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"We managed to pull away after and came out with one point ahead at the very end." Theo chuckles, shuffling can be heard as he situates himself against the couch. Knox passes in the background, sending me a wave. Sebastian and Lincoln also move behind him, but Sebastian leans over to blow me a kiss. I giggle as Theo moves to push him away.

I see Parker come into view, he's turned backward talking to someone. Theo shifts the phone as he turned to say hi to another player. Parker caught sight of me on the phone and reached forward to grab the phone from Theo.

"Hey!" Theo calls as Parker rushes down the hall with the phone. He closes a door and leans against it, laughing as Theo tries to push it open.

"Hey, Winnie." He says, calmly. His eyes assessing me.

"Hi." I smile softly. Hopefully allowing him to see that I was getting better. Slowly, but still better all the same. Some things were still a bit rough, but I just had to keep reminding myself that I was loved.

"You look cozy." He comments. His eyes trailing from the messy bun on my head to the blanket that is pulled around me as I sit behind the desk in my office. 

I shrug, "It's a Friday night kind of cozy." I say just as the phone is pulled away, showing Knox instead.

"Winnie, I think when we get back we need to have a get together. Cade likes to hog you." Knox winks. "You do look cozy." He pouts, "Cute too!" He calls a little louder as I hear Theo and Parker arguing in the background. 

"Donuts would be nice." I offer, but don't get a response as the phone gets taken by Sebastian.

"Winnie, why don't you facetime me?" He pouts. "Cade gets to sleepover. Cade gets to eat with you. Cade gets to facetime you." He narrows his eyes. "You'd think something was happening between the two of you or something.

Parker huffs in the background, laughing as the door gets shoved open. Theo comes into view, "Yeah, or something." He pulls the phone from Sebastian and smiles at me, "Anyways, Winnie," He goes to sit down on a bed, Lincoln can be seen laying behind him.

"You'll come to our home game on Tuesday, right?" I tilt my head, pretending to think about it. Theo looks a little nervous and even Lincoln peeks up from his phone to see my answer.

I sigh dramatically, "I mean if it's okay with you."

"Of course!" Theo coughs, trying to cover up his enthusiasm. Lincoln chuckles in the background and winks at me as I smile innocently at him.

"You wanna wear my-"

Sebastian drops onto the bed beside Lincoln, "You can borrow my jersey, Winnie. I know you probably don't have one and you might as well wear the star player's."

"Oh," I chuckle softly, "You'd let me borrow yours?"

"Of course!" He mocks Theo, who rolls his eyes in response.

"She's not wearing your jersey." Theo huffs out.

"Oh yeah?" Sebastian leans forward and throws an arm over Theo's shoulders, "Whose jersey is she gonna wear then?"

"Mine." Theo says all matter of fact-like as he tries to shrug off Sebastian's arm.

"Yours?" I ask which pulls his eyes to me.

"If you want to." He whispers, a nervous chuckle leaving him as he runs a hand through his hair.

I shrug, "But wouldn't it be better to wear the star player's?"

Theo scoffs, "Yeah I think he's a bit delusional. He isn't really star material."

This sends them into an argument about who the star of the team is and I watch in amusement. It was nice to see everyone excited after the win, but I could feel the weight of having to tell Theo about what happened starting to press on me. Come tomorrow, I'll ruin this high that he's on and it was eating away at me. But I promised Parker.

"Winnie," Theo's voice pulls me from my thoughts. I pull a smile on my face, but he remains concerned. "You okay?"

I nod, "Yep! Just a little tired. I had a long day." I yawn, which pulls one from him. He nods and moves to another bed, leaning against the pillow. His arm flexes as he brings it behind his head, "You should go to bed then." He smiles, as I stand grabbing my blanket. His eyes catch something, "What's with the bugs?"

I glance back and smile as I look them over, "A gift from an old friend."

"I like them."

I turned back to him, "Really?" I ask.

He nods, "Oddly enough, they fit you."

I feel the weight of that settle over me as I remember who gave them to me, "I like them too." I mumble as I turn off the light in my office and make my way to my bedroom. Knox mutters something and Theo nods, telling him goodnight. The other guys talk amongst each other as they exit into the hall.

"Night, Winnie." Lincoln calls as a light shuts off on the other side of the room.

"Night." I say as I slide into my bed, pulling the covers up as another yawn pushes through me.

I lean my head to the side as Theo and I just silently sit on facetime. He was thinking as he usually did around this time of night and I was getting more curious by the second.

"I'm gonna swing by your place after we land tomorrow." He whispers, dragging a hand across his face.

I bite my lip, "Okay."

Theo smiles, "Have a good night, Benji."

I wish him a goodnight as well, but we don't hang up right away. Just enjoying each other's company.

"I missed you." He whispers.

I smile sleepily, "I missed you too."




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