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Hannah was awoken from what had been the most wonderful deep sleep by the ringtone she had always set to be from those in charge of her father's care. The sound of the particular ringtone had induced terror in her for the past two years any time it rang unexpectedly. After the home had called to report that a blood clot had been found in Colton's leg and surgical intervention was recommended to ensure the clot did not travel to his lungs, heart or brain.

Hannah had been across the country, it was a show weekend. She had needed the money so much more back then. Ever since that phone call, and needing to make the choice quickly in the bathroom of an airport between flights, Hannah had stuck with the same ringtone. She wanted to know instantly if the call was related to her father.

Springing from deeply asleep to awake after a fraction of a second of the ring tone. Holland had barely managed to move out of her way when she suddenly reacted to the ringtone after only a single note had played. Reaching towards her phone by instinct. Hannah had very good hearing, the volume on her phone was low, and whomever was speaking had a soft voice such that Holland couldn't make out the words on the other side clearly. All he knew was Hannah was panicked and it didn't stop after she answered the phone.

Phone still to her ear, Hannah leapt from the bed, skittering on feet that didn't seem to have fully caught on that Hannah was awake now she ran to the washroom. Holland heard her hand up, and immediately start brushing her teeth. Running back into the room to her open suitcase on the floor. Grabbing an outfit, with the toothbrush still in her mouth. Foamy toothpaste around her lips, her eyes as wild as her heart felt.

Holland was up from the bed, stopping Hannah as she went to dash back to the bathroom. Taking the toothbrush from her mouth, wiping away from white foam around her lips. Looking into her wild scared eyes. Holland tried to center his baby girl. Find out what he could make better. "Hannah, what's wrong?" he asked her. Her eyes darted wildly. Lips opening and closing like a fish without any words coming out. "I need to go, something is wrong with my father." 

Holland's hands on her shoulders ignited the mate bond, the sparks giving her something new to focus on. Holland's strong voice asking her what was wrong, made her brain slow down enough to focus again. She knew it took her too long, but she did manage to get the words out. "He's agitated, and asking for me. I should have checked on him sooner, I should-" Holland didn't know how to stop her, to slow her down, so he kissed her, snapping her mind fro the spiral it was in as Daddy Holland claimed her lips as his own.

He stopped, a short kiss to bring her racing mind back, "Finish getting dressed baby girl, and we will go check on him. I will text Max and Caspian to let them know what we know." Hannah touched her lips. Her mind had slowed enough to follow Holland's instructions. He was staying calm when that was the last thing he wanted when Hannah felt like she did right now. She nodded, and went to finish getting dressed while Holland texted with one hand and pulled pants and a shirt on with his other.

Sloppy messages sent to Caspian and Max that Holland hoped conveyed enough of the details they would need to react appropriately. Pulling his own shoes on seconds behind Hannah. Holland was chasing after her as she nearly ran to the hospital home her father was living in. Instead of smooth running it was a stiff, awkward speed walk. It was the most ungraceful Hannah had ever looked in motion.

"Hannah, wait." Holland caught up to her. Then was unsure what it was she needed he just didn't want to feel so useless.

"Ignore him Hannah, go to your dad, we'll be right behind you." Max said. Looking at Holland slightly nervously. Until Caspian patted Max on the back, smiling when Max turned his face up to the dragon and knew he had done the right thing.

Hannah looked at both Caspian and Max, as Aspen ran to hold her hand. Walking in perfect sync with her award speedy walk towards the former convent. Feeling like she had screwed up. Her dad had come back, and she had spent time away from him. She had left him alone and now he was gone again. The window closing, all the happy dreams she had started to imagine with her father having a real part in her life again vanishing like ether into the air around her.

Aspen was deeply affected by Hannah mood. He wasn't used to being optimistic, he really had thought that Colton was truly himself, that everything was going to work out. He had been so hopeful and like Hannah's dreams his hold hope was slipping.

"Do not invite troubles that have not yet arrived, Deloris said your father is agitated and asking for you. We will face what we find together." Caspian called to Hannah and Aspen realizing the two of them were spinning each other out harder after Max had stepped up to tell Holland to let Hannah go. Hannah looked at him, some of the swirling awful feelings in her loosened their hold on her heart as she continued her strange gait to her father. Walking perhaps a little bit more naturally now.

Holland was pouting as he fell in line with Caspian and Max behind Aspen and Hannah. Taking Max's hand in his since he wouldn't be holding Hannah's right now. "I just want to help her." He rumbled nearly under his breath.

"And now you are." Caspian rumbled back, the dragon looking at Holland. Holland did not like feeling useless, all He wanted, was to fix something, feel like he was doing something real to make Hannah feel better. He didn't even get to hold her hand. "I might let you next time." He added to Holland's thought. The dragon was being much more interactive, enjoyed giving Holland a justifiable amount of torment. It was a more than welcome distraction for the dragon as his mate suffered. 

Hannah storming forward, no one offered to carry her, she didn't want to be carried. Aspen understood before Caspian had to intervene, and let of her hand to walk beside Caspian. She was going to this on her own, knowing they were all there right behind her. It was Caspian's duty to ensure Hannah got everything she needed.  

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