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"Do you think I should let Judy meet my dad?" Hannah had asked as they walked back towards the pack house and her mates. They were hand in hand, walking at a much less brisk pace than Hannah had set on the way to visit her dad. Only leaving now, because Colton was exhausted and needed to rest. He hadn't exerted himself like that in years, his mind was waking after a dangerously long hibernation. Progress would be slow.

Aspen asked Hannah for a moment to think. First to let his heart and soul react to someone, sincerely and honestly asking him for advice. Someone who loved and respected him as an equal seeking help with a personal challenge. It felt beautiful. Then a second moment to consider all that he knew to be true right now before answering. Trying to take into account all the information he had, before finally replying. Hannah was patient. Letting the sounds of the forest soothe her mind and she thought about things too.

Able to tell that Aspen was considering her choices as hard as she herself was. Hannah was happy to let him have all the time he needed. Knowing his answer would be worth waiting for. When he came to a conclusion after thinking deeply, Hannah was in rapt attention. "Yes. I think they would be good for each other." For very different reasons Aspen kept to himself. Instead pivoting to a practical, and still honest answer as he continued sharing his opinion with Hannah.

"Deloris also said that the medical team were getting ready to start occupational therapy to improve his language and functionality, Judy could be helpful as you adjust to life in a shifter community, and well, the pull to your mates will be near impossible to ignore at first-" Aspen's skin turning the darkest shade of pink as Hannah made a non-committal mumble of a sound. She had gone from almost no personal commitments or real relationships to having her father lucid and present and relationships with four men to juggle. Hannah begrudgingly had to admit that Judy was right, her losing the flight attendant job had been for the best.

Hannah was feeling guilty. She had a miracle right in front of her, she should she felt want to spend every minute possible with her dad, but she had a lot more obligations now than she would have if this change had of happened a week ago- If Colton had of awoken last week, Hannah wouldn't have worked her shifts, she would have taken the time off to be with him and hear new treatment plans, put in the supports recommended. Hannah wouldn't have meet Caspian at the airport, or Holland on his flight. Max wouldn't have seen her at Red, she would have cancelled the show where she met Aspen.

Her dad changed on the way here, to be with Hannah and where she was going to build a home and family.  Living with her mates in her heart and soul had changed Hannah. Every second she only felt more all in for Golden Green. There was so much good here, it just needed help keeping the good and moving it into the modern era. Hannah's brain felt a spark, as something told her that Aspen had more to say if she asked him.

"Why do you think Judy would be good for my dad? Isn't she kind of, um still not fully trust-able?" Hannah broached. Ignoring her own concerns that her father was disabled, and until there were formal competency tests performed, Hannah was unsure if she could be trusted on her own to decide if her father was capable of a relationship in the first place.

"You are the best to judge how much of your father remains after the accident and prolonged semi-comatose state. I know how you felt when you were with him. However, waiting for professional confirmation, is also prudent." Aspen called Hannah out. Loving her enough to go against everything his learned nature said to do, and instead following his soul and love of Hannah, telling her the truth when asked directly.

"I said they would be good for each other. You're a lot like your dad Hannah. He has a truly good heart. I believe also in fate. Many twists of fate have converged, other wise there would be no way my life lead to you.  Twists of fate too many to count, have led you, and your father here. 

Judy is the opposite. She has lived here her entire life, she had known her mate since she was a child. Then was only blessed with one child when she had wanted many. Her mate has died, and she has held together for Max, wanting to shape his life how she had wished her own had turned. Judy doesn't know how to be happy in a life that isn't how she dreamt, her heartbreak is almost breaking her, she is adrift. A wolf without their mate is missing a part of their soul. The Moon Goddess designs her webs as she will with broken apart and joined souls. Judy has been left directionless, her mate has died, and her son is mated, in a more complicated fashion then predicted." Hannah heard every word and felt understanding descend on her.

Hannah was now just left with more guilt, and situations she didn't want to be in. She heard Judy herself say she felt the mate pull stirring, a second chance for her. Aspen, Max and Holland had all shared more and more details about the depth of such a bond. If it turned out to be true, that Judy was fated to Colton just as Hannah had been to Max and Holland. "I feel like I am gate keeping my dad from having a relationship like I have with you, and Max, Holland, and Caspian. He knows mom has been dead for years, he says he remembers time passing, I just don't want to make these choices for him." They were nearly back at the pack house now. One last chance to have her alone before he would need to share her attention.

"Let the doctors decide then, you said you wanted to see the results of some tests? Do that. Stalling, and testing Judy's ability to stay true when the reward isn't immediate is also good for her." And the entire world. Aspen held back. He was more than still wary of Judy. She needed someone who needed her. Colton's body was weak, his mind wasn't. Aspen was more than certain.

"Thank you Aspen." Hannah said, kissing his cheek. He was going to hide and sneak in the side door, Hannah was going to use the pack house hidden stairs. Maintain the charade that Aspen was still working on more boundary lines. "I feel better after being with you." She truly did, and appreciated that he had been honest with her, pushed back to help Hannah find the answer that felt right to her. If this clinic had the right training for the staff, then the tests could be done in a day or too if her fathers energy level could manage it.

Hannah walked back to the pack house, heading to the hall with the hidden door, when she had a sense that more of her mates were in the apartment. Caspian was farther away than he should be. Hannah checked her phone, but the battery had died. Which at least would let everyone off the hook for not messaging her. Though they were almost certainly annoyed at her, just a little bit. Only staying calm because she had been calm. Aspen had also been given a phone of his very own, he didn't ever remember to take it with him. Hannah didn't think he liked having it anyways. She would need to remember to make sure he had it if they ever went anywhere outside the pack together.

Hannah entered the apartment to see Max and Holland, cooking together in the kitchen and it smelled like heaven. Then felt like coming home as both turned to look at her. Bright wide smiles on each of their faces. Exuberance from Max, smouldering heat from Holland. Both looking like they were ready to eat her up when Hannah knew for certain that they had both already had enough sex together to saite most people for the day.

If anything time alone together had only made them more eager to get Hannah between them. She could feel the heat burning from each of them. Hannah's attention was sharply pulled away as Aspen must have reached the basement, and saw no one was there. Hannah knew he was running directly for her, and would be here in a minute. "Wait to tell me why Caspian and Judy aren't here, Aspen is right behind me." A look from Holland.

Just as Daddy Holland was about to scold her for not checking her messages, Hannah held up her phone, clicking the side power button in an exaggerated way to make her point. "Aspen didn't have his either." The door flying open, a worried Aspen bursting in, until he sees a calm Hannah, and very domestic looking Holland and Max actually wearing aprons over their clothes as something delicious smelling cooked on the stove top.

"Caspian took Judy back to her house, so she can change, shower and see if she can start to rejoin normal routines." Holland told Hannah, adding a splash of something from a bottle into whatever was on the stove. Hannah smelled sesame oil bloom as it heat the heat, and got excited by whatever they were making. 

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