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To say that this morning had upset me, was an understatement. I was completely and utterly frazzled as I tried to make the last minute touches to the gallery. Setting up the snack table, I had accidentally poured the skittles with the m&ms so now I'm hoping that I managed to separate them correctly this time otherwise someone was in for a rude awakening. As I was placing the name cards for each piece, I kept getting them mixed up and even mixed up my own pieces. I had Kate run a double check on each one for me instead seeing as I was absolutely useless at the moment.

It was 11:30 now. I finished up most things but I sat there staring at a blank canvas where I had originally planned to do a demo while the gallery was going on, but I didn't know if I had it in me anymore. I was exhausted and extremely haunted by a pair of glaring green eyes at the moment.

"Winnie, if you don't want to do this then you don't have to. Just sit at the counter and greet people. I'm sure Jim wouldn't be opposed to doing a demo today instead. At least the morning one." Kate rubbed my back as she leaned her head against my shoulder. "You still haven't told me all that went down this morning though and I'd really love to help you at some point, so whenever you're ready, just know you can talk to me." She steps back to give me a smile which makes me smile a little.

"Also!" She shouts, causing me to jump a little and laugh at her antics, "If it was that bitch, Julianna Montgomery's doing then you can 100% count on me to punch her the next time we see her." Kate shakes her head as she begins to pull towards the counter at the front, "That woman is up to something and from what you said about overhearing her conversation about you...I hate her. She isn't allowed to talk down to my best friend. Plus you're so much more than what she thinks of you." Kate spins suddenly and gives me a pointed look, "You're amazingly talented at art, absolutely beautiful even in a pair of sweats or paint covered overalls, and who gives a shit if you're still a virgin at 24?"

I wince at the last statement, but laugh as she gives me an incredulous look. "Don't back down from that! Own it." Kate shakes me which is able to pull out laughter from me. I try to pull away but she just wraps her arms around me instead. "Don't let anyone try to tell you that you're any less than them, Winnie. At the end of the day, the only person you answer to is yourself." She squeezes me before pulling back and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

My heart warmed as she started humming to music that was playing as she began to make her way around the gallery. I wasn't like this because of Julianna, but it felt nice to know that Kate had my back if things ever went really sour between Julianna and I. I couldn't quite place my finger on what I felt when in Julianna's presence, but it always felt like we were friendly sometimes and other times she put on a mask of some kind.

"It wasn't Julianna." I called after Kate, who turned to send a nod but continued to sing and spin around the floor. I wanted Kate to at least not wrongfully pin my weird sadness on Julianna, but I didn't know if I wanted to tell her about what happened between Theo and I this morning.

I had told myself from the moment I found out that Theo had fibbed a little about his work, that things weren't going to work out between us. I knew that and told myself to distance myself. Even when he had placed his number in my palm, I was a little glad my phone was broken so I wouldn't be tempted to text him. He was only talking to you because of Julianna, not because he actually wanted to talk to you. Theo always said something about Julianna this or Julianna that when we met up. He probably kept quiet about his work because he knew we weren't ever going to be acquainted to the point where it would even matter.

Like that was a major red flag, right? I should've distance myself. I should not have allowed him into my apartment.

Or your heart.

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