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Aspen went to Hannah, curling up on the couch beside her. Blushing a lovely rose shade as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. Whispering that she had missed him. 

The smell of sex was still strong in the house. Holland and Max were hovering in the kitchen now. Max trying to help his mom in the kitchen as she shooed him away. Holland trying to help Max calm his nerves. It was never easy to introduce your mate to your family. Even if your mom was as warm, kind and welcoming as Max's mother seemed as she finished preparing lunch. Compared to two dragons descending from the Sky Judy seemed a peach.

After only a few more moments a trivet was placed on the table with the freshly made pot of soup, garden salad and bread all arranged for everyone to eat family style. "Soups on.” Judy announced loudly.

Everyone moved to the dining table that was just large enough to seat everyone. Max had been on edge and antsy ever since his mother had arrived. It wasn't until everyone was sat at the table eating together that everyone found out what had him so on edge.

Judy was still warm, sweet and welcoming. But the dinner quickly devolved into something closer to an interrogation than a family meal. An intense interrogation, where you had to keep eating, or be guilted into continuing one way or another.

First she politely cornered Caspian with her words. Catching everyone but Max off guard. “Mind explaining to me the dragon incident this morning? I’ve heard ever so much gossip about it, I would hate to get the wrong idea.” Judy’s voice was just as bright and mannerly as ever, a reasonable if delicate question. She lived in this pack, deserved to know what had happened. As succinctly as possible, Caspian answered her. Judy did not stop there. Then it was questions about his entire family history. When she was done with him Caspian thought he might have rathered face Bela instead of Judy on a battlefield.

After Caspian, it was Holland's turn under her focused attention. Her words and tone were nothing less than perfectly polite, chipper even. It soon became clear that she might have some reservations about her only child being mated to an older, male wolf along with Hannah.  Unfortunately for both Caspian and Holland, Judy already knew a lot about their famous families. Caspian made his dragon promise to help ensure that Magnus and Judy were never in the same place at the same time. His temperamental dragon agreed without compromise.

Aspen made it out unscathed, Judy only asked if the soup was ok, she had made one of the few vegetarian meals she knew how to cook. Knowing the Forest Fae was more likely than not was vegetarian. Judy just like everyone else seemed to know that Aspen required a softer touch right now. Caspian was relieved. He felt protective of his flock and didn't want to have tension on their first day together, and certainly didn't want issues with Max's mother.

Last it was Hannah's turn to be under the spotlight. When Hannah revealed that she had lost her job recently, Judy's demeanor changed entirely. Apparently being kidnapped, nearly tortured and having a father in law invade the area, facing down two dragons, all in the past day was insufficent reason for Judy to leave Hannah in peace. Instead Judy seemed thrilled by Hannah loss of employment that Hannah was clearly upset about. "Silver linings dear, silver linings. Soon enough you'll have a pack of pups running around under foot and wouldn't have time for a job anyways." Hannah had paled. Trying to answer or respond after being put on the spot. She wanted kids, someday. She wasn't ready to be a mom yet. 

Soup bowls emptied, bellies full. Max got up and started to clear the table. Hannah joined him, Judy nodding her approval. "Y'all are gonna have to help plan the expansion for the house. It’ll be so nice having a home full of people all the time.” No one responded to that declaration. 

"We’re going to discuss our home plans  together first mom.” Max said, catching his mother off guard. Only for a moment was the expression on her face, before Max continued, not giving her a chance to interrupt him. ”We have a couple of things to take care of this afternoon so once we load the dishwasher I am going to take my mates over to the pack house." Quickly and carefully getting all the dishes sorted, before ushering everyone out of the house and away from his mostly well meaning mother. Who oversaw and mircro managed every single dish and utensil.  Right down to admonishing Hannah for throwing away the last bit of the now soggy wilted salad in the bowl instead of saving it. 

Dishwasher finally running, everyone in a rush to get shoes on and out the door. Judy announced She was going to finish cleaning the kitchen. One last subtle slight. She had been trying to mind link Max endlessly the entire time. She could mind link and keep up conversation without missing a beat. It was unnatural to be able to have two conversations like that. She had been bombarding Max with quips and opinions. Making sure Max knew exactly what she had thought of every answer Holland and Caspian had given. When Max knew both were nothing less than honest the whole time. 

Max had to block her out before she got to Hannah. He didn't need to know. Max was overwhelmed, unable to think of what problems were most important right now. He wasn't a leader, he could carry out someone else's idea, great at organizing people. Pulling the door closed behind him. Everyone jogged towards the path that led to the main pack house. More than eager to get some distance between them and Judy.

“No offense Max, but I think Caspian’s father was easier to deal with than your mother.” Hannah said, only after she looked around, scrutinizing the shadows in the woods. as though worried Judy could be lurking in the shadows.

Everyone laughed, even Max. “She was trying to be nice. She just had some expectations she needs to adjust.” Max had hoped his mom would be better to his mates than she was to other people. He realized that had been folly. That they couldn’t stay in his mother’s house and certainly couldn’t live there with his mates long term. Too many problems, he didn’t know where to start with any of it.  

He felt Holland's hand on his shoulder as Hannah took his hand. Aspen holding Hannah's other hand and Caspian close behind them. His heart rate slowed as Holland casually said, "First, paperwork at the pack house needs signing and faxing. Right Max." Giving Max the answer he needed. He nodded. “Right, so Hannah can be near her father. And he will be well cared for.” Hannah smiled. Yes that was the right answer. He looked up into Holland’s. 

"Then the Beta family should try and find some time alone, so we can discuss what to do after that." Caspians voice rolling so smoothly from behind them. Interrupted Max from trying to thank Holland for taking the lead. 

"I want to see where dad is going to live…" Hannah said voice low and nervous. Aspen understood being scared to say what you actually wanted out loud. Holland, Caspian and Max felt how nervous she was and felt terrible. Which then left Aspen confused. As he watched people who loved each other interact for what might be the first time in his life. 

“Hannah.” Max said, sadness and guilt radiating from him, until Holland gave him a squeeze of his hand. 

“Of course you can see the home, we can go there first, if you want to make sure it’s suitable before you sign anything?” Holland reassured Hannah. Things were moving quickly. Holland had been waiting years to find his mates. He was eager. Max had only been of age a short time. Hannah hadn’t even known she would have mates until this week. Caspian was a dragon, and well they did things their own way. Holland had rushed, he was trying his best. He hated that his baby girl had for even a moment felt like she couldn’t tell Daddy what she needed.

“The home first please?.” Hannah said, just a shade more confidently than she had asked to see it in the first place. Her mind was whirling in a million directions. Judy had talked so quickly and pulled so much information from all her mates. Well except Aspen, thank goodness she had left Aspen alone. Hannah wasn’t sure what she would have done if Judy had pried into Aspen and his past like she had with Caspian and Holland, but it would not have earned her any brownie points with her mother in law. One of her mother in laws. Hannah felt panicked. 

Hannah's mind went spinning trying to map out her family tree. Things got complicated quickly. Everyone had been quiet, thinking to themselves as they changed course slightly to head to the respite home Bryan’s family maintained. “Hannah you can ask for anything, say anything.” Max being the one to interrupt her thoughts as the spun out of control.

Caspian interjected while Hannah was still tongue tied. Years spent on her own had left her with a few sharp edges she was finding hard to let down. “Same goes for you Aspen. This is flock. Flock only prospers when all prosper.” Caspian was oddly solemn. Only Holland and Aspen recognised that the words held more weight than the sentiment they carried. Caspian had claimed all of them as flock, his dragon was accepting all of them and setting the tone he desired to manifest in his flock.  

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