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Cara was face down in her phone the entire walk from the pack house to the simple looking two story home that was functioning as the dress boutique for the pack. Aspen had whispered to Hannah that Cara was not only on the phone, but mind linking as well. She was stressed.

Not very long ago, Hannah might have judged against Cara for being rude, and whiny. Hannah was looking at things more closely lately. All Hannah's mates had explained that Luna was like the Queen of the kingdom here. Bryan was in charge, and she was supposed to be by his side. Max was Beta and supposed to be second after the Alpha. Helping the Alpha do Alpha stuff? Hannah was still working on all the details.

Hannah frowned. "Am I supposed to be doing more for the pack?" she quietly asked Aspen. Cara wasn't paying much attention to them, if she answered too, Hannah would accept any advice the stressed seeming Luna gave. Though really, she wanted Aspen to weigh in, he had a lot of knowledge and was very considerate with his opinions. 

Aspen shook his head. "I think you might have already done more to alter the future of this pack than anyone before." Was his reply, as he smiled up at Hannah as they walked hand in hand. Hannah tensed as she saw Judy, though she was also happy to see Caspian at the same time. Aspen knew Hannah's heart just as clearly as he knew the sun was shining right now.

Judy was standing stiff, slightly swaying as she barely shuffled on her feet back and forth. Her hair was immaculately styled, her makeup perfect, an exactly appropriate for the occasion outfit on her body. She really had hoped the appointment would continue, and had put a lot of effort into being ready. Judy looked like the perfect mother in law, prim, polite, and perfectly welcoming towards Hannah. 

Hannah didn't think she would ever be able to forget the moment she had burst into dinner and shouted deviant while pointing at Hannah. Judy did not approve of Hannah and how she had managed to earn enough money to ensure her father was taken care of.

"Judy!" Cara called, a wide plastic smile on her face. "Good to see you out and about again, all is well that ends in a good party right?" Cara said, going towards Judy and leading Max's mother into the shop. Aspen let go of Hannah's hand after one last squeeze. To keep watch on Judy while giving Caspian a moment with his mate.

Alone for a moment. Caspian wrapped his arms around Hannah, stole her lips with his own and pressed a searing kiss on her lips. Hannah gave into him entirely. Her body melted against him, her curves pressed against the hard planes of his muscled body. His dragon near ready to purr as she kissed him back with the same fervour he felt for her. "Tonight, we will fly my love." Caspian rasped into her ear. Breaking their kiss, and moving to guide her inside the house. They would have their moment soon.

Hannah looked at him longingly. She felt like she hadn't spent any time with him recently. She missed him. "Go pick a dress that makes you happy Hannah. Tonight you are mine." He promised. Hannah's mouth went dry as she nodded her head.

"Will we really fly?" She asked, she had seen his dragon, it still seemed impossible that such a massive creature could fly, let alone take her with him to the skies.

"We, my sweet Hannah, will truly fly above the clouds and see the heavens." Caspian promised her.

"Hannah!" Cara called with a shrill voice. Making Hannah wince in response. Hating to pull away from Caspian after getting so little time with him.

"I'll see you tonight?" Hannah asked, already taking the first steps that would lead her inside.

Caspian nodded. "We have a date." He smiled, and made body shiver. One step at a time. She just had to pick a dress. That shouldn't be too hard. Walking up the stairs, Hannah entered the dress store. Though it really did seem like it was just a house from the outside. She had never seen so much white fabric and lace before in her life.

"Shoes off!" A stranger barked at Hannah the moment she had entered the building. Cheeks flashing crimson at being called out like a child, Hannah kicked off her sneakers. Sock feet walking on the carpet to be closer to Aspen. Taking his hand again. Instantly feeling soothed by his presence.

The stranger was a gray haired woman wearing severe looking tortoise shell cat eye glasses. Who apparently had no time to waste on something as mundane as an introduction. "A Beta Mating Ceremony, very important for the pack, and couldn't come at a better time. Now what kind of dress did we have in mind?" The madam in control of the frocks asked the room.

