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Judging by the map that Bryan had provided, they had their work cut out for them to ward the entire pack land. There was significantly more land under Bryan’s pack’s control than Caspian had imagined. There were literal acres of farmland and pasture, including a Christmas tree farm, undeveloped land. So much land in fact that the resort Damon Black planned to open, could be easily placed far enough away from the farm, that anyone who wanted to see the ranch and horses, would be able to make a day trip of it while on their retreat. While city folks who would have found any sights, sounds and smells of farm life offensive to their person would be well insulated and protected from anything on the farm.

It was a half brilliant idea Caspian had to admit to himself as he and Aspen decided to start with the immediate area around the pack and family homes. Then a very secure perimeter around the home they would be staying in. Until they could fast track development of their own home. Hannah and Aspen were precious and needed to be kept safe.

“We will start with a simple ward to discourage most from wanting to cross; with a trigger if something tries to cross anyways.” Caspian said to Aspen as they reached the perimeter. It was nice that the trees were marked to help guide them. Caspian wasn’t an expert at map reading.  Aspen nodded. Looking at the ground. He hadn’t spoken very much yet.

Caspian watched carefully as Aspen briefly glanced up, noticing they had arrived at their starting point. His brow furrowed in confusion. “I thought I had missed the ward?” Aspen said moving his hand through the air, taking a few hesitant steps until he knew he was certainly past the tree marked border. ”I thought I had put Hannah in danger.” Aspen finally looked at Caspian. Directly making eye contact as he asked his indirect question.

“There never was a ward here. You didn’t miss anything, and it was my father that put Hannah in canger. I can feel your magic in her, you did everything you could to ensure Hannah was as safe as you could make her.” Caspian was the only one of their mates that understood that Aspen and Hannah were linked, she wasn’t quite fae. Nor was she quite human anymore either. Human and Forest Fae bonding was practically unheard of. Mostly because the Forest Fae were nearly wiped out. Those who still lived and were known, were slaves like Aspen had been.

“She is still Hannah, just as she was. Nothing has changed for her. My soul is hers. My life is hers.” Aspen said. Certainly the most words he had spoken in a row. He was passionate about Hannah. That was good. Caspian deeply hoped Aspen could move beyond his past. 

Caspian nodded, “Let’s start the first binding point.” Caspian gently suggested to Aspen. Only with words, not his gift. Aspen jumped to arrange the salt rune, incanting every moment to imbue the mark with all the power he could, Caspian watched as Aspen tied the rune to the fungus around the roots of the trees, imploring the fungi to move salt from the earth to the rune. Keeping it strong as long as the forest continued to thrive. It was beautiful and elegant. So unlike how most used magic in the modern world. Most modern magic users treated magic more as a cudgel to beat reality into a new form. Caspian praised Aspen, only once he was certain the bind was complete. Not wanting to risk interrupting the delicate process.

Aspen looked at his hands and then Caspian. His beautiful eyes that matched the forest around them glistening as he near teared up. “I asked and the forest listened.” Aspen was trembling. Overwhelmed by his emotions and the rush of using his own true magic for the first time in so long. Every moment linked to the forest reminded him of who he was. 

Caspian went to the small delicate man, and wrapped him in a hug. Aspen went stiff at first. Still so unaccustomed to physical affection. Then slowly at first melting into Caspian’s chest. Finally letting go of everything he had been holding back. Breaking down into body wracking sobs. Nearly choking himself on his emotions as everything from the weekend, including this moment finally truly sank into him. He was free. He was loved. It was more than he had hoped to experience, and this was only the beginning.

Caspian held Aspen as he moved from the hurricane of emotions that had nearly choked him, to slowly winding down to a soft storm. He had been quite and nearly still for several minutes when he finally spoke. “There isn’t any master.” Caspian knew it was a question.

“There is no master. Only you, and now your bond to Hannah. Holland, and Max are now bonded, To each other and Hannah, and I am Hannah’s. This is flock and family.” Caspian paused. Giving Aspen a chance to let the words settle in his mind. “Holland and I do not plan to claim each other, we have discussed and while we are more than affectionate towards each other, we are each Hannah’s and that is enough for us. I also have no plans to claim Max. I believe he feels the same, though if he feels different he and I will discuss that between ourselves. You are free to do as you choose, so long as Hannah is Happy. Everyone is part of my dragon’s flock and will be cherished, respected and protected.” Aspen turned his head to look up at Caspian.

“I can just be Hannah’s?” He asked.  His voice conveying that he hadn’t even considered that would be a possibility. “If I only wanted to be with Hannah?” Aspen asked, being very brave while very scared. Caspian hated feeling his fear, he hoped he could help rid Aspen of some of the fear buried in his heart.

“You Aspen, can decide to do whatever you will from now until the end of your days. As long as Hannah is happy.” Aspen looked positively frozen at Caspian’s words, until Caspian reminded him. “She was the one who claimed you as her own first remember.” Caspian loved seeing the fear recede from his eyes. 

Aspen slowly got to his knees, taking a deep breath, saying a prayer to the woods to give him some strength, before looking and smiling up at Caspian shyly. “Then we should keep working to protect the first perimeter now so we can get back home to our… to our family.” Stumbling over the word he hadn’t had cause to ever use, feelings he couldn’t understand. Good feelings.

“We should, it shouldn’t take too long to circumnavigate the village, and you are amazingly quick binding the runes.” Positively basking in the true smile Caspian got from the Fae man in thanks for the honest and earned praise. 

Aspen nodded, leading the way along the trail of the border. Caspian only smiled harder watching the dainty man take the lead, and already feeling quite attached to his latest flock mate. Not his own mate. For him there was only Hannah, her other mates were extra garnish on an already perfect plate. 

Fifty feet or so from the first bind they stopped to set another one. Repeating the process as the two made their way first around the actual perimeter, and then making their own markings on the map to show the protected area as it now existed. They would expand and alter the points as needed. Aspen was certain he could move the runes easily after testing his magic several times for the wards. Caspian working to link them all together and tie them to the map. It was going to be a pain to duplicate the now enchanted map when he was finished, but a required effort to ensure the Alpha and Beta families both had access to the information. It was always safer to have built in redundancies in protection plans. 

A long walk and hours later, a very tired Caspian and Aspen made it back to their temporary home. A woman neither Caspian or Aspen knew was in the kitchen. Cooking something at the stove that smelled delicious. Holland and Hannah were curled together in a corner of the couch, when Max appeared from around the corner, catching Aspen and Caspian off guard, Holland getting up from the couch standing behind Max, “Um hi, I’d like to introduce you both to my mom-” Max looked towards his mother as she turned around, smiling warmly at Caspian and Aspen. 

“I am so glad to meet you both, Judy.” She announced her name,” I would come right on over just this minute to hug you both but the soup is just coming together.” A warm, radiant smile from Max’s mom had Caspian and Aspen almost instantly more at ease. She turned back, taking a hand blender to blend the soup together in the pot. Something that smelled very, very good was also in the oven. “Lunch is going to be ready in just a minute now, so go settle in with your mates and we can get to know each other over a nice meal.” The southern twang to her voice only made her more charming and disarming. Caspian couldn't understand why Max was so anxious.

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