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Crazy. The electronic speaker spoke for Colton. Reiterating that what his daughter and her whatever they all were wasn't possible.

Just like Hannah seeing would be believing. "Max, could your wolf fit in this room?" Hannah asked? Tossing a blanket from the foot of the bed at Caspian and Holland.

"Max looked at the open space in the room. "Yes, we should fit?" He said nervously, taking his shirt off as Caspian and Holland unfurled the blanket between them, setting up a privacy wall for Max so he didn't have to get naked in front of Hannah's father. Aspen closing the door to the room.

Not possible. Why is he getting naked? The electronic voice spoke again for Colton, as Max stepped out of his pants, and shifted quickly and easily into his white wolf, Holland dropped his side of the blanket, and it was clear that where Max had stood, a wolf now was, and there was no way to hide from the truth. His daughter was with a young man who could turn into a wolf. Men that could become wolves were real. Other than being glad he wasn't losing his mind, Colton was at a loss for what he should think now. Everything about the whole world just changed completely.

Max did not stay shifted very long. Just long enough to make the point very clear to Colton. Caspian and Holland held the sheet up again, for Colton's modesty, and Hannah's. Colton did not need to see how any of Hannah's boyfriends looked under their clothes. Knowing she was with that many men was more than enough for Colton to be aware of in regards to his daughter's sex life thank you very much.

Max quickly got dressed. Hannah finally got to introduce her father to all the men she loved, who were her family now. Their family now. Holland and Max the wolves, Caspian her dragon prince. Aspen was quiet, sitting by Hannah as her mates had a chance to prove themselves worthy of her affections from her father.

They didn't know that as long as Hannah was happy, cherished and cared for, Colton was going to be happy for his daughter. Aspen was learning to love moments like this with Hannah, rooms of good people who all wanted to be true family to each other. It was unlike anything Aspen had ever experienced on such a grand scale. Five whole people plus himself in the room, and not a single ill will in the room. Bliss, it was pure bliss to be with Hannah. Until a slight tremble of uncertainty, insecurity, worry rippled from down the hall.

Aspen knew that aura well now, he turned to see Judy, dressed up in a slightly too formal floral day dress, carrying a basked over loaded with baked goods. Fresh makeup and lipstick on her face, her blonde hair similar to Max's only even more pale perfectly combed to shine. Judy was very nervous. Her eyes darted to Caspian and Aspen. "I didn't think I should be alone, I didn't know where to go, I didn't mean to come here until Hannah said I could." Judy shifted on her feet nervously. "I brought muffins, and scones, and rolls, and cinnamon rolls. A few cookies" Judy presented her basket, looking nervous as she plastered a smile on her face to try and hide her feelings.

Everyone was frozen in place. Hannah no longer had any doubts that her father was perfectly himself. He had more than held his own in conversation with each of Hannah's mates. Caspian and Aspen both realised they had left Judy alone. She was fine, but they had screwed up the moment Hannah panicked. No one knew what to say, how to react now that Judy was here. Until the now familiar robot voice called out "Cinnamon Roll". Followed by a "Please" a moment later when no one had moved or reacted.

Hannah looked at Judy. No more waiting for a good time when they could be right now. "Dad, this is Judy, Max's mom. She would like very much to meet you." Hannah said, turning to see as a beautiful, hopeful smile hesitantly started to bloom on Judy's face. Hannah gathered up her mates. "Dad, Judy is a wolf like Max. She really wanted to meet you. I'll check in with you this afternoon." Hannah said to her dad, before ushering all her mates out of the room.

"Someone should stay with Judy." Aspen started to say, worried about leaving her alone. Again.

"Deloris is outside the room." Hannah answered. Caspian started to protest.

Hannah turned to Caspian and held up her hand. "No. You and Aspen both left her alone when you thought something was wrong with me. Neither of you thought she was a threat anymore. Her and my dad get the same chance at fate that I did. That we all did. I'm not stopping this Caspian." She told him, defiantly. It was a dare Caspian was not going to take up. Hannah was right, he, Aspen and his dragon had all been content to leave Judy alone to go to Hannah when she had seemed in need. The hospital was protected, Emma and Deloris were nearby to keep an eye on the situation. The entire place was full of wolves and now one, unidentified shifter in Deloris.

Caspian turned tail, to go and speak to Emma. Turns out that she would get her chance to help after all. Caspian filled Emma in, and ensured personally that everyone's phone numbers were in her phone and that if anything should change towards Darkness she should call immediately, and try everyone over and over until she reached someone. Emma nodded. Pride flooding her that she was being trusted. The dragon was quiet, All was well. With almost a skip to his step Caspian ran to catch up with Hannah and the rest of her mates.

Hannah went to Max. Wrapping herself around his arm, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Anything we need to do for the pack today? Anything I can do ahead of the mating ceremony. Cara said Friday." Max turned to look over his shoulder.

"We don't but Caspian and Holland need to get measured for suits, and really the sooner the better." Grumbles from both men, but knowing Max was right. They needed to play their parts for the pack, this was their home and they were both dedicated to their home with Hannah. Step one of enacting Bryan's new direction for the pack needed to include Holland and Caspian showing they weren't going to try and usurp any power from the rightful Alpha and Beta.

Unhappy they needed to take some time away from Hannah just when they all had a chance to be together, Holland and Caspian did their duty and headed towards the dress boutique. Hoping it would at least be a quick appointment for them. Caspian could at least take minor solace knowing that Max and Hannah could catch some time together after being apart under stressful conditions.

Hannah was still wrapped around Max. She felt like she hadn't seen him in far too long. Aspen was walking beside them. More than happy beside Max and Hannah. Max had never loved anyone like he loved Hannah and Holland. Hannah was the same with her mates. The two of them together stirred lovely feelings in the air around them.

Aspen felt like he had work to do. Caspian's dragon had claimed the packs boundary as his own as no dragon had dominion here. Aspen wanted to finish what he had started, he wanted to continue to build his own wall of protection around the pack. Protect as much of the beautiful forest as he could. This was his contribution to the pack that would be his home. He could build the protections quicker than Caspian, and link them with the power of the trees themselves. Promising Hannah he would see her again soon, he went to work on the wards. There was no much here to protect. Giving Max and Hannah time alone. Promising that he would be back before dinner time so they could all eat together.

Max looked down, at the beautiful, wonderful woman on his arms, positively joyful when she looked up through her lashes into his eyes, with just as much love radiating back to him. "Walk with me?" She nodded. Hannah had discovered she really did love walks in the woods.

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