Judy looked like she was going to speak, before she closed her mouth, took a moment to centre herself, and looked at Hannah. "It is most like a wedding Hannah, did you have any thoughts on what your wedding dress would be?" Just asked, slightly awkwardly. Eyes darting between Hannah and Aspen. Judy was nervous.

Hannah was slightly caught off guard, she knew it was a dress appointment but she hadn't ever really thought about getting married. Her dreams had always been a gold medal. So she went with her gut, "Something simple, not lace. Soft?" She heard her voice say, the barest hazy glimpse of what she did want starting to percolate through her mind.

Hannah's off the cuff dress description had been more than enough for the frock minder to start combing through the racks, Judy on her heels offering some suggestions for alternative dresses to those that were picked based on Hannah's not very useful direction.

"She should try at least one ball gown shouldn't she?" Judy pressed the other lady who hadn't yet seen fit to introduce herself by name to Hannah or Aspen.

"Judy, I don't want a ball gown." Hannah said softly. Trying to tread gently without compromising her own desires, or offending Judy and undoing the miraculous progress she had made.

Judy looked at Hannah, actually really looked at the young woman her son had been fated to. The daughter of the yet to be seen man she was certain was her second chance mate. Aspen felt as something inside Judy shifted, moving towards the light and what is good once again. "Clara I think some from the latest season might suit Hannah best could you go and grab a few?" Finally giving Hannah and Aspen a name for the other woman.

Clara hung up the couple of dresses that had already been selected in the dressing room. "Luna Cara, come help me pick from the latest stock." Clara and Cara went up stairs to the newer collections as asked. Though everyone could hear the Luna sigh, loudly when she was asked to put the phone away to hold dresses as Clara pulled them from racks in the back room upstairs.

 Leaving Aspen, Hannah and Judy alone. Judy looked nervous, wringing her hands a few times before shaking them, and standing tall. "I owe you a deep apology Hannah," Judy fumbled with her words. Trying to find the right ones quickly while they had a moment alone. "I was so focused on trying to make sure Max would have a happy life and what I thought that should be that I was willing to do almost anything. I wont make excuses, I was tempted and I failed." Aspen felt Judy as she faced the darkness that had been lurking in her heart, was relieved that Judy was truly trying to make amends. Apologise without excuses, own up to the mistakes she had made.

Hannah wasn't sure exactly how to react, or what to say. Judy kept talking to fill the silence. "Caspian told me how you were working full time, running a company, and doing performances to take care of your father. If I had of been a better person, trusted Max, and our Goddess, and given you a fair chance, then-" Judy's voice broke as she too became lost for words, she didn't ever want to feel how she had felt after giving into the corruption's temptations again. It had been so cold, she had been so alone. She just wanted to know more about the human girl her Maxxie had been fated to. 

Hannah, reached out, wrapping her fingers around Judy's, bringing her back to present moment and time. "I accept your apology Judy, so let's just try and start fresh?" Hannah awkwardly offered. Judy nodded, about to say something else, but they were interrupted as Clara returned overloaded with more white dresses in clear plastic bags, hanging each one up in the dressing room. A huffing Cara behind her, waiting for her own load of dresses to be hung up.

 Hannah could practically feel Judy, wanting to ask about Colton. Managing to barely hold herself back. Being near her, was almost tiring to Hannah, like she could sense the effort and thought Judy was putting into her every move.

Cara clapped her hands, snapping all attention towards herself for a moment "OK Hannah try on the dresses, we don't have much time left for this appointment, we still need to go talk to the planners, and pick florals, and food, and oh-my-goddess there is just so much to do." The Luna dropped herself into a chair, and waved her hand, indicating that Hannah better hop to the dresses now. Hannah looked at Aspen and sighed. This was going to be a long afternoon it seemed.

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