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Hannah watched Caspian’s father fly away before something in her mind tickled a memory. “You all said clothes get shredded when you shift, Caspian’s father was dressed the whole time?” Remembering how the wrapped toga like garment had been on Magnus when he turned human, before looking down at her own naked legs. Blushing furiously. She did not enjoy being naked and exposed like this. Would likely have spiking shame flashbacks to Caspian’s father and sister seeing her naked for years to come. Decades being morelikely.

Caspian rolled his eyes. “My father sought out the spiders of the lost woods, and managed to convince them to spin, weave and imbue a garment with the ability to shift with him.” Caspian shook his head. “It’s pageantry to show off his might.” Before he could get too caught up in the myriad ways his father could be found wanting. Caspian looked at Hannah. “I liked you yelling at him, you should do that again sometime.” Caspian was going to keep going, see if Hannah might be up for more love making under the sunlight. 

However the happy group was interrupted by several wolves and men emerging from the surrounding forest clearly on edge and stalking out the dragons that had invaded their home and pack. Max turned from the group, moving to stand between his mates and his pack. “It’s ok, Caspian is mate of my mate, is a dragon. His father and he needed to have a conversation.” There were several nods, while everyone gave the new pack members a solid ocular pat down. “I know, we will all come to dinner tonight, we just need to get settled.” The last brown wolf turned, once again giving the freshly joined family time together.

“Can we please go inside?” Hannah asked. Clearly very stressed over having been seen undressed by so many eyes today. Making all her shifter mates smile over her modesty, considering she was also an erotic performer, mated to three shifters and one fae. She was endearing, and sweet, and theirs. 

Holland’s booming laugh echoed through the clearing, as he went to Hannah and scooped her up in his arms. Making her Shriek and laugh while he nuzzled his nose through her hair. “Holland!” She cried mirthfully, “My ass is hanging out! Put me down!” She said with her words, unconvincingly. Holland could feel she was more than content in his arms just as she was. 

Holland gently shushed her, “It’s only us around now baby girl. We’ll get you inside, no promises on you getting to put more clothes on though.” Max and Caspian both making sounds of agreement as the group marched back to Max’s family home. 

Aspen was the only one being quiet. He had never been to a confrontation that had ended so cleanly. Only his former master was going to meet an unfortunate end. A fact he couldn’t help but feel glee over. Hannah was safe. Once his previous master was gone, he really would be free. Aspen was in awe as he watched Hannah, in Holland’s arms, Caspian and Max trailing on either side. Everyone looking towards him occasionally, making sure he was keeping up, that he was included in the conversation and banter between them. Aspen felt confusing feelings he was not accustomed to. 

Caspian changed his gait and moved next to Aspen, Making eye contact, smiling smoothly. Dragons always were too attractive, “These lands are unwarded, I could use your help to set some protections for the pack.”Caspian slowed and lowered his voice before continuing, ”For Hannah.” Aspen looked up into Caspian’s eyes.

“You want my help?” He stammered out. He didn’t think anyone had ever requested his help like this before, as though he was talented, and equal to the requestor in status. 

Caspian smiled his most sincere smile at Aspen. Trying to make his eyes softer, to let Aspen keep his secrets. To give choice and agency. It was going to be a challenge to give Aspen the space he needed to find himself. “We are in a beautiful, rural farm, with woods, lakes, rivers, everything possible tied to nature is near at hand. I can not think of a single better suited person than you to help me ward the lands we are going to call home.” Caspian knew this was an area his Father had desired more influence. Max’s pack wasn’t large in population, but it was certainly large in land and resources. Bryan’s family had recognised the value of the land early, claimed a large swath in the early days of the colonies. 

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