A Date and Goodbyes

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(Pick an outfit)
(Random YouTube video I decided to add, no relationship to the story, listen to it if you want to)
Me and Ikuto have left the school and were walking through a mall. I was eating chocolate icecream and Ikuto was carrying a couple bags. I turned and looked at Ikuto, "are you sure I can't carry any bags?"

He shook his head, "no, this stuff I can manage to hold... Its presents for your friends right?"

I smiled and nodded, "they like "commoners" objects" I shrugged and munched on my icecream.

I giggled as Ikuto watched my mouth as I ate the icecream. I ate a chunk of the icecream and gave Ikuto a kiss and he tookthe chocolate from my mouth. I pulled away with a blush and a smile. "That was sweet.." He said to me.

"I bet." I rolled my eyes and finished my icecream and threw away the trash in a nearvy trash can. "Let's bring all this back to Haruhi's then we can go out on our date, alright?"

He nodded, "yeah. Okay"

~timeskip: Haruhi's house~

I helped Ikuto place the stuff down and changed my clothes. (Pic above)

I went outside and saw Ikuto was on the ground playing with the remote and then he looked at me and smiled. "You look cute."

I smiled and looked at my outfit, "thanks kitty, now lets go" I grabbed his hand and dragged him outside, locked the door behind me and went downstairs. I hummed softly as we walked and I felt a poking at my neck and saw that it was Coco. Rolo was next to Coco and playing with Coco's tail. I smiled and picked them up and put them both on Ikuto's shoulder and kept walking. "Hey! Why did you put 'em on me for?" He asked me.

I smiled and pinched his cheek, "just 'cause.." I smiled and walked ahead of him.

"So, do you want to go somewhere?" I heard Ikuto ask me.

I smiled and thought to myself, "well... I have been to almost all the places in this area, both common and rich.. So, lets go to the beach." I smiled and looked at Ikuto.

He nodded, "okay"


After a short ride on the train, then a ride on a bus, we arrived at the beach. The beach was pretty empty and the sun was slowly setting. I went down to the water holding my shoes in my hands and let the waves wash over my feet. I saw a rock on the side that overlooked the ocean and climbed it, it also had a great view of the sunset and was dry. I sat down and dipped my toes into the water. I heard shuffling behind me and felt arms around my neck and legs next to mine. I looked to the side and smiled and kissed Ikuto's cheek. He smiled and nibbled on my ear.

I giggled, "bad kitty~"

He smirked nd kissed me softly, "want me to show you how bad I can be?" He whispered into my ear.

I rolled my eyes and flicked his forehead. "Dummy~"

He smiled and watched the sunset, as did I. When the sun set, the moon and stars showed themselves. I smiled and looked at the beautiful water as it shined under the moonlight.

Ikuto suddenly tightened his hug on me. "Ikuto?" I looked at him and he seemed upset.

"(Y/n)... I have to leave..." He said softly.

I turned around and looked at him, "what do you mean?"

He took out the black egg, "this belongs to my father... It also means that he didn't die.. And that he is alive out in this world, somewhere" he looked at the egg in his hands.

"Oh... I see..." I said softly.

"So I'm leaving tomorrow night to start my search for him. I don't know when I will be back..." He said quietly looking at the rock beneath him.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. "Go..."

"What?" He looks up at me with surprised eyes.

"Go" I reached my hand out and caressed his cheek, "Go and find your dad. I won't stop you."

He smilesd and hugged me tightly, "I promise that I will comeback for you. No matter where you are! I will comeback.." He placed his forehead on mine and kissed me softly. "I love you, (Y/n)... So so so much... So much that it hurts leaving you like this..."

I smiled and brought my hand up and tangled them in his hair. "Shut up and kiss me kitty..." I whispered softly.

I felt his arms snake around my waist and pull me up onto his lap. I felt his lips kiss my cheek, forehead, neck and lips. I felt him nibble on my lips for entrance, and I gave it to him. I tangled my hands in his hair and my other was on his cheek. His hands were on my thigh making circles on them. "Let's continue this when you get back, alright kitty?" I pulled away before things got out of hand.

He looked at me and pouted. We were both slightly out of breath with messed up hair and slightly messed up clothes. "That gives me even more reason to come back as soon as I can..." He mumbled and kissed my hands. I smiled and hugged him.

"I look forward to it..." I said softly.....

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