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Holland and Hannah travelled from the lowest level up to the floor both their rooms happened to be on. When Hannah stopped at her door. Holland was grinning like a fool as he went to the next door. Pulling out his own key-card he stepped inside just as Hannah did the same.

Holland knocked on the door that allowed their two separate rooms to become an adjoining suite. Hannah let him in. He prowled through the open door, wrapping his arms around her as he stole another kiss from her lips. "I missed you baby." He said teasingly. As though the moment apart had truly been onerous on him.

Hannah, had somehow caught a bad case of feelings for the sexy daddy on the elevator ride up. She found herself wanting to be near him. To feel his skin on her, to smell his scent in her nose. Every time she closed her eyes a pretty fantasy of the two of them living in a nice house by a lake, kids playing on the narrow beach, watching tiny minnows swim in the clear water.

Both got dressed in practical outfits. Nothing fancy or formal, but not slovenly either. It took much longer than usual to get dressed as neither Hannah, nor Holland could keep their hands off one another.

For Holland, being with Hannah was everything he had dreamed. She had been a certified daddy's girl freak while they fucked each other senseless, and now wearing highrise slacks and a prim sweater she was quiet and sweet. All gentle touches and loving eyes. He had been watching her carefully, and noticed how her hand frequently moved to touch the fresh claiming mark on her breast. A far away look in her eyes for a moment always followed by confusion. It was as though she didn't know what the mark meant, or where the dragon who had left it was.

If a dragon had done anything untoward to her, Holland's whole family would rain hell down on the offender. However, first things first, he was going have dinner with his mate, and try and gauge if she knew anything of the supernatural world she had found herself already swimming in.

While Holland and Hannah made their way back to the main floor of the hotel and the in house restaurant. A nearly feral dragon was flying overhead. Searching for his mate. A suitcase clutched in his claws as he finally found the city she was in. Caspian hadn't picked the right flight. His dragon had nearly shifted mid flight when it became apparent she was travelling in a different direction. It was almost as though she had taken multiple crisscrossing flights in a pattern that did not make sense travel wise.

He still didn't have a name for his beautiful mate. His claim on her body was the only thing guiding him now. He had almost tumbled from the sky when his mate started fucking someone else. Only because he had been caught so unaware. His sweet mate kept touching his mark as she was fucking another shifter. Sharing her pleasure with him. Making him even more eager to finally hunt her down.

She was going to find herself tied to his bed for a week as he fucked her senseless as punishment for being so hard to find. For making his dragon topple in the sky as she took another mate without him there to share in the pleasure.

Caspian found he wasn't mad she had another mate. Especially not one that could wring so much ecstasy from his mate's body. Dragons did typically have multiple partners after all. If another shifter ignored his clear claim on the sweet human, they must have been fated. He had already become a rouge dragon with no flock or resources. There wasn't a fucking chance in hell that he would do anything to get on the wrong side of fate.

Caspian as dragon circled the northeastern city where his mate was hiding near the airport. With a trumpeting call, the dragon circled lower, landing in a deserted park. The suitcase had been crushed slightly in the talons of the dragon, but the contents inside were unharmed. Caspian got dressed again, closing his suitcase he whistled as his heart led him towards his mate.

Still back by the wrong coast, Max wasn't proud of his current stalking efforts. He had looked at every page, every comment online that related to Olympic Productions that he could find. A contact given to him by a redditor, to connect him with an Instagram creator, who connected him to another creator then finally a talent coordinator that had a slide show presentation of Olympic Productions and their services they were willing to share with him. Only because it was more than a year outdated and surely useless.

Various show performances, nightly fees. Extras. It was a catalog of options. Four dancers were showcased at the end. Small head shot photos with what had to be fake names like Peaches and yesterday's Jazzlyn. Tiny font outlined each dancer's specific style and what to expect from her performance.

Except as Max looked carefully at each photo. He had the sneaking suspicion that all of the dancers were his mate. He had only seen her face briefly, and from too far away. It was burned into his heart and mind all the same. Max was looking at the heavily made up photos of his mate in stage makeup and wigs when he got a notification that one of the dozen of contacts he had made was going live.

Max tapped on the notification on his phone, bringing up a live video. The scrolling text indicating an Olympic Performance show was happening tonight, followed by the address of a club in Maine.

Already looking up flights, Max was anxious that he would miss her. Certain every performer on the company listing was her. Regardless of the hair color, makeup or costume. He knew every picture was her. He booked a direct flight at an exorbitant price that made him flinch as he hit the confirm payment button. Feeling like he had signed away a part of his soul with that deal. He took off for the airport, having no time to lose. 

Mind linking Bryan at the last minute. To let his alpha know he was heading to Maine for the weekend. Not asking. Telling his alpha. Completely against protocol for the pack. Once at the airport, Max couldn't help himself from continuing to look into every single thing he could find out about her and her company.

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