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Caspian landed with heavy feet in a very small clearing, overgrown with shrubbery that would soon close in the space entirely if it was not cut back. The dragon turned in a circle, moving his feet to crush down most of the lower shrubbery, ensuring there was a clear path to what he hoped to find. He saw the stone marker that the map had represented up ahead. The shape had weathered over time and no longer exactly matched the mark on the map, that it still stood at all was a promising sign.

Hannah began to climb down from the dragon's back. When her feet hit the ground, Caspian began to shift back. At first Hannah glanced away as he shifted, knowing he would be naked, then she turned her gaze back to him. She felt electric right now, watching his body change from mythical beast back to her Caspian. She had never felt so exhilarated as she did with her body still humming with the motion of flying on dragon back. Her cheeks red from the wind against her face and a smile she couldn't shake stuck on her face. Seeing the stars up close and clearer than she ever had, the misty chill of passing through a puff of cloud, watching as the vapours swirled and flowed until being sent in swirling whirlwinds when Caspian as dragon cut his path in the sky.

Caspian moved like a dancer, one step towards Hannah, arm extending gracefully to reach over her shoulder, opening the bag to retrieve the soft drawstring pants he had. Leaving the tie of the pants loose, the waist low on his hips. He was dressed now, by the barest margin. The pants were barely decent, but it was enough coverage so Hannah could focus on him. "Where are we?" 

"We, are somewhere we can relax." Was Caspian's confident reply. He took the bag from Hannah so she did not have to bear any weight moving over the uneven ground, and freshly crushed greenery. Before scooping her up into his arms and easily prowling his way towards the stone marker. Already able to sense the hot spring had stayed true. Much to his pleasure.

As hoped, there was a carved archway in the gray granite of the mountain. Inside a natural hot spring had been enhanced with stonework. Thanks to the nature of the cave, and facing away from the worst of the winter storm winds, the combination of man and nature made pool had stayed in perfect condition. Better than Caspian had hoped. Caspian set Hannah down on the smooth floor of the sheltered cave, she took a few steps towards the rock pool, looking over the edge. "What is it?" She asked holding her hand over the water, feeling the warmth on her skin as the mineral smell of the water replaced the chlorophyll scent from the crushed shrubs of the clearing in her nose.

"A hot spring one of Bryan's ancestors discovered and formed into a spa." With a mischievous glint to his eyes Caspian looked at Hannah, "Shall we undress and test it out?" He offered. Hannah's eyes went wide, before she looked around the cave, turning her head to look through the opening, seeing only woods and sky as far as she eyes could make see. The lights of the pack and the nearest villages hidden by the dense forest that separated them right now.

Aside from her first time with Holland in the hotel gym, Hannah hadn't even gone skinny dipping, or anything close to some kind of public nudity before in her life. However as she considered where they were, she decided this didn't count as public, she had flown on the back of a dragon to get here, and saw first hand that there were no lights, no homes, not even a path that led here. Her and Caspian couldn't be more alone.

With a smirk of her own, Hannah unzipped the jacket, letting it fall to the floor, followed by her sweater, then pants. As Caspian unpacked the bag, arranging stainless steel stemless wine glasses, a bottle of pinot noir and a small basket of fruit and berries on the ledge next to the stone worked spa.

Just as Hannah was slipping the last stitch of clothing from her body, Caspian was by her side, having already shed the low pants and added them to the pile of clothing on the cave floor. Caspian made sure the clothes were on a higher layer of rock, in case their activities caused some water to over spill the pool. With gentle hands he gathered Hannah's long full hair, twisted the length into a bun and used a large jewelled pin to secure her hair on the crown of her head. Her pale skin nearly glowed in the low moonlight that filtered into the cave. "You are so lovely Hannah." Caspian whispered in her ear, his warm breath on her sensitive skin making her body shiver.

