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Downplaying and not exciting Holland's sister was an impossible request. A woman who could only be Holland's sister came flying out the front door of the main pack house before Holland could even set the parking brake. 

Holland jumped out of the car quickly to try and intervene. Caspian was emerging from the car holding a still sleeping Hannah. She was sweetly snuggling into his chest. Max got out and stretched his arms. After only waking up as the car came to a stop.

Holland got in front of his family cutting off his sister from getting too close. "Paris, I need you to stay calm…" Holland started to speak, hands up defensively, sounding like he was talking to a wild animal. 

Caspian watched the scene, trying to not laugh as Paris sniffed the air, obviously. "Holland, you said you found your mate, you neglected to mention the dragon and baby Beta she came with." Paris shot a look at Max, "No offense sweety." She said with a saccharine sweet voice. As though that was enough to excuse her rudeness.

"Paris." Holland growled out the warning. "It's late, we can discuss this in the morning, which cabin is free tonight?" Trying to push more family catch up time until tomorrow. 

"Ugh fine, but only because the little human looks worn out." She dug into her pocket and pulled out a single key on a small chain. "Bracken wood cottage is free, if you had of let me know you had multiple mates I would have picked one with a bigger bed." Paris tossed the key at Holland. "The Alpha expects to see you at breakfast, don't be rude Holland." Paris turned on her heels and flounced her way back inside. 

"She is going to call my parents." Holland groaned out. Max gave the older man a questioning look. Holland was acting like a runaway teenager instead of the confident man Max had seen until this point. Caspian was smirking.

"Any other siblings we should get a heads up on before they all descend on us tomorrow?" Caspian was enjoying Holland's discomfort, as the dark haired wolf scrubbed his hand over his face. 

"Fuck me I just wanted a safe place to sleep and show Hannah our wolves and dragon. We should have stayed in the city." Holland's phone was now vibrating from incoming messages endlessly. He looked at the screen once. Blanching. "Follow me, let's get her into bed and so help me no making fun of my siblings names." Max and Caspian who was carrying Hannah followed Holland to their accommodations for tonight. 

Holland suspected which of the guest homes his sister would have put him up in. Each cottage or cabin had themes to try and meet the preferences of any guests. Holland was expecting the very pink home, with lace everywhere, just to annoy him. That is where Paris stuck him last time. It was far worse than the pink home this time.

It looked like the Golden Girls entire decor had been condensed into a one bedroom cabin. With many senior friendly additions. Rubber anti-slip or anti fatigue mats all over the floor to assist with traction and stability when appropriate. The curtains were ornate old fashioned florals with gold trim anywhere possible. The same style used liberally on the heavy furniture, and the tablecloth on the set dining room table. Paris always had a bad sense of humor. 

The bathroom didn't even have a tub. Just an accessible shower stall with every wall loaded with safety and support bars. The lone bedroom did at least have a standard king size bed. Hidden under more frilly floral fabric quilts and more decorative pillows than was reasonable on a single bed. There was even a matching dust ruffle, adding more florals to the outdated room that was swathed in layers of brocade. 

Max made quick work sweeping all the pillows onto the floor in a pile while Holland turned down the blankets. Caspian laid Hannah down on the pillows. She already wasn’t wearing her shoes. Holland tucked her in as she snuggled under the covers. Smiling in her sleep. Caspian, took Holland by the arm, and started to drag the man out of the bedroom back to the open living, dining room and kitchen. Holland, grabbed Max’s hand, pulling him along too.

The three men went to the kitchen table. Where everyone could see the bedroom door, and the front door. The bedroom door left open just enough that Hannah could be seen in the bed. Not a one of them willing to let her out of their sight. Not when she had managed to elude them all so well. 

“Alright, time for business, we are all mated men now, time to lay out all the cards.” The dragon deciding to take charge, he was the oldest and strongest. “Holland, how many siblings do you have, and which are likely to descend on us tomorrow to meet your mate?” Caspian asked. He had been raised to learn the names of his allies, and enemies. To know the political climate, and implications of any interaction. Caspian needed to know how many of Holland’s blood to emotionally prepare for.

Holland sighed, “Goddess give me strength, I am one of seventeen children, between my moms and dads, I was pretty prepared for a multiple mate situation.” Holland admitted, seeing shock on both his mates faces.

“My father had a harem and only managed eight children, three of them bastards.” Caspian breathed out. Dragons of his flock had long known there were fertility issues growing in the blood lines. Wolves apparently were not having that same problem.

“Only child.” Max added. Taking the average number of siblings down with him. “Caspian, any of your family likely to come knocking anytime soon?” Max asked. Everyone starting to feel much more at ease with each other. Caspian shook his head. “Ok, let’s learn some more of Holland’s family tonight, then go to bed with Hannah so we can protect her tomorrow,” Holland and Capsian nodded. “Holland?” Max opened the floor.

“Well, Mas and dads are Hattie and Ester, then Russo, Edwin and Tex.” Holland paused, “I have to name everyone in order, or else I might forget someone.” Taking a deep breath, “Washington, Rhodes, Winnie, Regina and Cali, Triplets of course. Denver and Austin, twins. Me, Alaska and Aurora, twins. Harlow, London, Paris, Lincoln, Orlando, Scotland, and Roman. He’s four.” Ignoring the shock he was seeing on Caspian and Max’s face, he continued. “We’re likely to get at least ten of them here tomorrow at breakfast. Maybe more. We like breakfast together as a family, no one is going to be phased that we have one woman and three men. In my family this is normal.” 

Caspian nodded, “Agreed, I shall claim all, this is my flock now.” Looking towards Max. who shuddered under the attention.

“Aye. I’m all in for family.” Holland agreed, his own eyes looking towards Max.

Max was more bewildered than he was when the Drag Queens had been flirting with him. He had been raised in a small rural pack. Dreamed of finding his one true mate, of only being with her. Then learning she came with other men already attached, he found himself unbothered, but with no idea how such an arrangement would work. “I have no idea what I am doing.” Max didn’t know if he was talking about his relationship with Hannah, the growing urge to be with Holland, his feelings for Caspian, or how to manage being Beta to a pack with a less than ideal future at the moment.

It was Holland who wrapped an arm around Max, pulling the blond man towards himself and under his arm protectively. Kissing his temple quickly. The unmistakable sparks were there for Holland. But he wasn't going to rush anyone. A slow burn often burned hotter when the flames finally caught and burned bright.

Caspian loved the blush that colored Max’s pale skin after Holland kissed his temple. So chaste and sweet. Caspian found himself more and more enchanted by the new family he had stumbled in just as he turned his back on his power hungry father. “Alright Holland, if we need to face an army of your family tomorrow, what do we need to do?” 

Holland tried to condense his enormous family into a single hour long power lesson. Paris was the youngest, adult of his siblings. Lincoln, Orlando, Scotland, and Roman were all children, Lincoln was only fourteen. Then it became a tangled mess of internal alliances and strifes. Not all siblings were equal. 

Battle plans drawn, everyone took turns getting ready for bed. Max snuggled into Hannah’s side, Caspian on her other. Holland spooned tight to Max so his hand could rest on Hannah. Max felt equally as nice in his arms as Hannah would have, and he was content to know she was in the same bed as him. The four of them together in bed felt right. As the three men easily joined Hannah in deep, restful sleep. Content to just be near one another.

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