I hate you! I want you to stay away from me, my friends and my family, you baka neko!" I slammed my terrace door shut and pulled the shades closed and wiped the tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. "He's not worth it..." I looked up and saw Rolo and Coco. Coco had a tub of ice cream and Rolo had some tissues and a movie. "It's gonna be ok (name)-chan~" they smiled and cuddled up to my face making me smile.

-time-skip: morning-

I got out of bed and sighed recalling the incident last night. I got out of bed and opened my curtains and saw a box with air holes and a note on top of it. I opened the terrace door and crouched down and opened the box, inside was a baby kitten with a loose string around its furry neck and a note attached to it. I smiled nd pet the kittens furry head. I untied the rope and read the note with the kitten in my lap. I cried softly slightly as I read the letter. The kitten went inside and played with Coco and Rolo. I got up and went into my bathroom and I crumpled up the paper into a small ball nd threw it into the trash can, but missed but I didn't bother even throwing it away properly. (Btw this is all the letter above) I saw that the kitten was laying on its side looking at me. I layed down on my stomach and we starred into each others eyes. I smiled and pet its soft little head. I got up nd carried the kitten in my arms, "dad?" I called out and heard a sound from the kitchen. I walked down the stairs nd saw my dad making breakfast. I went to the fridge and found some milk. I got a bowl and filled it halfway with milk and set it on the table nd fed the kitten. "Cute..." I looked and saw my dad noticed me and the cat, "where did it come from?" I smiled, "its a secret" I giggled and played with the kittens tail as it drank its bowl of milk.


I was walking through town with the little kitten in my arms. I saw a pet store and went in. After buying a lot of toys with my credit card. I left it there, telling the cashier I would pick it up on my way home. I took out my phone. "Will your dad let me keep a pet Haruhi??" I texted her and put my phone back in my pocket. I found myself in a park after walking for about 30 minutes. I sat on a bench and the little kitten junped down and climbed up a tree into the shade. I heard some voices behind me. I turned and saw it was Amu's friend Kukai with Ikuto's little sister. I heard the words "Ramen contest" and I smiled, "they would make such a cute couple..." I giggled and got up and saw a stand selling hot dogs. I went over and bought 2. I ate one and saved the other. I sat under a tree and looked up. I was relaxing enjoying the breeze until something fuzzy dropped on my face. I shook my head and heard a soft mew. I looked down and saw it was the baby kitten that seemed scared to death. I looked up and saw claw marks on the branch and concluded that the kitten fell off the tree. I smiled nd cuddled it, "it's ok baby..." It relaxed nd fell asleep in my arms. I started walking home, stopping to get the pet supplies from the pet store, while reading the text from Haruhi....

(Sorry this chapter was a bit boring; I'll update soon: hopefully....😶)

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