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"So I was thinking that maybe you can fly home around when I'm planning on coming home, so that potentially you being home for once can take away the attention from me."

Scratch that I think my sister is also part of the reason I'm sighing recently because it's happening...right now. I try to bite my tongue from saying something like 'Kind of hard for me to take away the attention when you're like the size of a watermelon now' but the temptation is almost too overwhelming, so I settle with a quick "It'll be pretty hard, don't ya think?"

"Come on! You haven't been home in like five or six years plus I think me being pregnant isn't that big of a deal." I scoff, but try to cover it up with a cough instead. "I heard that!" She shouts as the sound of a door opening on her end of the call seems to catch her attention. "Jer, you said you were bringing home ice cream..." Madelyn whines as I hear her husband, Jeremy give her a kiss.

"Right here, love." Jeremy calls while the sound of a paper bag takes over the other line. I groan as I think about how cute they are together and how in love they are with one another. But somehow my sister says love doesn't exist. She also failed to mention to our parents that she was pregnant all the while she's supposed to see them in a couple of weeks for thanksgiving.

Madelyn has been crazy about Jeremy since she met him in high school, but never really said anything about it until they bumped into each other randomly while she was studying abroad during her sophomore year of college. While in Paris, Jeremy and her danced under the Eiffel Tower before later eating cookies with coffee or something like that. When I heard about this, I weeped into my pillow about how all the amazing stories happened to other people and not me.

I never got to study abroad. 

By the time I got to that part in my degree, Madelyn had announced her engagement and chose to get married in Paris. Where her and Jeremy had fallen in love. Sick I tell you, it makes me absolutely sick.

But it is absolutely adorable and I beg the heavens to give me a love story as beautiful and enchanting as her's.

"Winnie~" Madelyn called through the phone, pulling me from my thoughts of walking in front of the train later tonight. The paintbrushes sound off and I lean onto my tiptoes to see the door closing, "Are you still at the studio? Isn't it like almost midnight?"

Okay, so maybe it was midnight. And maybe I kept the studio open an hour after closing because a certain green eyed athlete didn't show up yet to pick up what he wanted to buy. But I was 100% going to set boundaries and try to make sure he knew that there would be no funny business between the two of us.

I mean come on now, I have standards.

I tell myself this. But here I am currently ignoring my sister who is calling out to me as I quickly make myself to the front of the studio. I pressed the end call button and make a mental note to call her back after I closed up tonight.

"Hello?" I call out as I round the corner. The sound of the paintbrushes hitting against one another for the second time, makes me quicken my pace.

Instead of seeing the 6'4 tree of a man, I am met with an empty front counter. I blink as I walk up to the counter. All the items I had kept for Theo by the register were gone. Glancing around a little, thinking I might have dropped them or something, but to no avail. As I go to make my way around the counter to check the other side, a figure passing the front of the store grabs my attention. My hunch told me that maybe this figure had something to do with the missing items and my hunch was almost never wrong.

I pushed towards the door, "Hey!" I called out to the figure. They stop to glance at me over the shoulder and before I even get another word out, the person bolts down the street. I am left there with my mouth hanging open.

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