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"Run through it again, Montgomery. Better pack up that shit, or else you're gonna be benched this next away game." I roll my eyes as Coach pushes us into another set of drills. 

He wouldn't even dream of benching me especially as we pull further into the season, games matter more now. Last game was our first loss this season, so we could technically afford it...but who would chance that over something as simple as a poor day during practice.

Knox skates up beside me, "Yeah, Montgomery. Pack it up." He bumps his shoulder into mine and I grunt, sending a glare his way. "Let's just get through this so you can go see Winnie before we leave Monday night."

"I can't believe all of this is happening," I bite out. My shoulder was hurting more than ever and I had a headache named Liam Denver that wasn't exactly helping. "How did I let it get this bad for Julianna?"

"Cade," Seb slides in on my otherside, "Dude, your passes can use some work. You've been really sloppy with the stick recently. Must be disappointing for Winnie." Seb laughs, dodging my arm as I try to grab him. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding." He skates backwards, pointing his stick at me, "But for real, when we touchdown in Carolina, you better have your head on straight. I can't afford another hit to this perfect face, ya know?" He winks before going back to Linc so he can practice his shots on goal.

"It's going to be fine." Knox mutters, patting my back.

I shake my head, "Julianna needs me, right? She's gotta go through all of this and it was so close to the wedding too. But here I am planning on being away until Saturday morning due to these two away games coming up. When only a week or two ago we were running through practices for the wedding that was supposed to happen this Saturday night..." I shift on my skates, "And don't even get me started on my issues with leaving Winnie during all this."

"Jules seems like she's getting through it. Maybe it's a bit rough, but she has her friends and family all here at the moment anyways due to the wedding, right? All she can do is apologize to those who expected a wedding. They can still have a family get together or something to not waste the flights or drives some of them took. Heck, we can tell them to come to our home game next Tuesday." Knox skates in front of me, giving me a reassuring smile. "Jules will be fine."

"Winnie," I began already feeling a bit uneasy for this upcoming week.

Knox nods, "Winnie is a bit harder to predict anything for...I think she's probably got her phone fixed, so that helps ease things a bit." A whistle blows, signaling the last hour for practice. "Let's run through the last hour helping the team prepare and then you can go to her place to figure out all the little bumps with her instead of mulling it over by yourself."

I nod, pushing myself to skate forward. I needed to at least attempt to try a bit, my team deserved that much.


"So," Seb runs a towel over his hair, "Wanna tell me what's up with you? You seemed really happy this morning and things seemed to be going well with Winnie. What happened between then and practice?" He lowers himself to the bench, letting the towel fall to his shoulders.

Linc comes over and leans against a locker, his eyes narrow slightly as he looks over me for any signs of physical injuries. Knox and Parker come from the showers, both whispering between one another. I glance to see who else is left, but am a little pleased to see only two rookies left who were beginning to make their way out of the locker room. That means it was just us five, which eased my worries a little. I didn't need my business to be spread across locker room gossip, nor did I want my sister's or Winnie's to be either.

"The wedding isn't happening anymore."

"What?" Lincoln leans forward, his arms cross as he ponders over the possibilities. "Jules seemed really fucking excited..." His eyes narrow, "Liam better not have-"

"He didn't." I scoff, "I'd have killed the guy."

Parker chuckles, "We don't know for sure. Even then, he might as well have. All Liam could do was drool over Winnie since she's joined in to help the wedding."

"Yeah, well, Winnie said nothing happened between the two of them." An edge can be heard in my tone.

Parker, seeming to be unaware of my warning, runs the towel over his head and shrugs, "It's not like we've known Winnie for long." He mutters as he brings the towel down.

I stand, the bench moves slightly from under Seb, forcing him to stand as well, his hand coming up to meet my chest. "You haven't known Winnie for long." I bite out.

Seb laughs, nervously. "Listen guys, I'm sure Winnie didn't have anything to do with this." He sends me a reassuring smile, "I don't even think the girl can hurt a fly, let alone do something like that."

"Theo has already let it happen to him once," Parker laughs, "He's none the wiser, I imagine."

I shove past Seb, but Knox steps between us this time. "Listen, I don't know what your issue with Winnie is coming from. And I don't know what is happening or happened between my sister and you, Parker. But you're not going to take out your frustration from all of this on Winnie just because you see her as the easiest person you can do that to." I growled out.

"If Julianna was here, she'd hate to hear how you were talking about Winnie." I watched as Parker's smug front was slowly slipping. "I'd also like to remind you who we heard arguing with Liam when we got there. Who was sobbing as she took on all the weight of this shit. And who Julianna was assuring to not feel burdened by this." I glare at him, daring him to continue.

"She already blames herself, Parker." I laugh, "Go ahead and join in, picking on someone who already feels like shit. Must make you feel really good."

I spin, grabbing my bag and slamming my locker shut. My patience was running short, I was already pissed at Liam for obvious reasons. I was upset with my sister for not coming to me sooner so she didn't have to do all of this on her own. Part of me held a slimmer of doubt alongside Parker when we were confronting Liam, but as soon as I saw just how much this affected Winnie, I shoved that doubt down. Real deep. Adding Parker's scrutiny of Winnie when he was there to witness her everything, was causing me to spiral a little.

I pause at the door, "Also," I turn back to see all four still in the same places I had left them, "Don't you ever fucking call me Theo again." I sneer, pushing the door open and letting it slam shut behind me.




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