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“That would be ideal.” Hannah said quietly. Judy being at large was more than Hannah could handle right now. She seemed like the kind of mom that didn’t allow locks on doors. Hannah had spent too much time living on her own to cope with a pushy mother-in-law living under the same roof. A quiet private space would be nice. She needed a chance for everything to settle. She needed time alone. Even the forest around her felt too loud now. Like it was another beat echoing in her own heart.

Bryan was waiting outside for them when they all arrived. A quick welcome and acceptance into the pack so all the other members would just know they were all safe, part of the pack Holland and Max had both talked over each other to explain until they worked out a better system to communicate it together. When Hannah was less confused, Max was stolen away as Bryan slung his arm over Max’s shoulder, just like he always did when it was time to scheme. Leading Max and all his mates inside to the office that Bryan didn’t think would ever feel like his own. He was determined to try his best to live up to the legacy his father had tried to start.

Bryan knew what his father had wanted. What his goals had been. His father had the benefit of life experience, was trying to start to use the connections and friends he had made throughout his life to start moving the pack forward. When Max returned with not just Hannah, but an entire carful of people who were all tied together, Bryan was not proud to admit that he had seen his best friend’s mates and family, as assets to the pack. Thanking his amazing fortune that Max’s one single act of acting reckless led to the answers to every problem walk up to him and ask to be park of his pack.

A dragon in a pack was seen favorably, a sign that the pack was a good place to live now that dragons from fae were seeking to find their own lives. Bryan knew he needed to take some time with Caspian soon to discuss his father. Preferring dragons to arrive announced first in the future rather than descending from the sky. Bryan was surprised how deferential Holland and Caspian were both being as they reminded Max of the purpose of their current visit. Holland was an Alpha, Caspian was a dragon, but while in front of Bryan, they were being perfect mates and deferring to the Beta of the pack respectfully.

A quick look at proper survey maps, and Holland, Aspen, and Caspian had decided on the perfect land by topography on the well marked map of the area. A promise to check out the area in person first before settling any final agreements, and the Beta Family was free to retire to Max’s apartment with their notes and a few maps to plan out the new actually protected border. It was going to take some time to get it all done.

Max and Bryan let them know there wasn’t a single witch in the pack right now who would be useful. Emma was the only one, and well, the power she had wouldn’t be much help. Only a handful of other humans, and an overall shrinking population of young families, but a growing population of senior citizens made up the pack. Finally free from obligations and needs until the pack dinner, they were all eager to be alone. Even if just for a little bit.

Max started to walk everyone up the stairs to his apartment, “This place has more been my, um studio?  I haven’t had anyone see it-” He hadn’t ever revealed his hobby to anyone before. Of all the things he had done this week, this was the moment that felt the most intimate, this was the real him, who he was when he just wanted to bring himself to a happy place. Or it had been before he had seen Hannah for the first time.

He didn’t want to keep anything from Hannah. With a deep breath Max steadied his nerves. Hoping no one would laugh at his hobby. He unlocked the door and turned on the lights. Every single wall was small cubical shelves. From almost the floor to the ceiling, each cubby lit by its own small led white light, showcasing a small, hand painted wooden figure in each and every single little cubby.

No one said anything, until “These are different Cardcaptor Sakura costumes!” Hannah said anumatedly as a row of familiar figures caught her eye. Hannah had loved the show when she was younger when she had discovered it. It was equal parts amazing costume fashion and action and everything she had wanted in a cartoon. Each and every single model carved and painted and styled to look like the cartoon brought to life. A row of four different costumes, Sakura in widely different elegant mid battle poses. Hannah loved the little statues. She had never seen anything like them before.

“I like anime and after my father died, and I inherited this apartment and his office, I use the office for pack business with Bryan’s dad,” Max paused, still catching the grief occasionally, "Now with Bryan.” Hannah and Holland felt how hard the loss of the previous Alpha was hitting their mate, both so proud as he kept going forward. Feeling the grief like a wave, washing back just as quick as it arrived. ”This space was for…For just me.” He admitted feeling guilty, but he had needed the space for his hobby. To be alone with his mind and feelings.

“These are beautiful.” Caspian agreed looking at a figure that most closely resembled an elegant, sinuous fish, it wasn’t any creature he recognised, but if it was all truly carved from one piece of wood, a master’s hands had formed the ribbon like fins of the fish that looked like they were floating ethereally on unseen water currents all around the main body.

Max’s family moved farther into the apartment and saw the work bench where a dining room table should be, with all his tools, the figures in process on the shelves. Curls of shavings, piles of wood dust on the floor he hadn’t swept up after his last stay here. He really was the only one with keys right now. Not even the cleaners had access to this space. He was now only embarrassed that no one had a chance to clean up in here before he let people in.

“These are amazing!” Holland gushed as he tried to take in as many of the tiny sculptures as he could. Truly amazed by the talent his mate had kept hidden until now. While the walls were covered in shelves and the dining room wasn’t for eating, there was still a comfortable tv area, with a large couch, next to a small kitchen with an old fashioned pass through window and bar set up. There was a full bathroom and one bedroom. It was only a standard king size bed, so they would snuggled close tonight while they slept, not that anyone would mind or want it any other way.

“Holland, want to come back with me to home and we can pick up everyone’s luggage and I’ll try and grab some clothes Aspen can use.” Max turned to look at Aspen, “The washroom is fully stocked and there should be a clean robe in the closet if you wanted to shower or anything.” Aspen looked into Max’s eyes in shock. It was going to take him a little while to get used to people genuinely caring for him. Of thinking of his needs and desires. Holland and Max excused themselves to go get everyone’s clothes. Hannah brought Aspen to the couch, turned on the Tv and immediately navigated the controls to an old cartoon movie. Craving simple comfort and real down time. Caspian joined the two of them, while they waited for their other two family members to return ahead of going to the pack house dinner tonight.

Caspian could feel Hannah as she grew anxious. “What’s bothering you?” he gently asked, his hand tracing a crassessing pattern over her arm.

“Dinner tonight, will it be like at the other pack?” Hannah asked. It was bad enough that multiple wolves who were also people had seen her wearing only a tshirt, but to be embarrassed in front of everyone and called a stripper or worse again- that would mortify her. She wasn’t visiting here, this was going to be her home, she had signed the papers to move her father here. Starting to think maybe she had rushed that decision. Even though it had felt so right at the time.

Caspian had suspected that was what was bothering her. Remembering the look of hurt and embarrassment that Holland’s brother had caused to show on her beautiful face. Doing his best to not get angry about it again. “I believe Max’s pack might have more manners than Holland’s brothers. Plus you are mated to the Beta, that is a position of rank and authority. This pack seems to hold to the old ways and your rank will matter to them.” Caspian tried to explain, while realizing at the same time that they still had only just barely started to scratch the surface the parahuman reality Hannah now found herself in.

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