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I lean in, pressing my lips to his so he can't reject my confession. Our kiss is sweet, the taste of the words lingering as our mouths melted together.

I believe love is real. I also know that if you can fall in love, there's always the chance that you fall out of it too. While others spoke so courageously, letting it slip with so much confidence. I've always been a coward. Never able to say it. Never able to mean it.

But with Theo, I felt like if I didn't say it every chance that I could...then I'd be doing us injustice.

He groans into the kiss, his hand sliding down to my waist. His fingers sliding under the edge of my shirt. His teeth sink into my bottom lip and I gasp, allowing a breath to occur between us. He uses this as his opportunity to pull back, he bends a little and uses the fact that my guard is down as a way to throw me over his shoulder.

"Theo!" I cry out. He chuckles as he begins to walk towards my bedroom, a hand coming down on my butt. I yelp, feeling the pain seep into something I couldn't comprehend. I wiggle a little to try and get his grip to loosen, but he just bounces me back into place on his shoulder. Landing on the bed with a soft bounce, I watch as he drops to his knees in front of me.

"Say it again."

I groan as I lay back, bringing my arm up to cover my eyes. "Please don't tease me right now."

"May I touch you?" Something about the way he asks this makes my face heat up. He's obviously touched me multiple times today. He had me over his shoulder just moments ago, but this was a far different touch that he was asking about. I glance at him, about to nod when memory of his words bounce around in my head.

"Yes." Just a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear.

His hand slides up my thigh, "Benji," Theo grips my hip, yanking me to the edge of the bed. I gasp as my shirt gets caught on the bedding, sliding up to just under my breasts. I go to pull it down, but he reaches his other hand up to grab my wrist. His mouth comes down to press a kiss to my hip.

"Say it again, Benji." He whispers, his breath hot against my skin. Theo continues open mouth kisses against my skin as he brings himself higher and higher up my body. "I wanna be given the chance to say it back this time."

Watching his actions and hearing his words, I feel my nerves over the words slowly fading. As he gets to my ribs, I reach a hand forward to run through his hair. I tug to bring his eyes to mine, "I love you, Theo."

The smile that spreads across his face makes me breathless, "And I love you, Benji."

I can't tell if it's the eye contact, the words, or the fact that he's literally a couple inches from my breasts that makes me feel like I'm floating. I've always wondered what it would feel like to have someone say those words to me. But part of me knew that we've already been saying 'i love you' in the smallest of glances.

"Hey." His hand slipped from holding mine to caressing my cheek. His thumb swipes across my skin, "Why're you crying?" He goes to move away, "Are you okay? Is it all too much for you at the mo-"

I let out a breath of laughter as I shake my head, grabbing at his shirt to stop him from moving away. "It's not that. I promise." I smile up at him, "I promise, I'll tell you if it was that. But right now, I'm just so happy." My hand loosens its grip on his shirt and I let it slide up to the back of his neck. I bite my lip as I apply a little bit of pressure, "May I?" I whisper.

He hums a response as he leans in, but I use my other hand to push at his chest and he gives me a confused look. "I want to hear it, princess." I mock. His eyes hold a spark of mischief as he goes in to kiss me again, but I turn my head so his lips press to my cheek instead. Theo's breath fans across my face as laughter fills the air between the two of us. But as I turn back to tease him once more, I am pinned to my spot by the look in his eyes.

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