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"Liam doesn't always talk to you like that, right?"

It was the first thing he said since we got into the car. His voice had shocked me a bit as I wasn't expecting him to say anything, let alone within the first minute in the car. There had been music that played upon Theo starting the car. But I guess I hadn't noticed when he turned it down nor when his hand ended up on my thigh, brushing his thumb over my skin.

I watched his hand for a little, trying to sober myself up a little more. A yawn escaped my lips and his thumb paused for a moment before he squeezed my thigh softly. "If you're tired, you can rest a little. We won't arrive for a little over 10 minutes."

I nodded softly, before leaning my head against the window. His thumb was moving again and I was slowly getting lulled to sleep. "He never really acknowledged me like that before." I mumbled.

"What does that mean?"

My eyes scanned the darkness outside as we continued to wherever he was taking me. "Hmmm" I hummed as we slowed to a stop at a light. I turned back to face him only to find him already looking at me. 

I blinked. 

He blinked. 

A honk from behind us caused us to jolt back to reality.

I reached down and slid my hand over his. He turned his hand over and let me draw on the inside of his palm. "Liam once said he liked me. Said I was pretty cool and took amazing photos. But he never really wanted to invite me out to parties or his swim meets and when he did, I think he was glad when I immediately sent out the SOS signal to leave. He never really wanted to hang out with me outside of school and the only reason he even acknowledged me in class was to curb his boredom. We did have lunch occasionally I guess."

Saying all that aloud, I will always write off on the alcohol. But it felt nice to finally speak on something that always bugged me. I liked a guy who barely even acknowledged me as a friend. Maybe I do fall too fast.

The soft music washed over us as he continued driving and I continued to run my fingers over his palm. My eyes felt heavy, but it was only 5 more minutes before we were there. Wherever there is, I guess.

"It's so easy." I say, absentmindedly.

"What is?"

"Being here with you. Holding hands. Talking." I lean further into the very comfy seat. "Why is it so easy with you? I must be crazy, huh?"

"For what it's worth..." My eyes opened as I realized we were pulling into a garage now. "I don't think you're sleezy or pathetic or some sort of way to relieve boredom." His door opens and I let my eyes follow him as he walks around the car to open my door. 

But he hates me...right?

As the door opens, he kneels beside me and I twist to face him, my legs ending up between his knees. Theo lets a hand press into my thigh and slowly slides up onto my hip, dragging my dress with. He groans as he leans to press his forehead to mine, "I can't imagine the disappointment of all the guys who had their eyes on you tonight only for you to be here in my garage."

I laugh, shaking my head softly. "I think you're mistaken." He hums, his eyes sparkling with something I've never seen before. I lean forward to wrap my arms around his neck, enjoying the warmth his hand was spreading as it rubbed up and down from my hip to thigh. "I don't think anyone was actually interest-"

"What about Kyle?"

"Who's Kyle?"

Theo pulled back to look me over and once he realized I was serious, he laughed. Like fully laughed. I swear I even saw tears in his eyes. I pouted cause I had no idea what he found so amusing. Finally, he finishes his laughing fit and presses a kiss to my cheek.

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