Tsukiyomi Ikuto

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I turned around and saw a rose on the ground I shivered slightly, "oh god, don't tell me they actually..." I heard a crash downstairs and yelling.

I turned to Ikuto, "excuse me for just a second" I ran downstairs and saw Tamaki being held back by Kaoru and Haruhi while Hikaru was playing with Ami (Amu's little sister).

I clenched my fists and hit Tamaki over the head, "why are YOU guys here?!?"

He cringed and whimpered, "(name)-chan~~! The twins were being mean and wouldn't let me call you so I just had to visit you!!!"

I sighed, "jesus christ...." I pinched his cheek, "if you're staying here, you have to behave or else I'm not helping you and Kyoya with your budget problems"

He nodded, "Hai...."

I turned and hugged Haruhi, "I missed you~!"

She hugged me back, "dad has been so annoying, he really wants you to come home soon."

I smiled softly, "where are you guys staying?"

Kaoru piped up, "Honey-senpai has a summer villa here and he is letting us stay there"

I nodded, "can you guys leave and I'll visit you guys tomorrow?" Tamaki whined but then agreed after Haruhi forced him to. Hikaru smiled at me so did Kaoru. I waved bye as they all stepped into a limo. I sighed and saw they didn't damage anything that important making me sigh in relief. I sneaked back upstairs as Dad was crying at Ami for playing patty cake with Hikaru. I went past the kitchen, grabbed a banana and an apple and a juice box and quickly ran up to Amu's room. Ikuto was fiddling with his violin case. "you feeling better?"

He looked at me and nodded, "yeah, thanks" I smiled and passed him the banana, gave Yoru the juice box and I ate the apple.

"what do you like Ikuto?" I asked.

"Chocolate..." He said.

"favorite color?" I said.

"Don't know..." He answered.

I laughed softly, "you're so similar to Mori and Kyoya..... its really creepy...."

He shrugged and ate his banana. "thanks for the food..."

I shook my head, "no problem"

I smiled, "can I look at your violin?" He shrugged.

I picked it up and opened the case, "you have a beautiful violin Ikuto... can you play?"

Yoru looked at me, "Why would he have it if he can't play it, nyan?"

I giggled, "your right oops.. Ikuto?"

"Yeah?" He said to me.

I smiled, "can u walk?" He nodded. "Follow me Iku-chan~"

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