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Holland was eager to get Hannah back to the hotel. She smelled fucking sweeter than honey underneath the short hem of her dress. Holland wanted his second feast. He wanted Hannah naked, writhing underneath him and full of his cum. It would certainly be ages before he had her all to himself for a night like this again.

Holland was nearly aching to her underneath him. Unfortunately for him, Hannah heard club music putting out a beat that caught her attention. Hannah took Holland's hand tighter in hers as she followed her ears towards to the pied piper music of driving base and the tempting dance beats of house music.

The crowd in line was young, waiting to get in to the club past the discerning bouncer. Hannah lined up, flashing a beaming smile at Holland. "Just a little time to dance?" She had asked, batting her eyes and smiling up at Holland. He wanted to demure that they had an early flight. Wanted to get her back in bed and naked under him.

Then she had twirled the end of one of her pigtails in her fingers, "I wanna dance Daddy." Her lower lip pouting out just a little bit. Holland was lost. He could no more deny his baby girl a chance to dance than he could stop the moon from rising in the night sky. The bouncer pointed to Hannah, waving them to the front of the line and into the dimly lit club. The smile that bloomed on her face when she got moved to the front was dazzling, a few dances and a drink were worth that smile alone to Holland.

The moment Hannah was inside the club, her hips began to move to the music, the smell of alcohol and hormones thick in the air around them. Her hand still in Holland's as she led him to the dance floor. Holland stopped short, letting Hannah move onto the dance floor alone. He was hypnotised, watching Hannah's body move in sync with the fast dance music. All he could see was Hannah in the crowded space. Especially when she turned around, smiling with such joy to simply be out dancing that everything else just melted away.

Hannah moved seductively, every motion pulled Holland in. He wished he had any ability to dance, but he knew that if he joined her he was more likely to crush her toes under his boots than anything else. Holland could scent that there were a high number of shifters in this club, and at least one vampire that so far was staying out of his sight. Holland smiled as Hannah called to him to get them drinks, while she danced all on her own, simply enjoying the music and beat moving through her body.

Holland looked around, the vampire wasn't on the dance floor, the club must have a pretty low capacity rule since it wasn't crowded in here. The bar wasn't busy, it would only take few moments to get drinks. Holland thought Hannah would be safe on the busy dance floor while he quickly grabbed a drink for each of them. It only took a few minutes to get two whiskey sours from the bartender, apparently even that short amount of time had been too long. 

Holland turned and was making his way back to Hannah. The vampire Holland hadn't been able to pick out of the crowd before had slunk his way out of the shadows. Holland could easily pick him out now that he had moved into the open dance floor space. Holland felt his wolf rise up when they realised the vampire was moving towards Hannah. It was hunting her.

Holland dropped both glasses the moment he felt Hannah go dim in his mind. Holland was pushing his way through the crowd, watching in horror has Hannah turned to start walking towards the bloodsucker, her beautiful eyes, hollow, vacant and empty. None of the spark that burned bright in Hannah was evident. This was a vampire that could hypnotise, and he was trying to lure Hannah in.

The crowd was resisting Holland's efforts to just get to Hannah. If he could break her eye contact with the Vampire, he could snap the link. He just had to get to Hannah. Holland could feel panic from Max, his phone was buzzing in his pocket. They could all sense that something was wrong with Hannah. The vampires hold had her locked away from all of them. It was the most awful thing Holland had ever felt. 

The Vampire was walking backwards to a fire exit. One eye always on Hannah, sparing short glances towards Holland with only one eye. Working to get Hannah out of the club and away from watching eyes as quick as possible. Holland gave up being gentle with the crowd of mostly shifters, Arm up, elbow braced out like a plough, Holland forced his way through the crowd.

 Along the way he snagged a disposable wooden chopstick right off someone's plate. Rushing Holland said the required verse to bless the bamboo stick as a stake worthy to end a vampire. Holland lunged forward, chopstick outstretched in front of him, aiming for the chest and heart of the vampire. His aim was true. The blunt chop stick slid roughly in between ribs and into the heart of the monster. Holland heard the Vampire scream as he exploded into ash as Holland tumbled to the floor face first.

Hannah stopped moving. blinked, and looked down at the small pile of ash in front of her. The spell that had her hypnotised broken. Hannah looked down at Holland sprawled out on the floor right beside the pile of ashes that Hannah swore had just been a man. She hadn't been scared until this moment when the danger she had been in was already passed. "I wanna go back to the hotel." At that moment, the rest of the club seemed to have returned to their senses, as a scream from somewhere in the crowd set everyone into a panic.

Hannah's night out hadn't come to an end how she had hoped it would. She had just wanted to dance, and have fun; Pretend she was a normal girl, who had a normal life and was out with her boyfriend tonight. Instead tonight was another reminder that Hannah's life wasn't normal, maybe never had been, and certainly wouldn't be in the future. How on earth did a person turn into ash from a chopstick?

As soon as the crowd began to panic, Holland pulled Hannah through the door the vampire had been leading Her. Taking a wide berth around the smoking pile of ashes. Taking her back to his car the quickest possible route. Explaining that they had just run into a vampire that had tried to hunt Hannah. Holland moved swiftly heading back to the hotel, and directly up to their room. Hannah had been on the phone with Max, Caspian, and Aspen as Holland slowly drove down the late night city streets. Letting their other mates know she was ok, Holland had saved her and nothing bad had actually happened.

Hannah only hung up when they were back in front of their own door. "I don't like vampires." She told Holland. It had felt so weird to not be in control of herself. To feel her body doing things she didn't want it to do. She didn't want to move towards the stranger, but her muscles moved on their own. If Holland hadn't stabbed the vampire, he would have been able to make Hannah do anything he wanted. It was terrifying to know that as bad as it had felt, it could have been so much worse tonight.

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