Hannah was overwhelmed by the look Caspian gave her. She never had and would never see another man who was as attractive as Caspian with his perfectly sculpted body and face that was more appropriate for a classical statue than on a living breathing man. He was a fantasy made of warm living flesh and he looked at Hannah like she was the sun and light of his entire world. Hand in hand Caspian led her to the smooth carving steps, and into the spring. The water was the perfect temperature for Hannah and the dragon to enjoy as they sank down on the smooth bench seats that had been carved into the stone to ensure the hot spring could be enjoyed comfortably.

Hannah leaned against Caspian, his arm over her shoulder as the water soothed her body and muscles. With his other hand Caspian opened and poured the wine, handing Hannah her glass, before raising his own in a toast to them. In between sips of the rich velvety wine, Caspian fed Hannah grapes, strawberries or raspberries from the fruit basket. Enjoying how the red fruit was staining her lips an enticing colour.

Hannah set down the now empty wine glass. Her hand traced a light path from Caspian's knee up his thigh underneath the bubbling water of their private hot spring. A coy flash of her eyes upward through her lashes up at Caspian matched with her own mischievous smirk. Her small hand grasped Caspian's already stiffening cock wrapping her fingers around the girth. Her fingers weren't long enough to reach around his thick cock fully. To compensate she moved his hand up and down, rotating her hand around his cock as she started to pump his quickly hardening cock.

Hannah lived for the breathy moan Caspian let slip from his lips, loved to watch as his body relaxed and gave into her touch. Revelled in knowing it was her touch that made his godlike body feel pleasure. With a low vibrating growl, Caspian launched himself at Hannah, his lips were on hers, water sloshed over the edge of the stone work pool. His hands were everywhere. His kiss was hungry, demanding, and everything Hannah wanted.

Caspian pulled Hannah onto his lap. His erection pressing against her stomach, her legs to either side of his hips. Hannah raised herself up with her knees on the stone seat hidden beneath the hot spring waters surface. Using one hand she notched Caspian's impressive length at her entrance. Her eyes locked on Caspian's eyes as she sank down on his length. Taking all of him deep inside her slick wet channel. Her muscles clenching around him as he stretched her walls open around his cock. It was divine.

With her hands braced on Caspian's shoulders, her eyes never leaving his, Hannah began to ride her pleasure on Caspian's cock. His hands on her hips, helping her go harder, the water splashing wildly, creating a waterfall sound that echoed down the rest of the cave. Not that the splashing water was doing much to drown out the sounds of their love making. Hannah had never felt so happy or so free. There really, truly was no one to hear them.

Hannah went wild. Drawn to him, to give her body over to him. Caspian's hold on her hips tightened just a breath before his lips left soft presses of his skin against her jawline, warning her to hold on. In one surging motion that sent a near tidal wave over the edge Caspian took them deeper into the pool. Hannah became weightless in his arms. Safely held up in the water, Caspian could now safely fuck Hannah harder than she had ever known before. Holland was a more than talented lover, Caspian had admired the wolf's clear tender devotion to Hannah and Max during earlier couplings.

Holland was not a dragon. Caspian was, and he had one focus, to give Hannah every touch she wanted and more pleasure than she had ever experienced. Because he knew the moment she wanted more, wanted something different, knew where she wanted to be touched. Newly weightless, Caspian pounded his length deep inside Hannah. Her body warm and relaxed thanks to a glass of wine and the healing nature of a natural hot spring. Caspian was stronger, had more stamina and he knew her every thought, her body would sing with ecstasy for him.

Hannah's leg wrapped tighter around Caspian, her whole body going tense as she came hard and fast around him, her honey even warmer than the hot spring water as she gushed over his cock. Caspian slowed his movements, long, languid, gentle strokes of his full length in and out as Hannah experienced wave after wave of orgasmic aftershocks. Her arms weak and draped over his shoulder's her head resting against his chest and shoulder. Their hearts beating together as one.

HannahTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang