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Hannah's bad day turned even worse as she left the ramp and entered the busy airport. The other flight staff, including both pilots were all just behind Hannah as she was met at the gate by a uniformed security guard, and two men in suits. Everyone looking serious.

"Ms. Chapin, would you be so kind as to follow us please?" It might have been phrased as a suggestion, his tone implied it was a command. Hannah nodded. Swallowing hard. She had no idea what this could be about as she followed behind the stiff men. Already knowing it couldn't be anything good.

"Where are we going? What is this about?" Hannah questioned, unable to hide her growing anxiety from affecting her voice. "Did something happen to my father?" Hannah questioned, starting to feel real fear. She was the only emergency contact, this seemed like something official.

The man on the left ahead of her turned around, "As far as we know your father is how you last saw him, Ms. Chapin." He paused, Hannah noticed a slight quirk of his lips."I can confirm that this is solely about you." Doing nothing to stop Hannah's worries. Only an even more chilling turn of events. "I am Marc, regional director and this is Jose from HR." Hannah's feet faltered. This was a serious meeting. She started to worry at her lower lip with her teeth. Anxiety rising at an alarming pace. The strangest thing was she could now also sense Holland and Caspian worrying about her. She felt like they were close. Maybe even inside the airport. Like they were all actually here waiting to pick her up after her shift. Just like they said they would be.

Hannah, shook her head free of thinking about the improbable chance that she could feel them nearby. Continuing to follow the men her job required her to show respect to into a restricted security zone of the airport. Past another set of locked doors into a room of cubicles for airport employees behind the scenes. The office was empty now, regular office hours long since over. Then into a small office, deep in the interior, non passenger part of the airport. It was deathly quiet. No one else was in this part of the airport. "Have a seat Ms. Chapin." HR Jose directed her. Hannah did as she was told, sitting down in the uncomfortable plastic chair.

Regional director Marc fumbled with some controls, eventually bringing up a video on a monitor on the back wall. It looked like the footage was from the airport she started at this morning. A very bad feeling growing in Hannah's belly.

"Ms. Chapin, we had a most disturbing complaint registered against one of our flight attendants today." The security footage started to play. Showing Hannah coming in for her breakfast. Her kissing Max. Her and Max really had been about to jump each other's skin before Caspian and Holland separated them.

Just seeing Max, Holland and  Caspian on the screen made Hannah want to go to them. To run away from this meeting. But she needed the job, the insurance and stability. Her dad was depending on her. She had to make this right. Plead for mercy. She had been a model employee until this morning.

Hannah kept watching silently as the version of her on the screen kissed all her new lovers one by one, then the wild frantic kiss she stole from the business man. The one that proved there was something special about the men who had followed her to work that morning. Kissing Max, Holland and Caspian was sparks and fire, leaving her ready to burn in their hands. the hollow, wrong feeling of kissing the stranger had made that obvious. 

The HR Jose was the one who spoke to Hannah when the video was over. Marc, just looked at Hannah like she was worse than dirt under his finger nails. "Do you have anything to say in your defence Ms. Chapin?" Hannah wasn't sure how to explain herself when she didn't understand half of it herself. Instead she just shook her head. Eyes looking at the floor. She was screwed and she knew it.

"I am sorry Ms. Chapin, the nature of your assault on a passenger and the other indecent behaviours engaged in, on airport property dressed in our uniform as shown in this footage are grounds for immediate termination. Please turn over your company ID, security pass, and all other work owned property on your person. Your security clearance has been revoked effective immediately. You will be escorted from the airport after this meeting." Hannah looked at the uniform she was still wearing.

"Uniform as well." Marc added, a look in his eyes made Hannah nervous.

"Where can I change?" Hannah said holding back the tears that were threatening to fall. One morning had ruined her entire life. She wouldn't be able to afford to travel for shows. She lost the honest insurance she had for her dad. Wouldn't be able to maintain her less than above board business. All for some hot men. She felt humiliated and stupid.

Marc looked Hannah up and down. "Afraid we need to witness you changing to ensure you don't have any company property on your person." He said with far too much glee in his voice.

"You can't be serious?" Hannah questioned, hating hearing the tremble in her voice. Wishing she was stronger. She knew that this was wrong. Even if she called out for help, there wasn't anyone nearby to hear her.

The smile Marc gave Hannah was the opposite of warm or comforting. It made Hannah's blood run cold. "Deadly serious I am afraid. Surely you can appreciate the need to ensure all security cards and ID are turned over. Can't be too careful with airport security measures these days." Marc sounded like he was sincerely enjoying making Hannah uncomfortable.

"It's all proper Hannah," Jose added, still using the false, calming tone he had spoken with the entire time. "That is why I am here as a human resource representative, to keep everyone safe from any more... accusations." The pause and change in tone scared Hannah. As she stood up, took off the smart, jacket and started to fumble with the buttons of her blouse.

As Hannah started to undress she felt a rumble pass through the air. Like an air-conditioning unit had shuddered or a very small earthquake had struck. "Caspian?" Hannah whispered as she stopped undressing and turned her head the same moment a nearly wild looking Caspian broke through the locked office door, Holland and Max hot on his heels.

Max looked at Hannah with heartbroken eyes, Holland looked at the two men like he would murder them, and Caspian was standing with his eyes closed breathing deeply. His fingers on his left hand moved like he was counting to five over and over again.

"Max, get Hannah and Caspian out of here. My wolf is gonna shift and tear this place apart, move quick." Holland picked Hannah up. Deeply scenting in her hair the moment he held her before putting her in Caspian's arms. Caspian wasn't as thick or as muscular looking as Holland, the lithe man still had no problem carrying Hannah.

Caspian was scenting his nose through Hannah's hair just as intensely as Holland had, Hannah could feel the muscles under his skin relaxing as he held her. There were several loud crashing sounds behind them as Caspian ran with Hannah out of the airport. Max right at his side with Hannah's suitcase clutched in his arms.

Max and Caspian only stopped moving when they reached a large SUV at the back end of the parking lot. A bewildered and overcome Hannah finally found her voice again. "You can put me down now." She barely whispered.

Caspian's chest rumbled from a sound somewhere between a growl and a purr. "I don't want to." Caspian's voice was rough and gravelly, his nose running through Hannah's hair and along her jaw. Hannah wriggled and Caspian sighed as he begrudgingly put her down on her own feet.

Only for Max to wrap her in his arms and crush her into his chest. "What happened Hannah?" Max asked after he had satisfied his own need to hold Hannah and confirm she was safe.

"I got fired, and the ones who fired me were creeps." Hannah shuddered. Feeling dirty as she remembered their eyes on her. Her eyes went wide as she repeated. "I got fired." A new fear growing. Her stable, good job was gone. Immediately thinking of the next round of bills, and when each was going to be due.

Caspian and Max both wrapped her up in their arms. Nearly crushing her between them. Holland voice interrupted the moment, "Touching moment but we gotta go, an enormous 'dog' just went wild in the airport." A devious smile on his handsome face, as Hannah realised he was stark naked standing in the parking lot where anyone could see him in all his glory. 

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