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"Just a kiss." Hannah said. Getting up from her chair. Her fingers tracing over Caspian's back as she walked behind him towards Max. As though she couldn't keep her hands to herself when she was near Caspian. 

Max got up from his chair. "Mate" his voice soft and low like a prayer. Looking at Hannah with far more depth of emotion in his grey eyes than Hannah was ready to see. 

"Just a kiss." Hannah repeated. Max gently moved his palm to cup her cheek. Moving his head down, gently coaxing her head to tilt towards him as his lips met hers. 

Hannah saw stars. The moment his hand touched her cheek she could feel electric sparks. A magnetic pull towards Max. A desire for him blooming in her heart. It was Hannah who moved to deepen the kiss first. Pressing her entire body against Max. Running her tongue across the seam of his lips until his lips parted, their tongues and lips moving to taste each other.

Hannah could feel the swirls of lust getting stronger. Heat and passion that weren't her own making her blood hot. Her hands started to roam with splayed open palms over Max's chest and shoulders. Then his fingers tangled in her hair, their movements becoming frantic. A needy moan fell from Hannah's lips. Suddenly, Holland was pulling Hannah into his lap while Caspian pulled Max back from her, his eyes a bright golden color, teeth that were the wrong shape, too big and too sharp briefly visible in his face before he calmed down and returned to looking human.

"Daddy's got you baby girl." Holland growled into Hannah's ear, his nose scenting her hair as he held her on his knee, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Hannah was shook. She touched her lips, she could still feel the warm tingling on her skin. Now that she wasn't kissing Max, she missed the feeling. 

Hannah swung around straddling Holland, without warning she smashed her lips against his in a hungry kiss. The same sparking feeling igniting in her skin. Hannah pushed back from Holland. Feeling light headed she got up and went to Caspian. Grabbing his stiff button up shirt near his chest she pulled him down, stealing a kiss from him as well. Each man was so different, touched her differently, kissed different. But those strange butterfly tingles under her skin were the same.

Caspian let go of Max when Hannah kissed him, when Hannah stepped back, stars in her eyes, Caspian chuckled "Sorry to stop the fun, just thought you'd rather claim her in bed with your cock in her pussy instead of in the airport." He said quietly to Max who nodded, his eyes never moving away from Hannah. Like he needed her more than the air he was breathing.  

Hannah was bewildered. Before anyone knew what she was doing she stormed over to the cafe on the other side of the hall. Grabbed a man wearing a business suit and turned him around, once again smashing her lips against a stranger while Caspian, Holland, and Max watched and all growled in displeasure at seeing their mate kiss another man. 

The moment Hannah's lips touched the stranger she knew it was wrong. There were no warm pleasant feelings in her belly. In fact it felt repulsive. Dirty. Wrong in every way. She pushed the man away, muttering an apology and started to walk towards the gate her plane was waiting at. Her men running behind her. Max had even gone back to the table and retrieved her suitcase for her.

"Baby girl, Hannah. Slow down." Holland called, catching up to her and taking her hand in his. More of the fluttery sparks along her skin where he touched her.

"There's something wrong with me. With all of you. I need to get to work." Hannah was going into shock. Stuttering her words. Unable to process how her body physically felt, what her heart was telling her while her logical mind tried to make everything make sense again.

She shook her hand out of Holland's grip. Even though she immediately missed his touch. Caspian was beside her. "Hannah, beautiful, I know you have a job to do." He lightly put us hand on her shoulder, slowing her down, getting her to look into his eyes. "Where are you staying tonight? We will meet you at the end and have a real meal together." His voice low and full of seductive promises.

"Have a meal and some drinks, get to know each other better." Holland added, a suggestive grin on his face.

"Please Hannah, give us a chance?" Max implored her, handing her back her forgotten wheely suitcase.

Hannah paused. Looked at the three men begging her for a chance. "You all want to date me?" She managed to sputter out. Still not understanding the mate bond. 

"A dinner date to start, we want all of you Hannah." Caspian said, his beast pushing forward.

"You're it for us baby girl, we're hooked." Holland purred at her with his own seductive voice.

"We will love you, and protect you forever, we just want a chance to prove it to you." Max was sweetly earnest. His words pulled her over the edge. Giving in.

"I finish in New York tonight." Giving them the address of her hotel that evening and the last flights details, and her cell phone number.  Her real actual one. Noticing the time on her phone she realized she was nearly late for her shift. 

Already walking away, "Shit. She exclaimed. "I gotta go, I'll see you guys tonight? All of you?" She asked nervously. Her body already uncomfortable with the small amount of distance she had put between them. Turning around one last time, to look at each of them.

Caspian, looking like she was taking his heart with her, Holland's gaze smouldering with heat as he focused on her, and sweet Max who had kissed her hard enough to make her toes curl, and left her wanting more. Not wanting to go to work, knowing how badly off it would leave the other flight crew if she called in sick, was the only reason Hannah kept her feet moving towards her day job.

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