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"I thought it was a little strange I didn't get to try on any shoes with the dress I picked." Hannah kept walking, "I really need to be barefoot?" Hannah asked as her, Holland, Caspian and Max walked from the pack house to the hospital, to check on Colton and Judy. "How long do I have to be barefoot? I don't want anyone to crush my toes." Hannah continued as Max tried to reach his mother to see how things with Colton were going. Judy for once was the one not responding to the mind link, or her phone. Which left everyone feeling worried.

On the way, as a distraction and because there wasn't much time left before the ceremony Cara had planned, Holland and Max told her what to expect of their Mating Ceremony. This one would be just the three of them, Aspen and Caspian had different traditions, and were contend to be on the sidelines for this event, This was for the wolves. "It's very wedding like I guess." Hannah said after Holland added some final details.

A comparison the wolves were not exactly enthused by. "Its symbolic," she tried to soothe their bristling feelings, "I wouldn't have ever had a church wedding, it would have been something that was special to me." Hannah fell back, walking a little closer to Max and Holland, "The Mating Ceremony will mean something to me, because I know it really means something to you both." Squeezing both their hands, feeling that everyone near was feeling good, Aspen was as happy as Hannah had felt, his only concern was Hannah.

Who, was doing very, very absolute best to not panic. Someone would tell her if something had gone wrong. Judy was just busy with something, and Colton didn't have a phone yet. Hannah had texted Emma after her call went unanswered. "Everything is fine, don't worry." in the text reply did not make Hannah stop worrying. No matter how quick the response, Hannah had already gotten more worried the moment her call wasn't answered. 

Trying to distract herself, she kept talking about the mating ceremony. "Dad will be able to come?" Hannah asked out loud, putting her phone away, already knowing one of her mates would carry Colton and anything he needed across the universe for her. Just needing the conversation to keep going, to keep her distracted. She was going to stay calm, not worry until she had to.

"He will be there, and wearing a suit of his own Hannah." Caspian purred at her, his dragon making himself known. If the dragon said so, it would be so. Of that Hannah had no doubts at all. 

Max, Holland and Caspian were discussing the future plans, their home was going to be move in ready tomorrow. It didn't seem possible that the weird blueprint drawing they had shown Hannah was supposed to be a real home they were moving into tomorrow. It didn't seem possible.

Not only was their home on the cusp of move in day. Changes were already starting at the pack. Hannah would be training her performance staff starting next week in a modified combat room. It already had the mirrors, the floor needed to be replaced and a garden of poles had been installed safe distances from each other. Hannah would also be learning to actually manage her business now that there would be employees. Max already had a feeling that there would be some pack members not thrilled, Fae or not. 

Good thing there had already been more than enough dragons and Fae looking for safe homes, places to build real lives. Out with the old in with the new Max and Bryan thought. Both fully aware that there were more than enough packs still stuck in past where those who longed for any kind of intolerant 'Good old days' could do so with other like minded individuals. 

Holland and Caspian had things they wanted to add to the pack life routine, ways they felt they could help and be beneficial. Everything was finally coming together for Hannah and her family, everyony happily talking about the things they were excited and happy about in their future. Hannah was doing her best to get caught up in the optimistic wave, her talk of the mating ceremony had stirred up. There were a million reasons why they were having a hard time reaching Judy and Colton right now. Emma said things were ok. Emma wanted to be helpful, Hannah was trying very hard to trust Emma.

Hannah almost believed in her optimism. Until they reached the top floor of the hospital and saw that the door to Colton's room was firmly shut. Hannah took off at a run, worried, she had never once come to visit her father since the accident and found a closed door. The last home had closed doors at night, and when the residents were unwell. She feared the worst instantly.

Hannah flung the door open, calling, "Dad?!" Before gasping once, stuttering out an apology as her mates were still catching up to her. Closing the door behind herself. When she turned around Hannah's face was redder than a beet root. She awkwardly walked away from the door like she had seen a ghost. "Away. We are going away now." Hannah walked past Deloris, nodding awkwardly. Emma waved, also looking very red at the current situation. 

Deloris couldn't help but chuckle at Hannah, knowing exactly what the poor girl had walked in on. Humans and their modesty. Hannah continued back down the way they had only just walked a moment ago. She didn't say an entire word the entire time as they walked back to the pack house and up to Max's apartment.

She wasn't red when they were all locked into the apartment together. Instead she looked white as a sheet. She couldn't even look at Max right now. Not after what she had just seen.

"Safe to say Judy is going to be safely occupied and Colton will have a more than supportive physio assistant from now on." Caspian said, still skirting around what no one wanted to finally say out loud. Everyone got a little worried as Hannah jumped up from the seat she had only just sat down in, and ran to the washroom and promptly threw up. Max was right behind her, helping to hold her long hair back. While Caspian and Holland shared a look between themselves.

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