Amusement parks = fun

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Last time~
-Ikuto's pov-
I leaned forward and was about to give her a small kiss when..


When Amu came in. She saw (Name) asleep on me and my markered up face. She started whisper yelling at me, careful not to wake her sister and then told me to wipe my dirty face. I was confused then saw what she meant when she gave me a mirror. After that, I just tuned Amu out and wondered about how kissing (name) would be like.

-(name)'s pov-

The next day I woke up in Ikutos arms. I couldn't remember how, but I knew I had plans today. Rolo and Coco were watching the two of us and Yoru was sleeping in their bed. They both jumped on my shoulder as I picked an outfit. In the end, I chose a simple blue tshirt, shorts, a jacket and slippers, with my hair in a ponytail. I yawned and grabbed my phone, money, and watch. I put my phone and money in my purse, I put on my watch and Rolo and Coco used my ponytail as a blanket. They tied strands of my hair around their waist, wrapped their tails around my rubberband and slept. I saw Amu downstairs with Haruhi, the twins and Tamaki. Tamaki hugged me tightly, "my darling daughter looks so great!!!!" Haruhi sighed and so did I. Kaoru took Tamaki off and kept him restrained with help from Hikaru. We walked out and saw all of Amu's friends waiting at the gate. Tamaki complained about walking in the hot sun and wanted to take his limo instead.

I saw that Amu seemed uncomfortable with that so I smiled sweetly and asked Tamaki cutely, "Papa~ can you please~ walk me and Haru-chan to the Amusement Park, pwetty pwease~?" and I added puppy eyes.

Hikaru and Kaoru gaped at me and whispered, "Is she high on drugs..."

Tamaki looked at me with hearts for eyes, "KYA!!! Of course my loving daughter!!!" I smiled and pulled Haruhi in the hug so I wouldn't suffocate as much. I looked up at my window and saw Ikuto was looking at me. I blushed and turned away, hoping he didn't see me do that.


After a 15 minute walk, Tamaki hasn't stopped asking me to do another cute act. I shook him off and stood in between the twins, and they slung their arms around my shoulder, "(name)~ wanna play a game?"

I shrugged, "go for it" They pulled out hats and said, "let's play the "Which one is Hikaru Game!!" then they told me to close my eyes, I did so, as they switched themselves around, I opened my eyes soon after.

I pointed to the left, "your Hikaru," I pointed to the right, "and your Kaoru."

They smiled, "wrong!"

I turned to Haruhi, "no (name) is right.."

Then Hikaru pouted, "Haruhi~ your no fun~!"

I smiled, "do I get a prize for winning the game~?"

They looked at each, "we will buy you cotton candy?"

I thought quietly, "ok!" The whole day was spent with Tamaki following Haruhi around to go on rides with him, me and the twins with Amu and her friends, along with the twins buying me cotton candy everytime we passed a place that made cotton candy. As we passes the last cotton candy stand, I ordered a blue and a pink one, and bought it with my own money instead of asking the twins. Kaoru and Hikaru had sat down at a nearby park bench, very exhausted. I casually skipped over to them with the candy in my hands. I gave Hikaru blue and gave Kaoru pink. I sat in between them and fell asleep on (Hikaru's/Kaoru's) [pick one] shoulder, since I was tired.


I felt someone poking me and opened my eyes and saw it was Kaoru. I checked my face with a mirror to make sure they didn't do anything to me, and I saw that Kaoru now had blue and Hikaru had pink, "why did you switch candies?"

They shrugged, "we shared" I smiled and took a piece of blue and fed it to Kaoru and took a piece of pink and fed it to Hikaru, they each picked another piece from their candies and fed it to myself. They both blushed fiercly and ate their candy.

I giggled and Haruhi came back, "alright, let's go back.." Tamaki was hugging her arm like a maniac, not wanting to leave or let go.


After convincing Tamaki to go back, I walked back home on my own since Amu left earlier. After I finally got home I walked to my room telling my mom I ate already. I had a small bag in my hand since I stopped to buy some chocolate and vanilla macaroons for Ikuto. I walked into my room and saw Ikuto reading my notebooks from my core subjects. He looked up, "finally.. I was getting hungry..." I passed him the bag and Coco and Rolo popped out happy. I guessed hey probably ate one or two macaroons.

I grabbed some spare clothes and stepped into the shower, then I looked at Ikuto, "no peeking Iku-chan~" I got in the shower and turned on the warm water.

-Ikuto's pov-

(Name)'s notebooks have so much formulas and equations that I got dizzy. The math she studied was more advanced than the one I'm learning, and I'm supposed to be a year older!! I ate the chocolate macaroons as I kept looking through her notebook, "when can I shower....." I thought then sighed, "do I need to buy new clothes for myself so I can shower? Maybe I should ask her..." I walked up to the bathroom door and heard the water turn off. I knocked on the door, "(name)? I'm coming in..."

I heard a, "wait!" but it was too late I walked in and saw (name) wrapping a towel around her soaking body horridly.

I blushed and turned away quickly, "s-sorry..."

-(name)'s pov-

Ikuto walked in suddenly and saw me... with nothing but a towel.... I hid my face behind my hair and saw he was blushing too, "I-Ikut-to....did you n-need somet-thing?" I cursed mentally at myself for stuttering.

He mumbled something along the lines of, "when can I shower?" I told him to wait outside as I changed, he nodded and hurried outside. I quickly changed into my pajamas and opened the door. I walked down to my dads room and got some of his old clothes.

I took then to Ikuto, "those should fit you..." he nodded and went to take a shower. I sat in front of my mirror and combed my hair. "god that was embarrassing..." I looked down at my chest... "I should wear a bra if hes gonna sleep in my room...." I blushed and closed my eyes tight, "he is very cute though...."

I heard footsteps and my dads voice, "(name)!!" I tensed, if he came up, heard the shower, when I wasn't in the shower. I ran into my bathroom and closed the door. "(name)!! Are you in the shower?"

I looked behind me and whispered, "don't say anything" I turned back to the door, "yeah dad, do you need something?"

I heard him infront of the door, "mom wants to know if you want dessert..."

"Oh alright, I'll come down after ok?" I heard his footsteps going away.

"Alright, you better hurry!" I sighed and sunk down to the ground and heard the shower turn off. I turned to get a towel for him, and touched his hand.

I blushed and pulled away, so did he, I quickly left the bathroom, "I'm gonna get some dessert, and bring it up later k?" I didn't hear his answer cause I was already out the door.

-both our povs-
(meaning you both are thinking it...i guess?)

"What did I just do...." I/He whispered.

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