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Max drove the SUV straight to his home after picking up breakfast. Eventually driving through the gates with a nod to the enforcers at the entrance. Driving directly to his home. The house his mom and dad had raised him in until his father had died two years ago. Caspian, Aspen and Holland all woke up as the vehicle came to a halt. Hannah had stayed awake, sitting up straighter when Max had turned onto the street lined with ancient trees and a large orchard of apples, pears, and stone fruit. 

Aspen had leapt from the car, standing barefoot on verdant grass. Looking in awe at the trees, the forest and gardens around him. “Green.” His word a whispered prayer. Aspen was strongest when he was in nature. He couldn’t remember the last time he had breathed air this clean after spending so long trapped in different cities. Surrounded by concrete. Almost never getting a chance to touch the soil under his feet. 

Hannah had jumped from the car nearly in time with Aspen and ran to the unlocked door of her new home, her small show bag in hand. In serious need of a washroom after drinking too much coffee. While she was gone, Holland, Max, and Caspian all got a moment alone, in safety and privacy to talk with the man they had willingly kidnapped. Everyone watched Aspen react to his surroundings. 

Max was the only one who had spoken to him for more than a moment, taking his chance to step up. “Aspen, this is Holland,” Gesturing with his hand towards the dark haired werewolf, Holland waved and smiled at Aspen. “That is Caspian.” The blonde dragon nodded towards Aspen. Who wasn’t sure what to make of his change in fortunes. The pull to Hannah, the call of nature urging him to commune with the source of magic that manifested in his body.

“Who is master?” Aspen finally asked after too much time spent silent with no one volunteering the information. Aspen saw each of them flinch back from his question, leaving him even more confused.

Max was dumbstruck, mouth hanging open, turning to Holland, who was also trying to figure out the words. Caspian was the only one fleet of mind enough to speak quickly. “You have no master Aspen. You are free.” Aspen’s eyes going wide as he looked to each of his rescuers.

Holland took over, “I already know you are set on Hannah, however your kind bond, you can offer it to Hannah. Everything is by her choice only.” Holland had started out using his soft daddy voice, going stern on the last sentence to hammer the point extra hard. Not that anyone believed Aspen capable of forcing anyone. Let alone Hannah who had more muscle in one leg than Aspen currently held in his entire body.

“We don’t mind. As long as Hannah is happy, we are happy.” Max said just as Hannah emerged from the house. Having changed out of costume outfit into leggings and an oversized tshirt. The tshirt belonged to Max and smelled of him. Her face was washed and clean and her wig was removed and her long hair was free and flowing down her back, catching the wind to dance on the breeze. The sun making the highlights of copper and gold sparkle. She was radiant. Holland, Caspian, Max, and Aspen all turned to watch as she bounced down the stairs wearing her tiny foldable flats that were barely shoes.

Safe, in green space, feeling refreshed after changing and washing her face. Hannah was finally clear of mind enough to notice the new feeling in her heart. A pull to Aspen that she hadn’t been able to truly notice until now. Not understanding why and needing to all the same. Hannah closed the gap between her and Aspen. Holland watching like it was a live romance movie, Caspian with his own sentimental mood. Max couldn’t help but watch, never wanting to miss a moment with Hannah, but felt awkward watching her and Aspen finally have their moment. Blushing harder as he remembered claiming her in the car with Holland and Caspian there. Caspian helping Hannah cum harder around his cock. 

Silently, they all watched Hannah as she made it to Aspen. Gently touching the side of his face with her hand. Knowing he needed gentle and slow. She turned his face towards her. His natural instinct had been to avert his eyes from her. Softly pressing her lips to his the moment he made eye contact. Feeling the same butterfly sparks she felt with Caspian, Holland and Max. 

She pulled back. Looking into his eyes and whispered the sweetest word Aspen had ever heard on anyone’s lips, “Mine.” Mimicking what Holland and Caspian had told her before she knew what it meant. Holland smiled and had a low chuckle under his breath. He had known the Fae was for them first. It gave him a touch of pride feeling in his heart.

Holland wanted to make sure everyone was communicating, that there were no misunderstandings between anyone. “We know already baby girl, that is why we took him with us.” Holland purred in Hannah’s ear after cracking the stiffness from his own back as he went to Hannah before returning to the SUV. Holland looked past Hannah to Aspen. “You need anything?” He asked both of them. Hannah looked at Aspen, now that she was getting used to the bonds she had. Feeling the tickling feeling of an incomplete bond made her only needy for one thing- It wasn’t anything Holland was going to be able to provide her this time.

Aspen looked at Hannah. Barely believing this wasn’t a dream. He looked at Holland, receiving a warm nod as Holland went to the trunk to grab Hannah’s bag and take it inside for her, along with his own luggage. Caspian was looking at him with Dragon eyes. A smile from the man as he blinked and grabbed a suitcase that had a deep talon puncture in one side of the hard case.  

Then he looked at Max. “The perimeter is marked with trees scratched with a triangle, each one faces towards the pack house. Just stay inside the border.” Max smiled at Aspen, not really having a clue what a Green Fae might need or want, “The woods goes on a good distance.” Then he kind of trailed off, unsure what else to say. He wasn’t jealous. This didn’t bother him. He just didn’t have the words yet to convey those feelings.

Hannah didn’t need to hear their confirmations. She already knew their hearts. She liked how each of them in their own way were softly letting Aspen know he was safe with them. Safe wanting Hannah, safe being with her. Hannah could tell her newest mate was much different than her others. She had seen the innocence in Max, he was someone who had lived a life of love and security. Aspen was the opposite. No innocence, he was also without the confidence and assured nature Holland and Caspian had. 

Aspen was delicate. Hannah knew almost nothing about him, other than he made her blood sing with need for him, her heart beat for him like it did for Max, Holland and Caspian. He was meant to be with her just like they were. She didn’t need to know more than that. She found she was now quietly certain, this really was a forever kind of thing.  Just as Hannah took Aspen’s hand. Ready to take the lead with him. Knowing that was what he needed.

The butterfly kisses of desire feelings growing under her skin as she held Aspen’s hand was beautiful. Hannah led Aspen to the beautiful forest. Knowing intuitively Aspen wanted to be immersed in natire. When they had already been walking through the woods Hannah noticed Aspen didn’t have any shoes. “We can go back, I’m sure there are shoes.” She didn’t want him to hurt himself.

Aspen laughed. At first the sound was unsure, then he let himself go. Laughing deep from his belly for the first time in too long. He had a dimple in his left cheek when he really smiled. A smile that lit up his whole face.  “The forest wont hurt me.” He said. His toes in the dirt, being in living woods, nature and green all around was doing Aspen a world of good. His own magic starting to recharge. His body growing stronger with every breath in the forest air.

He could feel Hannah. Feel her heart. She was strong, and kind, so full of love that hadn’t had enough space to bloom. Before he had been sold, the minder at the station had told Aspen one day he would find his joy, he would know and he should follow. Melrose had been a dragon who wasn’t. An egg had appeared when her mother was pregnant, but it had never hatched. She had  strange gifts instead of a dragon, one being an occasional true foretelling.

Aspen smiled as Hannah led him aimlessly through the woods, anytime they came to a claw marked tree, turning to walk back towards the pack house. “I’ve never been out in the woods like this before.” Hannah said. Breaking the silence that had been between them. “The birds sound so pretty.” Aspen was beginning to realize that he was free to act on his own desires. That Hannah felt what he felt.  A beautiful and delicate dance between two people who didn’t want to hurt anymore, but were each too scared to take the leap first.

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